First Grow - Indoor Now - Outside & Inside Later

I have been saving the trimmings from the inside girls in the freezer and the trimmings from the outside girls will be froze as well.

I would like to make some RSO, topical creams and will use bubble bags to make hash as well.

I suffer from nerve pain due to spurs on my spine as well as arthritis. My wife and father have ailments of their own, so looking at RSO, topicals and edibles to ease/cure our various ailments LOL
I'm really sorry to hear that TC. But I am so glad this wonderful herb can help you. Please forgive me I haven't been through all the work that you have put on this site. But if you haven't already I would love to learn the process in which you make these topical creams as I do know people in my life that could really benefit from that. And I am a chef by trade, so harvest time we shall swap recipes :high-five:

Still can't get over your girls.
Thanks WS, would love to trade recipes :) I am no chef but having been a bachelor for many years prior to meeting my wife, I learned to be a fair, although lazy by times, cook LOL

At xmas and thankgiving, I am the pie maker in the house. My wife bakes awesome bread but couldn't make a pie crust to save her soul LOL
Appears UncleC's gnomes came to visit me while I was away as you will see when I get the pictures ;)

Let's get something straight here Celt. They're not UncleC's gnomes and I would not wish this type of bad luck on anyone, especially you and those lovely girls of yours mate.
This sort of garden gnome has been know to populate most of the worlds land mass areas. They exhibit no regional or climatic preferences and can survive in the harshest and most severe environmental conditions that exist.
Unfortunately there are no gnomicidal agents known to exist that would kill them off or prevent them from spreading.
The only know way to prevent them from showing themselves and causing havoc is to be in the garden 24/7. Scarecrows don't work. They are not so easily fooled.
Now that you're back home the gnomes will likely either go into hibernation while waiting for their next opportunity to cause havoc or they may migrate to another garden that may be unattended.

By the way, your girls are looking amazing!! Each of those girls are going to give you over a pound per plant. You'll be swimming in MJ in a few short weeks man.
Do you have a barn or warehouse to dry all of it? I hope you have some help already lined up for the trimming chores. LOL!!
LOL UncleC

As you said, "when we are away, the gnomes will play" :)

So as promised, here are the Garden Girls. Having some issues with bud rot in the garden that is likely to require early partial harvest if I can't get ahead of it.

Little Sista looking healthy and showing very little sign of bud rot.

Here is Big Mamma who due to how yellow she is and spots of bud rot, will likely be harvested before the week is out.

This is the Cherry Bomb I entered in the POTM contest.

All the girls here in the garden appear to be falling behind the Girls Gone Wild in the yard and are also all showing signs of bud rot. There has been very little rain fall here in the past couple months and now with the sun lower in the sky, I don't think the garden girls are getting all they need from mother nature for this stage of their life. Large trees to the south of the garden shadow it much of the day and with heavy dews in the morning, this is likely the leading factor of bud rot in the garden. I doubt I will plant any girls here again next year as the wild ones are doing better .

Now for the girl that the troublesome gnomes had their way with. I do believe, knowing what I had done to support her prior to leaving on my trip, that these particular gnomes were of the 4 legged variety LOL


As you can see in the picture, the top of this Cluster Bomb has been broken and laying completely over. There are 6 large 4 legged gnomes roaming around here and my guess, seeing the damage done, is that they were playing around this girl while I was away. During their fun, I would say they got tangled in the support lines causing the damage.
LOL UncleC

As you said, "when we are away, the gnomes will play" :)

So as promised, here are the Garden Girls. Having some issues with bud rot in the garden that is likely to require early partial harvest if I can't get ahead of it.

Little Sista looking healthy and showing very little sign of bud rot.
Well friends looks like I will busy for the next few days with full on harvest. The gnomes visited in force last night, in the form of strong gusty wind and heavy rain. The excess weight of the rain and the gusting has left my girls pretty much laid over and considering that we are only going to have one day of the next 7 that's its not raining, I decided I am better off harvesting the girls rather than trying to prop them up.

I have to run to the city today to get some washing and trimming supplies but will take and post some pictures of last nights damage when I get home.

Oh well, c'est la vie, they were close anyway :)
Morning all :)

As I sit here finishing my 1st cup of coffee and waiting for the Cherry Bomb to kick in with some pain relief, I caught up on followed threads and tried to upload pictures of the damage. For some reason, I am not able to upload pictures this morning so I will just do a text update.

While picking up trimming scissors and bud washing supplies, I also grabbed some 6' bamboo poles and plant tie wire. I used the bamboo to help prop some of the girls back up so atleast the wind can help dry them until I can get to harvesting them.

After doing what I could to support the girls, I commenced to harvest the lower half of Little sister. Because I have so much to do, I am only harvesting as much of each girl as is required to lighten her up enough to stand up and then moving on the next plant,

The Big Bombs will be next as they are in the raspberry cane and near impossible to support.
I when post pics of the current activities as soon as able :)
OK as promised, here's a picture of what I woke up to on the 1st after the wind and rain over night. All the wild girls were in similar shape to Little Sista here:


As all the girls are pretty much ready to harvest, I have been cutting enough off each plant to reduce the weight and prop them up, then moving to the next girl. Its a slow process but then again, these girls are well endowed LOL

I am off to the city again this morning to pick up my oldest son at university, he's coming up for the day to give me a hand with all the work
Morning WS

Things a re going good, just busy LOL There are 11 large girls that will be harvested as the week goes on but atleast the sun is due to come back out tomorrow so they will get a chance to fatten up some more before I get to them all :)

Later in the day when I take a break, I will post some pictures of the progress to that point
Ok quick picture update of the harvest today

Big Bomb(left) and THC Bomb(right) prepped and washed last evening and then left to drain until today


The Big Bomb trimmed and ready for hanging


A couple of macro shots of the Big Bomb bud



Later this evening I will cut, prep and wash some more for trimming tomorrow :)
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