Funk's - Indoor Soil - Blue Mystic - Grow Journal 2011


New Member
Hello, let me start off with, I am new here, and to growing(my first time)lol.

I am receiving 5 feminized Blue Mystic seeds from Nirvana, this up-coming week. So, I decided to start my journal now: 1. to introduce myself. 2. get any questions out of the way. 3. and to receive as much input as possible.

I have surfed the web on Blue Mystic pretty extensively, trying to get as much info before I start. I have a pretty good plan set up in my head, I just want to make sure I am doing the right things. So, please any help will be appreciated!

The Plan: Going to Home Depot and Walmart for supplies.

First, what kind of soil should I purchase? Along with what kind of Nutes?

Second, I was planning on germinating with RO water, is this the safest way?

Third, I was going to start out growing 1 seedling, so i can put all my effort and care into one. Or should I start with 2?

Fourth, After germination I was going to plant into a 1 gal then transplant to 5-gal when needed. Good idea?

Fifth, 6; T-5 Florescent bulbs with 216 watts. 6500 for Vegetation growth, and 3000 for the flowering period. Will this be enough light?

Sixth, I will be trying out LST as it seems to work well with this strain.

Seventh, Will one, 14in oscillating wall fan(3 modes), be enough to cool my plants down and to give them a steady breeze?

Eighth, I will be adding pictures Daily-Weekly and updating you often, once started.

Thanks, for any and all help in the future with my grow,

Welcome funk!
I'd say start with all of them. You might have 1 or 2 that won't germinate. nd besides, if you have the space, why not? Fox farm ocean forest is a great soil, but they most likely will not have it at any local department store. Nutes with high nitrogen for veg and high phosphorus for flower. what are you planning on for a cabinet/closet/room?
Wow, lots o questions? Let me try to help out.
1. Soil - This is something you will have to decide for yourself. Realy you will need to decide how you want to grow. Are you wanting to grow organic?
2. I normally germ my beans with tap water. I feel the chlorine helps to kill off any bacteria (idk if it really helps).
3. Your new to growing and only have a few beans. So mistakes will be made, I would save a few for later. I would germ probably two, but this is also up to you.
4. Sounds good.
5. It will work for a few smaller plants. Don't try to flower a 7 footer with them. You should be fine there.
6. This was not a question, but I am a big fan of the lst method.
7. That fan might work. Idk this will depend on the enclosure your ladies will be in. T5's will produce heat!
8. I will be looking forward to it! ---> grabs a chair.
Anthony- I'm working in a closet with a good amount of space, and will post pics of set up when ready.

Mark- Thanks for the answers. As for soil, I will grow organic. I'll try tap water for germination and will start with 2 seeing as i will have 13 more seeds to attempt, lol.
Do you recommend any other type of lights that would be better than t-5's?
I could purchase 2 fans, seeing as they are pretty cheap(35$) for both.
Get comfy in that seat, your in for a long haul, haha.

Shotta- Sunshine advanced mix #4, would this be available at a local hardware store, Lowes, Home Depot, Ace? Welcome, and enjoy the ride.
If you wanna go the organic rout, I would check fora local nursery but homedepo/lowes will work. Try and find a bag of organic seed starting potting mix. If you can't find that look for something with out time released ferts in it. Also as Shottafire said if you can get a little extra perlite to mix with it. As for the t5's I would keep them unless you feel like dumping money into HID's.
I have a friend who works at a nursery I'll ask him about the perlite and the organic potting mix. He may also have an organic blooming agent, should I look into this for the flowering stage? Also, where would Mylar be sold? lol.
I have a friend who works at a nursery I'll ask him about the perlite and the organic potting mix. He may also have an organic blooming agent, should I look into this for the flowering stage? Also, where would Mylar be sold? lol.

If you cant find mylar or it is too pricey, you can use an emergency blanket sold at sporting goods storesin the camping section. wal mart shouldhave em as well.
For the organic nutes you can make a tea or buy a premade product. From what I understand with organics you want a large group of beneficial fungi and bacteria. If your going to make your own teas I would recommend reading up on this! This forum has a bunch of info on organics. I ran organic for a while, makes for tasty buds.
funk, with my PPP that i am growing right now (In my sig) i started with seeds in germinated right in jiffy pods. and moved them right into soil.
I bought the soil at lowes but i cant remember the name of it. Its super cheap its like 5$ for 1.5 cubic feet. its outside in the lawn and garden section its a white bag with purple on the top and bottom its called Organic Potting Soil. Just cant remember the brand name. It has time released nutrients in it but IMO its the perfect balance of a low strength nutrient to help your plant grow through its vegetative stage. We barley have been feeding our plants any for of nutrients or fertilizer so i am assuming its been doing this good, MOSTLY off of the soil fertz and not what we fed them. Im excited to see your grow, also interested to see how many of your seeds germinate, if you have the room for them i would say germ all 5 and cut clones when you can. Lets see some pics of the grow room huh? have a good one!

PS: Emergency blankets can be found in the sporting good/camping section of walmart, they are less that 2$ and 2 or 3 of them will probly cover your walls, thats how my walls are covered, such a nice price cut! (mylar is expensive!)
It's been awhile, but I'm still here. I have started one seedling in Miracle Grow Organic Soil and for nutes I got a 6-4-6 formula. I got some Miracle Grow Big Bloom stuff for my Flowering Stage. My Seedling is about 3 days old and has sprouted approx. 2in and has shown her first 2 leaves. I will have pictures of her later tonight.
Is this grow still alive?

If so, please update us with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

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I am moving this to abandoned journals until we get updates.

Thanks and hope all is well in your world!

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine!
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