Good morning/afternoon/evening wherever you are :)


New Member
Hey, been 'lurking' about for a while now so to speak and thought it was about time I got registered and said hello to all you lovely people!
I've read a few threads and I've gotta say, I'm impressed with how ingenious you guys and gals are with regards to problem solving in your little grows (or not so little as the case may be!) and how helpful you all are too.
So on that note, I'm looking forward to getting to know you all and introducing you to my first ever little ladies soon, they're nearing the end and had a few hicups but at least I'm in the right place for some help with these and my new babies.
Until then, take it easy :) x
Hi Neen,

Lovely meeting you. I'm a newbie but there are some impressive folks here that I'm sure can help you out. Welcome!

Cheers Light Addict and LadyJane, It's lovely to meet you too.

Can't wait to get my journal started and have some constructive criticism/handy tips, now to find some motivation... Although I doubt flying the friendly skies will help me right now, maybe tomorrow haha.
Hello there Cherryhaze, it's lovely to meet you!

Checked out your ladies and I've gotta give you Kudos, they're lookin' beautiful :)
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