Super Soil vs High Brix Soil: What's the difference?


New Member
Hey guys. Big time researcher here. I wanted to see what you guys thought of the whole super soil recipe vs. the high brix soil.

I have no idea whats the difference?

my super soil recipe is this : Base mix- 1part promix, 1part buckwheat hulls, 1part ewc
amendments- 1 cup kelp, 1cup fishbone meal, 1cup alfalfa meal
mineral base- 2 cups rock dust, 1cup dolomite lime, 1cup gypsum, 1cupgreensand

hard to get the recipe for high brix because of the lack of info out there but what I got is this: Heres the list of stuff!
Vermicrop soil first time user
Worm Castings
Alfalfa Meal

Calcium mix:
Rock Phosphate

Compost tea:
This was copied from the thread, "high brix method"

What is the difference? what would you do different with the soil?
imo the high brix soil is just a hybrid of the super soil. Hope to get the experts in here and hash this out!:peace:
Re: super soil vs. high brix soil. Whats the difference??

I never used neither, cause I grow in my own homemade mix, but I follow a lot of grows of both type, and my understanding is that High Brix is a light mix followed with strong, but not too strong drenches, foliar feeding and inoculations, which help a plant to establish stronger immunological system and provide full balance of minerals without pushing anything too much. And SuperSoil is something of an organic steroid approach trying to cook as much minerals and nutrients for full growth of the plant, and then you only use pure water without fertilizing anything. Also, you don't measure brix here as what you're trying to do is to push more bud growth and resin production just in order to get an excellent quality product smoke-wise and taste-wise. Well, I never tried a smoke from neither types of grows as I mostly smoke my own, but would be interested to try double-blind :smoke2:
Re: super soil vs. high brix soil. Whats the difference??

There is supersoil(subcool), then there's TLO, then there is ROLS, then there is LOS. The latter is what you are checking out in my journal. Good to be a researcher! Knowledge is out there if you're willing to wade.
Re: super soil vs. high brix soil. Whats the difference??

I believe, And I'm sure someone will correct me if I am wrong, that The Doc Bud kit contains synthetics. Veganics by Kyle kushman contains 2% synthetics according to him. IMO this makes these 2 styles of growing something I wouldn't want to try. The doc bud pictures look really nice though. Lots of folks are digging the kit. Lots of folks also dig the FF 3 part "organic based" nutes. To each their own. ;)
Re: super soil vs. high brix soil. Whats the difference??

I believe, And I'm sure someone will correct me if I am wrong, that The Doc Bud kit contains synthetics. Veganics by Kyle kushman contains 2% synthetics according to him. IMO this makes these 2 styles of growing something I wouldn't want to try. The doc bud pictures look really nice though. Lots of folks are digging the kit. Lots of folks also dig the FF 3 part "organic based" nutes. To each their own. ;)

Honored to have you here! I have been on your thread most of my day, almost done. Im really digging your info. Thank you for clearing that up. I knew something was up when I read a intro to high brix. The results looks amazing with it but I rather lean on the side of some good ol fashioned organics. I will be following you around!RoorRip
Ye a couple years ago i looked into super soils & brix soil mix's but the thing is rock dust !

Rock dust minerals/nutrients are not readily available when a fresh mix is put together, as it takes many soil microorganisms to break them down & make them accessible for the plants to use... aka several months or more.

So in the short term off an indoor grow i thought it was rather pointless as on average a grow is 3 to 5 months aprox, as you are hardly going to make the most of the rock dusts ! in less using soil mix is used over again so microorganism colonies can build up etc.

How ever on an out door grow in a soil fortified with brix or super soil prepared at least a few months in advance of planting out would be more favourable of such methods :Namaste:

So ye a healthy out door soil full of microorganism is better in the long run to
I'm doing no till indoors fuzzy duck to try and replicate what happens in outdoor no till beds over time. Also I think the average gardener maybe could benefit more from the soil amendments in the short term if he/she simply ran that stuff through some sort of compost process first, then apply the compost to containers and/or soil mix. Just a thought, your definitely right on the money though with your post, I just wanted to add to it.
Ye its all in preparation of the soil to be honest & not for instant use either !

Most experienced growers mention cooking the soil, lets just call cooking as a slang word, but that basically means (cooking) letting the ingredients blend together over time...

Another look at cooking !

How many of ya cooked a good curry & tasted it straight after, if ya had lefted overs for the next day did you notice a taste change ?

If you did, that is because the ingredients bonded/married together over time to improve taste & the same principle holds true when preparing super soils/brix... :peace:

Ye it is really matter of time for such method to work with rock dust due to decay. microorganism involvement to make such available !

Most super soil/brix are straight of the shelf.... most of it is store purchased stuff & how much of it is sterile of microorganism vs indoor to out door soil/compost mix !

That being my point !

A good portion of OM ( organic material ) should improve microorganism content of soil..
I used crushed volcanic rock in this year's outdoor grow and results are very good, although I believe that not more than 10% was broken down till this point.
I've been using Azomite/Excellerite rock dusts in a PeeJay type organic soil until recently. (which would fall under a mineralized cooked supersoil category I suppose) I think the main reason PeeJay uses it is more to help with pH buffering, although he also recommends re-using his soil. I'm just now starting a re-used re-cooked version of his soil, so now I should start getting more mineral benefits out of those - and I plan on no tilling and trying to convert it to an LOS currently - with Oyster Shell Flour and Glacial Rock Dust added and all Clackamas Coot's recommended meals, leaf mold for humus, and top cover so that the soil never goes out of use. I'm starting my first run now. Your soil sounds like it could be turned to an LOS pretty easily - I've been inspired by CO lately and definitely am glad I found his no bottles organics thread, and his grow journals, you might want to check that out :) - but as far as high brix I know nothing, just that Graytail and DocBud's buds look awesome haha. just thought I'd chime in, here's a link to CO's awesome no bottles thread (since he never puts them in his sig LOL) How to get started growing indoors organically - No bottles
Re: super soil vs. high brix soil. Whats the difference??

I believe, And I'm sure someone will correct me if I am wrong, that The Doc Bud kit contains synthetics. Veganics by Kyle kushman contains 2% synthetics according to him. IMO this makes these 2 styles of growing something I wouldn't want to try. The doc bud pictures look really nice though. Lots of folks are digging the kit. Lots of folks also dig the FF 3 part "organic based" nutes. To each their own. ;)

You are incorrect. There are no synthetics in my kit.
Super soil is a joke. Why have a super hot layer at the bottom instead of a pot full of balanced living soil?

In nature, leaves and stuff fall on the floor and eventually turn into humus/compost. This is similar to doing a top amendment.

Super soil is the exact opposite of how nature works. Subcool made some cool flavors but he was no groundbreaking grower.

Doc Bud, on the other hand… fucking pioneer that’s been testing his products so much for so long he has a specific 2nd and 3rd run kit/instructions. THATS INSANE.

Not to mention bud washing. I’ve been laughed at 100 times for suggesting it, and 100 times I’ve taken a branch to wash and cure, and 100 times people ended up washing their next crop. K maybe not 100…
Super soil is a joke. Why have a super hot layer at the bottom instead of a pot full of balanced living soil?

In nature, leaves and stuff fall on the floor and eventually turn into humus/compost. This is similar to doing a top amendment.

Super soil is the exact opposite of how nature works. Subcool made some cool flavors but he was no groundbreaking grower.

Doc Bud, on the other hand… fucking pioneer that’s been testing his products so much for so long he has a specific 2nd and 3rd run kit/instructions. THATS INSANE.

Not to mention bud washing. I’ve been laughed at 100 times for suggesting it, and 100 times I’ve taken a branch to wash and cure, and 100 times people ended up washing their next crop. K maybe not 100…
You don't seem to understand what "Super Soil" is? I believe humans can do a better job than nature with the right set of tools. Terra preta(amazonian black soil) is a kind of man made Super soil and one of the most bio rich known to man?

You want an activated homogenous mix with available nutrients all over the medium. With top dressing in containers you don't have much biological activity going on. That's what you control when you cook a soil with organic amendments ie "Supersoil".

You cook the soil so you don't end up with some available nutrient right away and other that may take months to break down and become available? You want every added amendments calculated and broken down to make them bio available for the plant to uptake. Otherwise you might end up with mineral ratios out of range and not enough nutrients available.
Super soil is a joke. Why have a super hot layer at the bottom instead of a pot full of balanced living soil?
Can't say as I remember anyone saying that their super soil had to be layered. More often they are experimenting with layers at the bottom or spikes along the edges just to let us know what they are doing.

Most of the time people just mix up their soil and put it in the pot without any layers.

In nature, leaves and stuff fall on the floor and eventually turn into humus/compost. This is similar to doing a top amendment.
Sort of like having a top layer of well composted soil instead of a layer at the bottom. No experimenting.
Can't say as I remember anyone saying that their super soil had to be layered. More often they are experimenting with layers at the bottom or spikes along the edges just to let us know what they are doing.

i've known a few folk who ran a cold / hot layered mix. they weren't running a water only grow though, they always had to feed in flower.
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