First Grow - 600W HPS - Think Different - Automazar - Soil

All seeds. They seem to finish at different times. Some are always more mature than others. 30 days after pollination they should be 90% mature. :) That means 90% are ready 10% are not.

Hey buddy! I'd like to invite you to my next seed making journal. Check it out!!
Congrats on the harvest 1grower! Nice nugs! Be careful being tempted to leave large buds together as they dry especially in a warm humid environment they could mold easily. I would remove as many of the nugs from main stems as possible to allow for more even drying. You'd be surprised how dense and thick and moist large buds are in the middle around a large main stem.

Way to grow!
Allright! Thank you very Much for your kind words and your share of knowledge.. My temps were they hanging is 25'C and RH is 30%.. That is what i have to work with. Is it ok? I read somewhere the buds tasted and smell better if they were attached to the stems coz they would drag the water/oil out from the stem when drying. I read alot but then there is many books with many different writers so its not so easy to make it correct first time. How would u do?
My god that is awesome! Well done mate :bravo: That will be a very well earned smoke!

I'm still a good 6-8 weeks from my first harvest and i've been researching and thinking ahead to the drying and curing process, so i'll be watching to see how you do it, I hope it goes well for you my friend! :goodjob: I have also read that they should stay on the stem until they (nearly) snap, to ensure that a bit of moisture remains for the curing process, but this is just me repeating something i have read somewhere haha! Have you come across this in your research? You strike me as someone who is very well researched ;)
30% RH is pretty low so you may be ok leaving them all on the main stems. I was noticing that some of your buds are huge. The large buds hold in alot of moisture and could potentially mold. I have experience with allowing a giant bud to mold while drying it and I had to toss the whole thing. You may be good though considering your RH is pretty low.
My god that is awesome! Well done mate :bravo: That will be a very well earned smoke!

I'm still a good 6-8 weeks from my first harvest and i've been researching and thinking ahead to the drying and curing process, so i'll be watching to see how you do it, I hope it goes well for you my friend! :goodjob: I have also read that they should stay on the stem until they (nearly) snap, to ensure that a bit of moisture remains for the curing process, but this is just me repeating something i have read somewhere haha! Have you come across this in your research? You strike me as someone who is very well researched ;)

Hey Google! Thank u very Much. I try to read Every day. And about the stems i read it some weeks ago. Its possible someone sad it to. Much goes in but Much goes out from the ears to. I think i am just lucky they turned out like this, and with the help from good 420-peoples :) i'll Come over and look at your place in a while, just need to update. I've been busy working.
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