Happy New Year - 2014 Attempt


Well-Known Member
Hey All, just soaked a few seeds last night and will see what happens. They all are FEMINIZED but I have had them for over a year and a half. Plus not knowing how long they were stored will see if they pop. Two are Pineapple Chunk and the other one is a Kandy Kush?? It was one of those free seeds they include with your order: RESERVA PRIVADA KANDY KUSH (what ever that means??) The Pine Chunk`s are from Barneys Seeds.

I hope to get the Kush and the Pine Chunk to join at the roots and splice themselves into one plant. They will either take to each other or one will die off. Basically sharing each others "DNA" and not a true cross by male exchange with female. Still....Pretty cool though!!

1. Will be indoor and outdoor till 12/12, as after that weather will allow outdoor growth.
2. Soil for medium, I have some additives mixed in. I add multiple organic / plant materials to plain potting soil.
Beside extra perlite I have been using charcoal nuggets/chips. They are designed as a medium for orchids
but they provide many beneficial uses. They help in aeration, drainage as they will float. I have no scientific
proof but the effects of charcoal that are know, and what its effects on the re-growth after forest fires are. Is
why I choose to use it. It holds moisture and I believe it promotes the good bacteria, microbes and other
NEEDED and beneficial fungus. While promoting a non-stagnant environment helping root development
and absorption.
3. I have rain barrels on all the house down spouts and I use this for watering. It does sit and gets a bit
skunky and the charcoal helps with this. I like all the little extra`s it adds, like what pond water provides
as it is "alive" compared to R/O water.
4. The organic / plant material I add to the potting soil naturally supply what the plant requires. It takes
advanced time to decompose it in the potting soil, I don't mind and I like the extra hands on time it
requires. What I add is high in the big 3 N,P,K and all the micro and minor elements, plus fuel for the
plants needs.
I use worm castings and molasses along with a minor amount of dissolved nuit`s. I use: Better Gro-
ORCHID PLUS its N,P,K matches ( for the veg stages) what all other HIGH priced alternatives offer and it is
in a "chelated" form aiding absorption and lessening chance of build ups. There ORCHID BLOOM BOOSTER
offer the same "chelated" needs for flowering.
5. I have 2 120watt/6K CFL`s and 2 60watt /2.8 K CFL`s. It is a low total wattage and I have found that it is
like slow charging a battery. It results in promoting development, not the primary supply for it. I will
have outside for 6 to 8 hours of early morning/afternoon sunlight and 10 hours inside with that light
and matched temperature. Before you workout you do stretching and it allows you to benefit from your
actual "workout".
I use this as an example to describe what this 10 hours at this wattage does for the plants.
It allows for the slower growth and development of the roots and internal structures. So you get
"healthier" plants with a better opportunity to fully develop and utilize all you give them to grow.
The sunshine is the workout, and the CFL`s are a massage "so-to-say". Also with there reduced heat
output, I have them close and tight in on the plants. Illuminating all the plants parts in a mirrored grow
box. Illuminating all parts of them.
6. I plan on applying CO2 through the use of brewer`s yeast and a bubbler, two bottles. One will feed the
yeast and the CO2 will be bleed off into a two liter bottle, half filled with water. It will defuse it and another
line will deliver it into a natural sponge above plant. Allowing it to rain down over the plant while it is in
"massage mode" for 10 hours. And the grow box is small, 24" square x 36" high, so it fills up quit nicely.




This is the size difference in the charcoal compared to the perlite, I don't have any science to prove it. But
its presence and as it breaks down in the soil I feel adds a lot to the growth of "healthier" plants.

:420: :thumb:
Hi goofyfoot! I really like your ideas on soil care, and thus, the plants that grow in it. :thumb: Subbed!

There has been a bit of a change since I stared this, just like all things in growing. Nothing is written in stone. The Pineapple Chunks were older seeds (1.5) years old and did not sprout. BUT Herbies came through and I have Green House //Big Bang - it is Skunk and Northern Lights mix, plus one Royal Queen Critical feminized //she is Afghani and Skunk. They are both more toward the indica side and have a shorter flowering time.
The "Queen" has sprouted and waiting for the BB top pop!! I have been waiting for a new camera battery and finally got one. Enclosed is a few pic`s to show where this is going and what I am playing with. I just hope to use what I know with all the info that is available here, THAT IS FROM SOME VERY IMPRESSIVE WORK. I learned the plants are smarter then you, we don't grow them. They let you figure them out!! I don't plan on being a nugget of the month winner but look to those who are for inspiration!!

The wardrobe closet gives me 6+ft. if I pull the lower shelves.



I have 2 60 watt 2.7K and one 120 watt 6K CFL for light and a 4" inline fan for venting the box. Plus this back bed room runs at 68* by itself BONUS


I found those survival blankets on-line at $4.00 dollars for 4 and they are each 7ftx4ft. They are thicker then most Mylar sheets or rolls and a big price savings if you are doing multiple or large rooms.

This is the Royal Queen saying "Hello World" it is right in middle of shot.
Thanks for stopping by and any insight or comments are welcome!! I learned mostly from my mistakes AND I HAVE A LOT TO SHARE!!! Boy have I found ways to screw shit up and can save you some time!!THANKS FOR TIME and keep it green...Peace.....

:420: :thanks: :thumb:
When I first grew three of the 5 seeds when I got them 1.5+ years back. They were stinking and at the 5 node`s, are they showing deep purple veins in all the stems?? When I topped them they healed over with a tar ball scab!! They are fun and a very tough strain good for LST or if your just as clumsy as I am!!...Peace.....

:420: :thumb:
Thanks for your time, it don't cost you anything to look but time has as much "value" as money. So giving up some or sharing it says a lot. Enjoy what is thrown at you today, whether you hit a home run or strike out. The ability to get to the plate and swing away is more then most get to realize or experience. I also like rain and jumping and running thru puddles so what do I know!!...Peace.....

:420: :thumb:
Hello.... check...check.. testing ..one, two...check...

Hey gang getting things going and finally get a day off tomorrow. Between working a shit job, coming home to study to get out of it!! Time is tight but there is light. Got new battery charged on camera and Royal Queen seed is popping up in jiffy pot. I have rain barrel up and in-line fan to install. I have the time to head to hardware store for a few supplies. I am going with recycled and less cash more imagination approach.

I found out the lower wattage of the CFL`s lends to better root and structure of the plants development. So I like to subsidize natural sun light with them after 2 to 3 weeks of 24 on. Depending on how the plant is preforming. At 20/4 0n-off, 6 hours of that is outside and always at 6:00 AM to start. Regardless of the lights on time of the cabinet. They get the full "morning sun" spectrum and maintain a ratio of plant growth as the suns rays strengthen moving through spring. Then go back inside at avoid the afternoon blaze that I get here. Almost like going from 400 watts to 800/1000 and then back down to 400 watts.

I have one issue tho, the apartment I rent has a back patio that is mine. I will be getting someone renting another portion of the main unit that will be able to see my patio. So this needs some commando planning. This also force`s me to charcoal my cabinet where I was just planning to vent the heat of the cabinet being there were no other tenants on the property. So a charcoal canister was not in the plans...so I have an idea for a odor control devise. Whether a 5 gallon bucket or a large box it will use charcoal and Snuggles fabric softener. Or any over fragranced store brand. Will explain how that works and is very cheap to pull off. Well off to the store tomorrow and will get some pictures going, hope all goes green for you all and ...Peace.....

:420: :peace:
I know exactly what these awful hot sticky afternoons are like, especially in the next few months! But it does beat snow, don't it? ;) I've not had any heartache over not having to shovel my humidity. :)

Sorry to hear about the neighbor, lol. You may get lucky, though, and someday find out they have a stealth grow going, too.

I can't wait to see your carbon setup! I've been beginning to worry a bit about the snowbirds smelling stuff through my windows or walls, even (don't laugh, I live in an old RV, lol), so making an air scrubber has been one of my priorities this year.
Yah today we got 66* and 57% humidity were by June 1st it will be 82/88* and 75-80% humidity. Then by mid June DONT EVEN TRY to grow outside. It is 90*+ at 8:00 AM and 90%+ humidity, the plants cant vent and the suns rays are BLAZING. Any issue no matter how minor is a nightmare!! I love following what RL is doing and now that I am "getting" settled and freed up from some cash and "the time" issues. I will be ready for Halloween!! I will lay it out but the monthly temp and humidity averages are prime from November through February. I will have them inside during the nighttime lows and day time averages from 58 to 68, with the sun still having the ability to give you a sun burn over 6 to 7 hours. I was hoping to have a plant sprouted by the end of January but this is still cool to have a plant outside in almost March 1st (seedling) I have a few pic`s and need to work on the "box" and play with scrubber. Thanks for stopping by and will send out as much as I can. Enjoy what ever you get to work with, the less you have the more value you hold to it!! Here are a few pic`s three show 2.5 hours of growth yesterday as The Big Bang popped out!! Today she is chilling with her new friends ( it is my front yard ) and a few misc.`s pic`s...Peace.....










:420: :high-five:
It's really bad where I'm at, no ocean breeze, just hot wind in the depths of hell, err, summer, lol. But some of the wind-less days, ugh. Hope A/C works well, now's the time to get 'em serviced!

Great pics, I like that rain collector. :) :thumb: It looks like you can grow stuff on top of it, right? The "time-lapse" is cool.
The collectors are cool and not only do the birds and lizards use them. They stay full unless I drain them or we get no rain for weeks. Between the condensation from the roof in the mornings and the rain we do get they are at least 1/2 way all the time. This makes a thick ring of algae and all kinds of organics live in it. It is a small fresh water pond and the tree frogs come April will lay eggs in there. So using it for watering adds a bunch of single cell critters and nitrogen rich algae. I will stir it up with a stick and syphon off a gallon and from that pour 1 quart and 1 teaspoon of peroxide ( the stuff from your medicine cabinet) 1 teaspoon of molasses and two handful`s of worm castings. I have a mulch pile and keep wet leaves on it, so I get all the worm shit I need!! (plus bait!!) Let that sit over night as a tea and use twice a day regardless of your watering schedule. I give them a tablespoon twice a day at first then as they add node`s keep bumping it up. If you make more then a quart use it in 3 to 4 days because it will start stinking and become stagnant. I use it as if it were a multivitamin you would take daily. The organic materials build up slowly and compost in the soil around the developing roots and feed the fungus, bacteria and microbe`s they NEED to stay healthy. Eventually the plants needs will out grow what it has to offer making it great for seedlings and the first 6-8 weeks. You will have to over water them before you burned them or fuck up trying to dilute Miracle Grow or any of the "Garden Center" flower bed nuit additives.
I also have figured out why Mylar is used in outer space...at anything more then zero gravity it is a royal pain in the ass to work with!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had a brain storm idea to save cash and ordered Mylar survival blankets you take camping. It cost $4 for 4 of them and they are each 7ft. x 4ft sheets, but neatly folded to the size of a cigarette pack. Add duct tape and a ceiling fan and holy shit, live and learn. The same amount on a roll ran about $13 to $15 and is worth the savings. Just turn off ceiling fans!! My friend has two big closets, 8x6x8 and he saved enough to buy a replacement 600 watt combo MH / HPS bulb, he saved like $75. But have patience workings with it!!! I found it easier to cut cardboard panels and tape it to them in smaller pieces. Then fold duct tape over itself put that on the back of panel and mount to inside of your cabinet.
The vent box will mount to lower right corner of box on the backside and on outside. The fan will be in between the vent box and 5 gallon bucket( scrubber). I found a box to that is a little bigger then the one it came in. Putting the fan in it and packing with balled up news paper and taping shut. Will make it almost noiseless!! Cool trick and easier to show through pic's then describe. I also have a 120 volt dimmer switch, I will splice that into a old extension cord so I wont trash the good plug on the fan so I can control the fan speed. It is getting there!!! Inch by inch got a few more pic`s and will add more after a bit. Thanks for stopping by and will be back!!



:420: :thumb:
A quick update of venting cabinet, I ran both lights, the 120 watt and 2- 60 watts bulbs for two hours and it got to 82/84 degrees with no fan. With only one light unit it ran at 78 degrees with no fan. That bedroom is the coldest room in the apartment. It was 66 degrees with no lights and it now around 69.8/70.1 VERY COOL!!!! The cabinet is vented to suck the air from inside the box into the scrubber and pull in clean room air. It is easier to control the room temp then just the cabinet temperature. The apartment is hanging around 74* average with out the A/C, SO the grow box is using the rooms air and will be the same temp and CONSTANT. Plus with a window open the humidity will be constant as I move them outside for 6 hours of morning sun. Just me but for those who are freaks about certain things that MUST BE SET or LAWS OF GROWING. Temperature and the humidity and PH are golden. I feel lighting is not to be as critical for the fact that there are clouds and it does rain. They say what you use for the start of on/off time must stay the same??? I don't know why......or if plants feel daylight savings time!!! So I will have on average 74 to 76* temps and 40 to 55% humidity, just about ideal and with out trying to hard to maintain it!!!

This is a COOL trick if you ever get the chance, my utilities are included and I don't see the bill but have the meter on my side of the building. As a new tenant as of last April and all appliances are electric //stove, washer and dryer and hot water heater. Leaving for work at 5:00 AM I would right down the numbers from the meter then when I got home and before I went to bed. I did this for one week and on my days off ran extra hot water and clothes dry longer then needed to make a comparison for usage. Now my landlord has a new tenant with "my usage" per month but being I used bogus numbers two days a week// I actually only need 400K watt hours per week but with wasting a little on purpose he see my use as 575K per/week ( these number are just to make a point) The 175K watt difference is what I need for my lights and fan!!!!!!! So I am under the radar and it does not show as a spike in the bill!! HE-HE!! Share that one if you can!! Any how got to crash and will be back, hope all is good in your worlds and keeping it green!!!...Peace.....

:420: :Namaste:
Is that crack sprinkles on the seeds picture? xd
good strategy, goofy. Got lucky here, and about 25 RV lots share a single meter. :) Electric billed to trailer park, so I never see anything even related to my energy usage, but I ain't gonna be in that boat forever, and good strategies I appreciate. :high-five:
Hello and not sure what you mean "by sprinkles" sorry?!?! It is potting soil with "stuff" in it. To lighten it up sand, perlite, charcoal and organics. Not sure what you mean by crack??...Peace.....
good strategy, goofy. Got lucky here, and about 25 RV lots share a single meter. :) Electric billed to trailer park, so I never see anything even related to my energy usage, but I ain't gonna be in that boat forever, and good strategies I appreciate. :high-five:

It is a cool trick if you know what your electric use is before you start a grow. By falsifying my records so-to-say, what I wasted on purpose. Is what I will need weekly for my set-up. Then stop wasting, start growing and the land lord see`s no change. In fact she asked me if I would be resigning lease and added she was keeping the rent the same monthly. That my usage was the lowest of any tenant she has had here. So I see a HPS in the works!!!!!! Maybe!!...Peace.....
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