Enr0n's Grow From Scratch On A Budget

Got up this morning outside temps had dropped and there is a light fog. :)

Dome and tops of cups were dry but the environment was desirable: 24.9/70 which on the vbd chart I am using the plant is in the propagation range
Misted soil and replaced dome and:smokin:,drank some coffee and checked on my outdoor plant has been abused in every way a newbie can.:yummy: Went back to check on the younguns and when I left they were in the propagation range with a temp/RH of 25.5/71
Got up this morning and both the CG plants had sprouted. Dampened soil slightly around edges of cup to assist in keeping the RH up.
CG#2 already has the tiny showing of new growth. CG#1 is still fighting to open up and PW is emerging more. Can already tell that by 1500 will have to monitor close or temps will rise and PH fall and get seedlings in undesirable conditions. SO the word of the day is vigilance.
Well made it through the heat of the day, raised light to 24" as recommended by Mfr. Had to mist floor in front of seedlings to keep the RH up to accommodate the temps. All 3 seem to be adapting to their new environment well.
CG#1 grew a bit more than I expected but at least that tells me she is strong. :)

If you look closely you will see the remains of the seed hull at the base of the cup in the lower right. That is CG#1
CG#2 grew almost a 1/4" and PW grew 1/4" today. Keeping them on a 24/7 light schedule when they develop a bit more will switch lights to 18/6. Weather hot tomorrow, but they seem to like it. For shits and giggles tomorrow I am going to make a CO2 generator and when I dome them will put generator in the dome also.
Thanks VetSmoke85, frustrated today with the heat :( Temps in the grow room got near 33 with low RH. Since I have an unfinished concrete floor I misted the floor in front of the circulating fan quite a few times. So far no new evident veg growth of leaves. Will have one more jot day anticipated and depending on hurricane Laura will depend on the weather could get up to 4" of rain Thursday/Friday. Only time will tell. No pics of the young uns but my newbie abused bag seed plant growing outdoors is finally starting to get some real trichomes on her.
Dunno when she will be ready for harvest.
hey @Enr0n I see you finally made your journal.
congrats on reciving the seeds.
i read throuhg the posts and did not notice anyone talking about isolating the room. By isolating i mean getting a thick white plastic and plastic all the wooden walls, ceilings, floors. You don't want moisture and heat to penetrate to the wood as it will have baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad results! Also make sure all your plastic conections are taped properly.
A good cheap to raise RH inside the domes, toss a soaked sponge inside (toss wet inside microwave for 10 sec to sterile first).
Thanks I also have been using damp paper towels. Looks like I am going to need a dehumidifier sooner than I thought. Seedlings have already gotten a new set of leaves develop better. Not much vertical growth so I presume that they have been getting their root growth developed.
Busy day today with other aspects of the home, but will do my best to keep these boring updates coming. @PK1 Thanks for the info on isolating the room. :)
Went and got a dehumidifier today that should assist in controlling environment . Thanks @PK1 I was going to get this grow over and during cleanup access conditions and make improvements.

Wasn't very long after setting up and setting desired RH levels the system started reducing the RH to the desired level of 66 due to temp has been around 30C.

Placed the dehumidifier(DH) next to the fan in the doorway because exhaust fan for the DH is right next the 20 inch fan. The way I see it is that the exhaust air going through the circ fan will assist in cooling the air. In the box I have my FFOF soil and my 7 gal grow bags. The bags will fit in the aluminum baking pan nicely so I can monitor runoff.

Seedlings grew nicely today new leaves are pointing towards the light. When i repot will go directly in 7 gal bags and lights adjusted accordibgly.
Wet nice well thought out setup! This should be a fun grow to watch :thumb:
Thanks, and Thank you to all who have commented on my attempts to grow my meds to the best of my ability.

Got up this morning and went to check on the seedlings and as I suspected the 20 pint tank in the DH was full. Temp was too low for the RH. Emptied tank and stared DH again. 30 minutes later temp/RH in the blue zone.

I know that the seedlings were in an undesirable environment for at least a couple of hours but could that have helped pick up some essential nutes?

Anyhow climate agreeable now and new growth is evident to the naked eye.
DH and RH has nothing to do with nutri uptake. That is PH and for soil its usually around 6.4-6.6 ish
you also don't need to ph your feeding for soil. if you find that your humidifyer isn't doing justice at night then make a towel wet and put it in that room. It will help to bring the humidity up
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