Help needed


420 Member
Ok running 2 small and 2 larger,
Grown in soil.strain royal cookies auto Using advanced nutrients 130ml/1litre as i was scared to overfeed and readup on better to underfeed than over feed.2 days into week 12 from seed.leave 2 full days between watering I bought not 1 but 2 defective ph pens however everything has been fine until the last week or so when yellowing started of the bottom fan leafs,it has spread up the plant. The 2 smaller dwarf autos are totally fine. Which is making me consider is it not lockout but instead not having a strong enough food mix as the 2 larger ones are experiancing similar issues.
Any help or advice would be greatfully appreciated im depending on this for meds so im panicing alittle as the cookies was the largest with most bud sites. Is there anything i can do this late into flower? Flush ? Make stronger food mix or if its too late would it be possible to attempt to finish it on out? Pics attached


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Yes, I agree that you are underfeeding a bit at this point, and it makes sense if you think about how big the plants are now. With more leaves, more light is gathered and more nutes can be utilized. Also, now that you are in flower, the nutritional needs of the plants have increased. There is a point around mid flower where you really want to be throwing everything you got at the plants. Flush? No.. Consider full strength feeding. Try it once, note the fast difference and then think about all that advice you read out there. Yellowing from the bottom up is almost always a lack of the macronutrients. Now you know what this looks like... adjust accordingly. :peace::love:
That's totally normal to have yellowing leaves at this stage.
It's less normal to be at week 12 and still look like 2 to 3 weeks left with an auto though.
I would just trim the yellow leaves off, there should be quite a few more in the coming weeks.

They look great to me, I wouldn't change a thing you've been doing.
As previously mentioned it does appear to be just slightly under nourished but ph lockout could be playing a small roll as well... At this stage I would just push through to the finish as you have been. With just a couple weeks left to go you will be flushing in the near future anyways so I don't think it's anything to stress over.
Yea you guys were right,my ppm meter finally came,the ppm was way low esp for a mature plant.. Ive probably been underfeeding them for a fair amount of time now. Must have been the reason the dwarfs were totally fine. Once again thanks so much for the help and advice. Its so nice to talk to people who know what they are talking about
Hey @Cj1 welcome to 420Mag! :ganjamon:As you've seen there are loads of experienced growers around here always willing to help and give input, it's amazing :yahoo: No stress on the light feedings - continue with a generous feeding the next week or so and they should bounce back and fill out.
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Be sure to start up a grow journal on your next grow so that we can tag along and check it out :yummy:
Happy growing :Namaste: See you around
Welcome to 420,Cj1 :welcome:

Its so nice to talk to people who know what they are talking about
Well,that counts me out...but I hope you'll talk to me anyway....;)
Glad to have you with us !
Hey @Cj1 welcome to 420Mag! :ganjamon:As you've seen there are loads of experienced growers around here always willing to help and give input, it's amazing :yahoo: No stress on the light feedings - continue with a generous feeding the next week or so and they should bounce back and fill out.
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Be sure to start up a grow journal on your next grow so that we can tag along and check it out :yummy:
Happy growing :Namaste: See you around
boy this guy is helpful right on buddy
Hey @Cj1 welcome to 420Mag! :ganjamon:As you've seen there are loads of experienced growers around here always willing to help and give input, it's amazing :yahoo: No stress on the light feedings - continue with a generous feeding the next week or so and they should bounce back and fill out.
Check out these links to help you find your way around here:
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Be sure to start up a grow journal on your next grow so that we can tag along and check it out :yummy:
Happy growing :Namaste: See you around
Thanks buddy, i kind of figured that,but didnt have the confidence to go ahead. Feels much better having some1 who can say yep try this. Thanks again peoples
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