Gov's PlatinumLED Adventure With DocBud's High Brix Kit

Yay roots!

Indeed. Here are the two 8bk clones...Fingers-crossed the blue dream clones show roots too. There is some new growth on top, so I'm still quite confident.



The room conditions...


...and a couple shitty pics I took with my old pos cell of the two bigger high brix plants. It was the next morning when they had already perked up after upcanning into the 5's, and I'm sure they're stretching their legs right now.



...and a few of the 8 ball kush in the hempy bucket. Her first full week of sitting under tandem P300's and roughly 3 weeks into flower (I'll look it up, but not concerned right now...because look)









She's got some good trichome development already and in these photos, I can zoom in really close. I'll fiddle with that a bit and see what I can grab.

:peace::cool: this

That needs to be published on a magazine cover...

The dual platinums are mesmerizing my friend, as are your plants! outstanding as always.
That needs to be published on a magazine cover...

The dual platinums are mesmerizing my friend, as are your plants! outstanding as always.

Thanks for the compliment. The funny thing about this is, the ugly pictures were taken with my aging Galazy S3, and the hempy pictures were taken with my buddy's new Note 4. Makes me want to upgrade my f'n phone.

no, no...WELCOME :)
Looking great as always Mr chz :)
Hempy's going to be your best yet!! You dropped almost 200w to veg, but have added an extra 100w to flower, compared to your other grows, is this right?
Peace bro..
There's something about these light ... Brings the flowers out quickly...was looking at cajuncelts journal, wow...I've got my Intells that I'm happy with, but a p450 surrounded by 4 I- grows could be my next setup... Then how quick the techs moving, hopefully we'll be able to flower a 4x4 area with 200w, one day,lol...
Man looking good.

Thanks dude.

Looking great as always Mr chz :)
Hempy's going to be your best yet!! You dropped almost 200w to veg, but have added an extra 100w to flower, compared to your other grows, is this right?

Right now, yes. When these get flipped, I am adding another P300 (the one over the hempy plant right now) for a total of 3 over this 4x4 tray at that time. It's my intention to add 1 more for a total of 4. I like the coverage of 4 lights over this tray. ;)

Peace bro..
There's something about these light ... Brings the flowers out quickly...was looking at cajuncelts journal, wow...I've got my Intells that I'm happy with, but a p450 surrounded by 4 I- grows could be my next setup... Then how quick the techs moving, hopefully we'll be able to flower a 4x4 area with 200w, one day,lol...

That would be a cool future...

Looking good Gov :thumb: Do you do your hempy in a coco/perlite mix?

4:1 (perlite/vermiculite) coco in my hempy.


p.s. A second Blue Dream clone pushed out roots last night! That's 2 BD's and 2 8bk clones that have rooted. I want to use the pairs to make beans and the 3rd of each to keep in the garden so, I can now make beans. My buddy already asked for clones too, so I may take one more of each to root out. I share genetics freely.

...I've got my Intells that I'm happy with, but a p450 surrounded by 4 I- grows could be my next setup...

I'm thinkin the same thing. ;) 90 watts in each corner would really help with the spread. :thumb:
I don't like all the cords either, but the tradeoff for wider coverage area has me diggin' "more-smaller" lights, but I can't say one is better than the other (i.e. more, smaller or fewer, larger).

A quick update on a couple things. First the big plants are so happy to be able to stretch their feet since getting into their 5 gal pots. The 8bk had her two mains that needed some correcting and I supercropped them yesterday morning. By evening they had already turned up to the light.

after the deed...


by 10p last night...




and the clones got potted in 3.5" plastics yesterday and the last 8bk clones kicked out roots too. That one isn't in the pic though. The last BD has one more day to show roots or get tossed.




Looking great Gov, as always. Hey by chance can you go over your cloning method you used, it's been 9 days an my brix cuts haven't even started to root. They haven't wilted and that stress seems to keep them going, I had pistols change color.
Sure BT, but it sounds like you took your clones in flower. Mine are still in hard-core veg mode. Anyway, I had a couple sets of bottom branches that might otherwise get pruned off during growth. Since you want to take clones from the bottom part of the plant preferable, I left them on the plant for this very purpose. All I did was snip the cutting, prune off all greenery below the apical meristem, nip the leaf tips left on the cutting, gently scrape the lower 1/4" or so of the stem, dip in clonex gel and insert into the rapid rooter plug.

I put 16 oz of RO water in the tray, placed the plugs in, and sprayed the cuttings with 1/2 strength de-stress everyday. I had them under a dome and under a P300 on veg and at about 40". The clones are currently under the same light but it's been dropped to 35". Once they show some new growth I'll drop it to 24".

Most likely the best thing I did for them was to not fuck with them. :cool:
Most likely the best thing I did for them was to not fuck with them. :cool:

I clone the exact same way, and I can tell you I killed two perfectly healthy clones because I couldn't leave well enough alone.
The third one I left alone, and she's happily growing in my garden now.
Keep the conditions set, and leave them be.
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