Fifth: G13 Haze & Sixth: Bonus Seed


New Member
The G13 Haze clones appear to be growing well, but thin. As I learned from my now deadd Aphrodite, this plant will blow up on you. I plan to enter into 12s within a couple of weeks, mid August the latest.

Here they were post clone cutting.

Here now post transpant.


Now to current day. One pic of the G13s in my grow cab and one of the unknown seed from Amsterdam. Her name is Orphan Annie.

Yes, I've gone to FF soil in the Phototron. I will be getting more sand for gnat control. It seemed to work well for the G13 Haze Island.
I think this beautiful, and one of the reasons I grow for personal use only. I have had failure after failure after failure and here I am again with three hopefuls on the way. The Three Fates are the only success I've had. And I don't mind. I will keep trying and reformulating until I can't fail. I

I also have Orphan Annie in the Phototron and she may yet yield new surprises. WIth soil in the Phototron, this is yet another experiment for the books. I think this will be the last time Orphan Annie looks this good on a beach.

so true about helping you quit drinking..ill rather smoke and act right, then get drunk and act stupid...and get in trouble like a fool...

nice plants Jack
The media will tell us this election is about the economy and jobs. For those of us who haven't been hit by job loss especially those of us that medically benefit from cannabis, this election is about cannabis. The drug warriors will have their wins, of course....and celebrate with cocktail after cocktail.

Back to the thread...

The three G13 clones in the Grow Cab are about a week into flowering, maybe two. They are looking great. Orphan Annie is doing great in the soil Phototron grow. DAVINCI sent me a new vape, it still rocks.

Picture posts later.

Orphan Annie seems to be doing well now that she's in the Phototron with better lighting. I am pretty sure that she is a female, and maybe a low rider strain. While cannabis does grow in weak lighting, it will be healthy but under performing. Duh!

Yesterday I upgraded my Grow-Cab from weak T12s to 125W CFLs Red. I found the perfect lighting system by actually visiting an hydro store. I will post pictures of it later.
Post transplant and current photo of Orphan Annie--who is still keeping her girlish figure.



I put Annie into flowering on Saturday. I will not run out of space in the Phototron again!

The three ladies in the grow cab appear to be diverting all stored energy into the top Cola. Interesting. Those pictures tomorrow.
It looks like the bottom leaves are being dessicated to provide energy to the top cola that is forming.


Hell, I don't know for sure. If I can get some decent buds out of this maybe I can mine an ounce out of these three first cab grows.

I wanted to add that if Orphan Annie here literally comes to fruition, she will be my first "seed to success" from those seeds that I secured from Amsterdam. Only one of the WhWi seeds germinated and then IT along with all of my other soil grows were failures.

The three bag ladies, Lisa, Michael and Taylor were wiped out by the gnats. My only successes so far were the three WoWo that were clones that grew up cramped and LED scorched in the Phototron.

So, even if my plants are shorter...I shouldn't have the same space issue and I should get a decent yield.

We'll see.

I am happy that the fine white sand idea was the perfect solution for my ongoing gnat struggles. I've wasted a ton of cannabis and money trying to figure out what works for me...but it's been a fun adventure.
orphan annie looks like she's coming away well... the g13's look sick bro, nitrogen def?? whats your soil ph? and your feeding/watering schedule? fascinating grow set up with the sand, hydroton and soil mix.. and with mirrors?? i could be mistaken but i was under the impression mirrors actually absorb light?? i could be completely off on that though. ive been wanting to get a g13 haze... been a huge fan of g13 since my first taste about 11 years ago now, what a legendary flavour. you could top those g13's too, to allow the lower lats to extend out more- what i would have done anyway. theres def something up with your G13's though bro.... not looking too healthy.

hope they recover for you bro, id be interested to see how they turn out fully matured and phat az! good luck!
Updated Annie in the Phototron:


The G13s are also cabinet grow.

The G13s were veged with weak lighting (intentionally) as I wanted to contain growth. That worked TOO well . The gnats hurt them badly before I white sanded those and Annie,.

I had converted office cabinets to grow cabinets, and was experimenting with extremes. I water both grows about once a week. I supply light flowering notes to the water. Annie was moved over to better lighting in the Phototron and she is beautiful I think.

Cleaned them up. I figure most of the brown leaves were those damaged by the gnats...exactly what happened on all of my other failed crops. AGAIN, fine white sand over the top is the savior. The rest of these G13 girls are looking healthy and will produce some decent piece of mind. I will be saving the Cabinet Grow area for cloning. I may just keep a Blueberry mother forever in the Phototron, and just do monster (legal) grows during the off summer months.

That was the plan last year, but I'm smarter now. :)
Nice flowering stretch, with blooming nute added to water. I really, really like the spacing here. I'll have a lot of bud sites with room to grow. This could be the best Phototron grow yet.



Damn, hit with gnats... Again. I squashed all that I could shake loose and added some more top sand as you can see above. Nice and white, for now.
No gnats today, and Orphan Annie looks healthy with beautifully developing calyxes.

For the G13 girls in the cab grow, a change of plans. I will harvest the top third of the plant and send the girls into re vegetation with a more powerful grow light. This should save me a month on the next CAB grow, and and give me some time for cuttings. The three top colas may produce only a little piece of mind--but enough. If the G13s get too big for the grow cabinets, mid November I can move the girls out to the grow tent which will be ready by then.

I am still looking at Blueberry clones for the fall crop. I will harvest Orphan Annie early to mid October and immediately replace with a Blueberry clone/teen who will serve as the All Mother.
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