Feasibility of adding spirulina to a high brix soil?


New Member
Hi all, thanks once again to this forum and particularly a gentleman here named Doc Bud who indirectly turned me onto and thus sparked furious research on the subject of high brix gardening.

Please bear in mind that in general I consider myself an enthusiast of much and an expert in nothing...But never been afraid of potentially looking stupid for asking a question, I figure even the so-called experts got that way using a similar mindset...I was born without shame anyhow :-P

I'll preface w this: Im a tweaker by nature, and no not the crystal meth variety either, lol no thanks I'm good :-P I both appreciate and understand science, its sorta the foundation of what I do professionally :)

So for my potentially ridiculous and far out question of the day: Anyone have any thoughts about the potential feasibility of using this as an amendment? If u look at spirulina u quickly find that its widely considered the worlds most nutrient dense food, with over 100 nutes in it, some in some really far out, nearly unbelievable ranges. Maybe because of this density or ranges/ratios it could make it unsuitable for a high brix soil amendment? I cant possibly b the only bloke out there whose thought of this...Maybe w some math and a bit of tweaking it could become useful and maybe even somewhat simplify a high brix soil mixture, I dunno, any thoughts? Bueller?

...or maybe it has potential to bring a foliar tea or soak over the top? Or maybe I'm chasing a ghost here...

My thinking here is simple, the best inputs will usually show the best outputs, start w the very best and usually one can expect the very best end result.

Since I've only just begun my journey down this path, maybe the question is a bit premature admittedly but I'm curious and I thought that at the very least it would bring some of the high brix gods out of the woodwork and into the discussion...

...and that's why most of us r here right? To discuss ideas and learn something useful and practical to add to our chops? Devil's in the details, as its often said, and I don't know anyone w any level of passion in whatever they do that won't at least entertain an idea that could give that little edge...

Thanks, Moosest out, hopefully I'm not the only visitor to this thread :-P

Peace, love and a greener tomorrow :)
I like the creative idea.

Let me finish one of your sentences for you....
If u look at spirulina u quickly find that its widely considered the worlds most nutrient dense food

A plant's digestive system is nothing like a human's. I really don't think a nice thick steak will help my plant at all... but would surely attract pests!

Of course, having said all those negative words, I'm curious as well. If you give it a try, be sure to share your results with us.... preferably in a grow journal.
I also notice that a search of Google on the subject returns some interesting results....
I like the creative idea.

Let me finish one of your sentences for you.... FOR HUMANS.

A plant's digestive system is nothing like a human's. I really don't think a nice thick steak will help my plant at all... but would surely attract pests!

Of course, having said all those negative words, I'm curious as well. If you give it a try, be sure to share your results with us.... preferably in a grow journal.
I also notice that a search of Google on the subject returns some interesting results....

Thanks for chiming in Tead. Funny analogy for sure but comparing spirulina powder to a nice thick steak wasn't quite what i had in mind :-P

And yup, its for humans, which somehow automatically precludes it from garden use without further investigation? Eh, not sure that's quite enough to completely squash the idea yet...

When u look at the numbers in spirulina u can't help but ask the question (lol at least that's what I thought). My concern is more about the potential problems w the mineral ratios and such, having read that this is a primary variable in making a viable high brix soil, too much of the right stuff can b equally as bad as deficiencies...

With regard to this "grow journal" u speak of, once i relocate and get settled a bit i fully intend to, just gonna take some time. Definitely looking forward to that tho!

Thanks again for the input bro, peace :)
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