DWC 2nd Run

hygrozyme kills old roots but it doesnt keep the bacteria from making your roots rot. Thats kinda a endless cycle... Bacteria is rotting your roots and then the hygrozyme is killing the rotted roots. You will never fix your issue lol! Good luck and i hope you can get your root issue resolved.. it sucks growing and having problems sometimes. Dont get discouraged! I like when things go wrong and i have to step up and accept the challenge to fix them! Once you start using beanies and have zero root problems i believe you might enjoy hydro a little more! P.S. i might have already said this but i have reservoir temps of 90 degrees on the very hot days.

Been a while since iv updated I have been threw alot with this silver haze but iv managed to fix her she is growing great now :) roots are mostly white and I took a few clones off her that are doing good no roots yet but it's only been 4 days
Awesome!! Congratz! I love seeing roots when i clone haha! You can go ahead and put them in the solo cups so the roots dont dry out. Once you see the roots is when i personally put them in soil or hydro setup. Did you use cloning gel?
I personally plant the clones and then water them. Im not sure if this is the right way to do it but it works for me! As far as watering it just depends on your conditions. My clones i didnt have to water but every like 5 days or so. Just pick up the cups and you can tell. They will be light when they need watering. They will feel like air lol... My soil mix is so light when dry it literally feels like you are picking up nothing in a small container like a cup. Once planted it wont take long for them to outgrow the cups! Be prepared to transplant them in a week or two. I use a hard 20 oz wide plastic cups from dollar tree to plant in. I drill holes all in the bottom and sides. You will see the roots coming out the holes and thats when i get ready to transplant to there final homes.
Thanks Tamir she's been a pain but I think she sone pretty good for being ran threw by my dog who snapped branch a few weeks ago lol

Lmaoooo ouch... Yea that's tough. But she's a trooper and will turn out amazing in the end. Keep ur dog far away.lol
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