Enr0n's Grow From Scratch On A Budget

Setting up my proposed nute feeding schedule today. Since I have what looks like almost all the supplements I need a plan of action in providing all the correct nutes as the plants needs them. I am using RO water and watching how the plan receives her nutes if important to me.

In addition I have been reading up on LST, cloning etc... so when the time comes I will be able to make a decision and be able to accomplish the task.

This link on Air Layering: Air Layering :) to clone a plant is something similar to what I have done with Chinese Elms before and it seems like a way that you could transplant a branch from a mother plant that will have a viable root system.

In addition there is a technique of rooting a limb in order to expedite a group planting of trees to resemble a forest. I wonder if that technique would work on say my CG or Pipeweed that I will be starting soon. :confused:
Did work on the intakes today filtering the air to the room. For the AC vent I used as a passive intake system I received a free mosquito head net. Sine the vent was tight to the 2x4 at the bottom took 2 SS thumbtacks and pinned the headband for the netting at the bottom. Then simply stretched the netting over the frame of the vent. The vent opens and closes properly and all of the extra netting can be folded up against the vent opening to provide additional layers to the filter if need be.
Sure, I have plans to make a mother/daughter clone by air layering a limb and then if need be put it in a cup to allow the roots to grow before she is transplanted. Both plants will be on the same light cycle.
I believe the daughter will have less overall bud weight but it probably would be more that if it were a branch. Something different to try.
Its' Thursday and I have been monitoring the temp and rh in the main grow area. I grew up with 24 hour clock so all time is in 24 hr format. The exhaust fan remains on 24/7. The inner doors are for the partition outer door refers to the door to enter the room from outside.

Observations and data recorded:
8-18-20 Temp RH Notes/Observations
1500 29.2 55 All doors closed LED on outer door open 20" circulating fan on highest setting
1600 29.3 51 Shut outer door
1700 29.2 50 Outer door cracked 1/2", Opened inner room door
1800 28.8 51
2000 25.4 62 Circulating fan turned off, all doors closed
0545 20.6 79 Circulation fan placed on lowest setting
0900 23 64 Circulation fan off
1000 24.2 61
1100 26.3 53 Start germ on CG (2 seeds) and PW (1 seed)
1200 26.5 51
1300 26.8 50
1800 28.3 47
1900 27.7 48 Circulation fan on
2030 30.1 44 Circulation fan off
2230 25.1 52
0730 26.6 45

Looked at seeds soaking in water and one of the CG seeds has started a tap root.
All over checking the environment. I like it. I also like your temp is in celsius as I know what that is :laugh: First taproot is always a good start.

I noticed this in your signature too 'Piss poor planning precludes piss poor performance'. We were taught prior planning and preparation prevents piss poor performance.
:thumb: True and one of the benefits of being prior service (artillery) has taught me that good planning knowledge and research are essential to success. I tend to over analyze things. I know that controlling the environmental factors of the indoor grow is something that is paramount to success. Since an indoor grow is new to me I have been reading taking notes etc... I am sure that sooner or later I will be asking for help and I am positive that all the members of the forums will contribute what they can.
Hey @Enr0n

Nice looking build so far!

I can't comment on soil grows, but looks like you've got some of the best persons in here to help!

I'm along for the show, and also if you go into the cabinet forum there are a few light baffle builds that are spot on.
:thumb: True and one of the benefits of being prior service (artillery) has taught me that good planning knowledge and research are essential to success. I tend to over analyze things. I know that controlling the environmental factors of the indoor grow is something that is paramount to success. Since an indoor grow is new to me I have been reading taking notes etc... I am sure that sooner or later I will be asking for help and I am positive that all the members of the forums will contribute what they can.
I have a feeling you'll knock it out the park, and as you say, if you get stuck at any point there's always someone here that will know how to help. Looking forward to seeing how it all goes.
After all the positive reviews I will be using Fox Farms Ocean soil. Going with mylar emergency blankets instead of Panda.
Total of $433, all amounts rounded up.
$45 FFOF 3 bags
$100 FF Dirty Doz starter pack
$160 Mars Hydro package
$45 Grow Bags 7 gallon
$20 Mylar
$44 Seeds
$16 40x Loupe
$3 Solo cups
$0 Fans
$0 Venetian Doors
$0 Heater
Yes white paint did come into my mind. I also read somewhere on the forums that plain white copy paper has good reflective properties. The mylar blanket I have hung is really thin and using a thumbtack alone to hang it will cause it to tear. I have cut a small pieces of duct tape and affix it to the mylar wherever I want to attach it and then push the thumbtack through it. The mylar blanket does have some creases in it from being folded but not bad and them seem to be getting more relaxed as time goes on.

The grow area for the TS1000 is 3x3 veg and 2.5x2.5 flowering so my thoughts are that the girls will be positioned directly under the light to remain in the "sweet spot" and the mylar will reflect the light to the sides. I know that the lighting area is a bit small but the grow is for my personal medication not a cash crop.

My thoughts on the creases are that they will reflect lights at different angles to the side of the plant but not interfere with the lighting and growth of the plant. Time will tell.
I have cut a small pieces of duct tape and affix it to the mylar wherever I want to attach it and then push the thumbtack through it.
Adapt and overcome hey mate. Will do fine I'm sure. Won't be long and you'll have all the meds you need. :yummy: :yahoo:
Okay been analyzing data and after referencing a few VBD charts in preparation of putting the seeds into soil. I made a dome to help raise the RH for the seedlings, also had to cut the solo cups down to about 1/3 so the seedlings can have some room to grow while under the dome.

The RH has been running in the low 50's with temps in the 27-29C range so I am trying to raise the humidly in the dome to affect the PH in the soil to the blue zone for the temp ranges that are occurring.
It's hard to read due the abrasions on the plastic but it is available and IMHO work well.
28C and 60 RH
Here is the side with the black vent that you can close or open, the RH rose 1% in the time it took me to walk around and take the picture so I believe it will work.
The TS1000 light is 14" away from the top of the solo cups and it is at 100% power. Later today I will place them in the cups and keep the light on 24/7.
Seeds in solo cups in dome.
Monitoring them so far the temp and RH are undesirable. Will either have to lower temp or raise RH.
TIme Tmp/RH
1100 28.5/60
1600 30.4/54

I know that once the water in the solo cups starts evaporating then it will raise the humidity. But I still have to figure out how I am going to control the environment in the dome to keep the seedlings in a happy environment. :) The way I see it is that I have two variables I can control, temp and RH.

1. Will the amount of water evaporated during the time the seeds are below the soil be sufficient to raise the RH?
2. If not then which would be easier to control the temp or RH?

I think that the RH is the easiest variable to adjust due to the fact that the room has no AC. After the seedlings are replanted in the open room I can adjust the RH by hanging wet towels on the wall. So I have to miniaturize that and here my my solution. Place ice cubes in the dome in small containers made of aluminum foil.

Open to suggestions.
Figured it out, just mist the inside of the dome and create moisture. DUH :thedoubletake:

Misted inside of dome and observed this:

1900 29.3/56 Opened outer door to room 20 inch fan on low
1905 29.1/60
1907 29.1/61 Closed outer door
1908 29/62
1910 29/62

Feeling gooder about this now.:cheesygrinsmiley:
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