Graytail's Cupwinners in High Brix Soil - 4x4 - 600W HPS - Perpetual

Second thanks on the sulfer evaporator info, Doc Bud. There's nowhere in the literature that gives times; I thought 3 hours in a grow closet would be good enough seeing how small the cubic area is. That would explain the quick comeback of the mold. I'll do it again tonight for a full 6 hours. I can't get my humidity higher, but I'll mist all these plants before lights out.

If you're in a tent, just go down to Rite Aid and buy el cheapo humidifier and that will do that trick! The humidity really makes a difference.
Carnival Cut1 is dried and jarred and yielded 86 grams, 3.03 ounces over 127 days = 0.677 grams/day. :cheer:

I'm really pleased. The first one was from seed and finished just 2 days earlier with 0.640 grams/day - nice and consistant for a clone. The buds are nice and firm, well-shaped, good size. Thumbsup all the way!


Carn1 - 127 days old - 63 days 12/12 - 52 days since pistils - brix 14/14 - Harvest



Repz, my man :thumb:
Nice budz

Thanks! :thanks:

Repz, my man :thumb:

'Preciate it! :cheesygrinsmiley: :Namaste:

Nice haul! told you be more then 3 OZ, lol.

Slight concern, in pictures there appears to be an overall slight 'brownness' to the buds, hoping not the beginning of a mold issue? Now that I look back in thread looks like already been mentioned.

Heheh, jus' barely made it over 3. :laughtwo: I did do a pre-soak in hydrogen peroxide this time just in case. I hope that keeps em safe in the jar.
Nice buds! You know I've had my battles with PM. I've not had any issues with post harvest mold in the jars, provided I wash them, as normal (no peroxide, just the sulfites from the Real Lemon). With peroxide, it's like double insurance, I would think.

That WWxSK smoke is very interesting. I have further testing to do, but she's feeling like a nice summer treat, a pleasant surprise. How's your GLP smelling? My last run of her was more organic than this one, and she overpoweringly intoxicating. Your girls are always looking top notch GT! :circle-of-love:
Care and Gray I would not even begin to think I was in you guys arena but on the cure thing... it has amazed me how much better my own taste and smells and the Sugar Black Rose actually smells like tea cup roses while growing and to smell the jar and on exhale it actually taste like southern sweet sugar tea and all of them the longer the cure the smother the smoke. I am already becoming a snob and what I was buying and smoking a year ago I won't even take a hit of now. I can only in my dreams imagine if I have seen such a difference with my lowly grows that I would freak on what I have seen come out of your gardens......:circle-of-love:
Nice buds! You know I've had my battles with PM. I've not had any issues with post harvest mold in the jars, provided I wash them, as normal (no peroxide, just the sulfites from the Real Lemon). With peroxide, it's like double insurance, I would think.

That WWxSK smoke is very interesting. I have further testing to do, but she's feeling like a nice summer treat, a pleasant surprise. How's your GLP smelling? My last run of her was more organic than this one, and she overpoweringly intoxicating. Your girls are always looking top notch GT! :circle-of-love:

Thanks, CS, that's really reassuring. I'd hate to open a jar a couple months from now and find mold.

I don't think my GLP made it far enough to get notably fragrant. It should be dry enough to test tomorrow, though, so I'll let you know. :high-five: It sounds like your having the same experience with the WWSk that I had with Kerala x SK. Those plants were some of my first, so they didn't turn out great, but the buzz was nice - very energetic and conversational. Interesting, eh? Maybe it's a quality of Skunk#1.

Care and Gray I would not even begin to think I was in you guys arena but on the cure thing... it has amazed me how much better my own taste and smells and the Sugar Black Rose actually smells like tea cup roses while growing and to smell the jar and on exhale it actually taste like southern sweet sugar tea and all of them the longer the cure the smother the smoke. I am already becoming a snob and what I was buying and smoking a year ago I won't even take a hit of now. I can only in my dreams imagine if I have seen such a difference with my lowly grows that I would freak on what I have seen come out of your gardens......:circle-of-love:

I've been smoking the sample of my 18/19 brix Carnival and it's amazing - not a hint of harshness. I'm seriously wondering if I've ever smoked pot this good. :thedoubletake::blunt::slide:

I think these next SBRs of yours are going to be on another level for you. :circle-of-love::Namaste:
I've been smoking the sample of my 18/19 brix Carnival and it's amazing - not a hint of harshness. I'm seriously wondering if I've ever smoked pot this good. :thedoubletake::blunt::slide:

I think these next SBRs of yours are going to be on another level for you. :circle-of-love::Namaste:

I can pretty much guarantee you've never had pot that good. I've probably not had much pot better than that. A legitimate 18, when your measurements are normally in line with what I see must mean a freakishly good crop.

Set some aside for about 2 months after it's dry. Try to take 20 hits or so. The high brix effect really kicks in after 10-12. 3 Hits get's you really high. 10 makes you feel right. 15+ is like a vision quest in some ways.

Get out under the stars and hold your sweetie's hand. That's marriage advice Doc Bud style. (I specialize in unsolicited advice....but damn, you've got some 18 brix Sativa!)
I can pretty much guarantee you've never had pot that good. I've probably not had much pot better than that. A legitimate 18, when your measurements are normally in line with what I see must mean a freakishly good crop.

Set some aside for about 2 months after it's dry. Try to take 20 hits or so. The high brix effect really kicks in after 10-12. 3 Hits get's you really high. 10 makes you feel right. 15+ is like a vision quest in some ways.

Get out under the stars and hold your sweetie's hand. That's marriage advice Doc Bud style. (I specialize in unsolicited advice....but damn, you've got some 18 brix Sativa!)

And there's really nothing in the look of the plant that would make anyone think it was anything special. The one I just chopped at 14/14 brix looked better, actually. In fact, the 18/19 is falling apart. There are very few stems that aren't bent over horizontal. It's a mess.

I don't know if the high brix will last, but the one bud I took is the most potent sativa high I can remember. The thing is, my tolerance is pretty high after smoking as much kickass weed as I want for a year, with a variety of 14 strains so far. And I've been smoking Carnival as my regular smoke lately. So to have this one feel so distinctly stronger was a surprise. It's stronger with no bite at all - no sense that you've vaporized that many trichs or that much resin. It's only the lung expansion that'll finally get you. Terpenes are highly elevated too, of course. I dunno how it got that way - this soil just kinda comes into perfect tune every now and then. This one accidentally got a third shot of drench in a row, and that probably had something to do with the spike in brix, but the soil had to be right for it to work that way.

Heheh, Doc, I typically smoke a half dozen hits an hour, for hours on end, so I'm kinda "there" all the time. But bong hits would be different - a very good way to take advantage of HB weed. Gotta do some shoppin'!

Oh, and there were many nights spent smoking to excess, lakeside, in a screened porch with the moon sparkling over the water and the waves lapping on the shore.

And there's really nothing in the look of the plant that would make anyone think it was anything special. The one I just chopped at 14/14 brix looked better, actually. In fact, the 18/19 is falling apart. There are very few stems that aren't bent over horizontal. It's a mess.

I don't know if the high brix will last, but the one bud I took is the most potent sativa high I can remember. The thing is, my tolerance is pretty high after smoking as much kickass weed as I want for a year, with a variety of 14 strains so far. And I've been smoking Carnival as my regular smoke lately. So to have this one feel so distinctly stronger was a surprise. It's stronger with no bite at all - no sense that you've vaproized that many trichs or that much resin. It's only the lung expansion that'll finally get you. Terpenes are highly elevated too, of course. I dunno how it got that way - this soil just kinda comes into perfect tune every now and then. This one accidentally got a third shot of drench in a row, and that probably had something to do with the spike in brix, but the soil had to be right for it to work that way.

Heheh, Doc, I typically smoke a half dozen hits an hour, for hours on end, so I'm kinda "there" all the time. But bong hits would be different - a very good way to take advantage of HB weed. Gotta do some shoppin'!

Oh, and there were many nights spent smoking to excess, lakeside, in a screened porch with the moon sparkling over the water and the waves lapping on the shore.


I'm not surprised at all brother. It's pretty easy to enjoy life when we put ourselves in circumstances like you mention. I find I smile more, but need less when I'm smoking the right amount of good weed.

It's always a pleasure to come over here and vicariously enjoy your amazing garden. :thumb:
how does the brix scale work?

There are a lot of ways to use the brix scale. It was developed by some guy named Brix years ago. If you put a drop of liquid on a prism and read the refraction on a scale, you can measure "dissolved solids" in the juice - a percentage. The wine industry has been using it on grapes for many years to measure sugar content. The solids can consist of lots of different things.

For plants in general, from research done by organic gardening types, high brix levels in leaves and fruit correllate very closely with excellent produce. The most remarkable effect is that many high brix fruits simply don't rot. Apparently, you can pick a tomato, put it on the shelf and it'll be fine three weeks later. High brix is also an indication of dissolved minerals in plant tissue, which usually means that the plant has been getting its nutrition from soil biota, which is the most synergistic way for plants to get nourished, so they're healthier in general.

For cannabis, it's just being developed, mostly by those of us here on 420. So far, high brix cannabis is superior. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Something to consider:

If I hadn't been taking brix readings, I wouldn't have known that one plant was distinctly better than the other. If I was supplying a pharmacy, it would be handy to know that sort of thing. Why lump 'em all together if you have a way of measuring which ones are better?

Food for thought.
There are a lot of ways to use the brix scale. It was developed by some guy named Brix years ago. If you put a drop of liquid on a prism and read the refraction on a scale, you can measure "dissolved solids" in the juice - a percentage. The wine industry has been using it on grapes for many years to measure sugar content. The solids can consist of lots of different things.

For plants in general, from research done by organic gardening types, high brix levels in leaves and fruit correllate very closely with excellent produce. The most remarkable effect is that many high brix fruits simply don't rot. Apparently, you can pick a tomato, put it on the shelf and it'll be fine three weeks later. High brix is also an indication of dissolved minerals in plant tissue, which usually means that the plant has been getting its nutrition from soil biota, which is the most synergistic way for plants to get nourished, so they're healthier in general.

For cannabis, it's just being developed, mostly by those of us here on 420. So far, high brix cannabis is superior. :cheesygrinsmiley:

what happens when you flush then? will that lower the brix of the plant? will that decrease potency?
I think you might be right about the SBR and I really hope the OG Kush and the Wild Thai are anywhere near as good as they are purdy but some day I am going to do the Doc thing. Just thinking I should probably get past the treatment thing first. I have even scaled down my piddly little grow to be a bit more manageable for me right now. I actually just moved the last girl out of the veg cabinet into the bloom closet (bloom closet... did you catch sorry to many pharmaceuticals and :roorrip: this morning and what I meant to be writing here... I have had the same bong for over 30 years... I love my doobies but when I want to get really couch locked... I always reach for Budda... It's not even a budda it's a wizard but I meditate when I go to the Budda. He was made for me by the owner of FreeWheelingFranks in Memphis in 1983 and I think the shop is still there. I haven't been back in many years but any how go shopping I think you will be glad you did....:circle-of-love:
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