Hempy - OC+ - CFLs & 3 Good Seeds

re: Hempy - OC+ - CFLs & 3 Good Seeds

Thanks sisco! I took 4 clones yesterday - 2 lucy and 1 each BK & AK48. I might have to try again for the BK, she looks so great I didn't want to cut off a big branch lol. So I cut off a bottom branch that just has a huge freaking leaf on it.

Here they are:


I have these things called Root Shooters, supposedly don't need and gels or powders, just cut and stick. We shall see.

How did yu sneak this one by me?

Clones is the way of the walk... The leaves aint going to make it, I tried.. but you never know, those root shooter manipulator plugerizations you have may do the trick.
re: Hempy - OC+ - CFLs & 3 Good Seeds

Steady, Steadyyyy!
Is that right???? I should check my shit out then. Thanks BlueDog, that's the kind of heads-up we likes around here.

Yeah check it out, I was surprised. I'm going to try and only make up what I need from now on so it's not sitting around.

cool setup nice plants everything looks like its going great !cant wait to see those girls in bloom will be checking in on this one good luck

Thanks U! The flowering is the big test. I'm worried that my cfl's won't produce the buds I'm hoping for, but maybe they'll surprise me. I have a shitload of them so that should help.

How did yu sneak this one by me?

I waited till you was stoned before I posted... it wasn't much of a wait :tokin::tokin::tokin:

Clones is the way of the walk... The leaves aint going to make it, I tried.. but you never know, those root shooter manipulator plugerizations you have may do the trick.

I doubt they'll make it either but what the heck. I have 50 of those plugs which will take me forever to go through. I have what I think are good looking cuts from Lucy and the AK. The second cut from Lucy looks just like the Bubba - a big leaf on a stem.

I'll take a better cutting from the BK tomorrow. I really only have room for 3 more plants.

I want to have a 9 plant rotation if possible all under 12/12 lights - 3 sets of 3 all about a month to 6 weeks apart. Just not sure how clones will do on an instant 12/12 sked. Seeds should be fine.

I need to get this organized better, looks like my first rotation will be 4 or 5 in the first set, 3 in the second so I'll be somewhat crowded once I start the next seeds, but they'll be small for a while.
re: Hempy - OC+ - CFLs & 3 Good Seeds

OK bro.....I'm following along. Everything's going great! Just a couple of observations:

1.)stop watering so frequently now....let 'em dry out a bit between waterings, it will help the root system.....they've hit the res.

2.)Sammie seems to be having an issue with her roots. There's no other explanation....she don't look like the other girls.

What might work---it's worked for me---is hydrogen peroxide. You gotta kill the nasties on those roots....and from what I'm seeing in your pics, there's something not quite right.

Try watering with H202 for a week.....1 cup per gallon if you have the drugstore variety. Don't do it to the other, healthy plants.

My experience with root issues is that the plant never "fully" recovers. It gets better, but there is always some issue. It will continue to grow, it will flower, it will give you some good product.....but not quite as good as it would have. It happens to all of us.
re: Hempy - OC+ - CFLs & 3 Good Seeds

OK bro.....I'm following along. Everything's going great! Just a couple of observations:

1.)stop watering so frequently now....let 'em dry out a bit between waterings, it will help the root system.....they've hit the res.

2.)Sammie seems to be having an issue with her roots. There's no other explanation....she don't look like the other girls.

What might work---it's worked for me---is hydrogen peroxide. You gotta kill the nasties on those roots....and from what I'm seeing in your pics, there's something not quite right.

Try watering with H202 for a week.....1 cup per gallon if you have the drugstore variety. Don't do it to the other, healthy plants.

My experience with root issues is that the plant never "fully" recovers. It gets better, but there is always some issue. It will continue to grow, it will flower, it will give you some good product.....but not quite as good as it would have. It happens to all of us.

I agree Doc, something's not quite right with Sammie. She's got the thinnest leaves I've ever seen, and has kind of hit a plateau growth-wise the last few weeks. I'll follow your RX and see how she does.

I was watering her daily for about 2 weeks when she was having all those problems, maybe I stunted her root development?

I'm really glad I've had her as the canary in the coal mine. She's absorbing the problems so the others can thrive. I'm still not 100% certain she's even a she.

It should be noted that I've only seen 26 plants so it's not like I have vast reserves of experience to draw on, but she looks like a japanese maple compared to the other sugar maples. Interestingly the other bagseed has the biggest leaves I've ever seen. Quite the disparity.
re: Hempy - OC+ - CFLs & 3 Good Seeds

Bro.....you're rockin' this grow....doing a great job.

It's so hard with small grows to have a sick plant. It hurts! You become emotionally attached to the plants, etc. I've nearly killed mine with "love" several times.

I finally reached a point, on this grow, where I can cull a plant and toss it. It felt good to do that, and I've got 2 more that I might toss. I think it's the mark of good gardening....we want quality and we won't tolerate a laggard in the garden.

I'm not saying you should cull Sammie.....definitely try to fix her first.....just don't take it personally. You didn't screw up, sometimes this just happens, for whatever reason.

But I'm nearly certain it's the roots.
re: Hempy - OC+ - CFLs & 3 Good Seeds

"I want to have a 9 plant rotation if possible all under 12/12 lights - 3 sets of 3 all about a month to 6 weeks apart. Just not sure how clones will do on an instant 12/12 sked. Seeds should be fine."

I'm willing to let you use me as a guinea pig, I just put 17 freshly rooted clones in the flower room over at my place. I expect that they'll take longer to flower than a more established clone, maybe three months, I'm not sure, never tried it before. Lets see how they do!
re: Hempy - OC+ - CFLs & 3 Good Seeds

Bro.....you're rockin' this grow....doing a great job.

It's so hard with small grows to have a sick plant. It hurts! You become emotionally attached to the plants, etc. I've nearly killed mine with "love" several times.

I finally reached a point, on this grow, where I can cull a plant and toss it. It felt good to do that, and I've got 2 more that I might toss. I think it's the mark of good gardening....we want quality and we won't tolerate a laggard in the garden.

I'm not saying you should cull Sammie.....definitely try to fix her first.....just don't take it personally. You didn't screw up, sometimes this just happens, for whatever reason.

But I'm nearly certain it's the roots.

Haha funny you should say that, I'm really not attached to her at all. But I do want to keep her going as long as I can. With her skinny leaves I'm worried she'll go 16+ weeks like my last sativas did, I don't want to screw with that again. They weren't even that good!

However I do have one last question, how often should I give her the h2o2? I just watered her yesterday.

"I want to have a 9 plant rotation if possible all under 12/12 lights - 3 sets of 3 all about a month to 6 weeks apart. Just not sure how clones will do on an instant 12/12 sked. Seeds should be fine."

I'm willing to let you use me as a guinea pig, I just put 17 freshly rooted clones in the flower room over at my place. I expect that they'll take longer to flower than a more established clone, maybe three months, I'm not sure, never tried it before. Lets see how they do!

I'll definitely be watching! I really don't want to set up a seperate veg room, I keep the house really cool when I'm not here and so that means another space heater.

Your grow looks great buddy!
re: Hempy - OC+ - CFLs & 3 Good Seeds

I added a pinch of epsom salts to the top dressing of all the girls.

I watered lucy, bk & ak... 1/2 gal each, a pretty steady trickle of runoff but not a strong whiz. I'm still confused about what I should be aiming for.

The clones seem ok, I've got the lights on them but more distant. I cut the leaves in half on the bk and lucy2 clones, I don't think they will make it. I'm misting them 3x day.

I don't know why my camera randomly makes the pics portrait.


crappy pic of the bk






she looks to have 3 tops


lucy - she looks best overall




she has 3 tops


Sammie under a yellow light


white light

re: Hempy - OC+ - CFLs & 3 Good Seeds

Bro.....you're rockin' this grow....doing a great job.

It's so hard with small grows to have a sick plant. It hurts! You become emotionally attached to the plants, etc. I've nearly killed mine with "love" several times.

I finally reached a point, on this grow, where I can cull a plant and toss it. It felt good to do that, and I've got 2 more that I might toss. I think it's the mark of good gardening....we want quality and we won't tolerate a laggard in the garden.

I'm not saying you should cull Sammie.....definitely try to fix her first.....just don't take it personally. You didn't screw up, sometimes this just happens, for whatever reason.

But I'm nearly certain it's the roots.

This is a great post, spot on. I am finding myself going through somewhat an emotional roller-coaster based upon how my ladies are doing. Recently having this possible TMV problem, I was fairly pissed off this last weekend, in talking with my roommate he basically said just chill there is not a whole lot that can be done. Just roll with it and do the best you can..if shit hits the fan, starting over is the worst thing that can happen, it's not life ending. -End rant-.

Looking good Blue. :welldone:

Can't wait for flowering, you are gonna have some serious bush(es) on your hands!


re: Hempy - OC+ - CFLs & 3 Good Seeds

You guys are sooooo right. Had to pull a male last night out of a grow with only 3 plants in it. Now I'm down to 2, one a definite female and one unknown. It really sucks that there is a possibility of being down to one plant. I have yet to flower more than 2 plants at one time. But, you live and learn. Sometimes the chips don't fall where you want, so you gota pick them up and drop them again!

Blue, keep doing what you're doing and everything will turn out just fine!
re: Hempy - OC+ - CFLs & 3 Good Seeds

Good discussion on emotions and gardening...

Every garden book should start out with a section saying what Doc did... don't get attached to your plants!

... it took me YEARS of gardening before I stopped feeling bad about pinching off the extra sprouts. I still have a hard time pulling whole plants... but inevitably feel better afterwards.

We will tolerate no laggards! ;)

Still looking great BlueDog - can't wait to see some :yummy:
re: Hempy - OC+ - CFLs & 3 Good Seeds

I pull 'em out and dump the bodies in the feeder rat cages.
The rats love 'em, and don't seem to mind that they are males at all
re: Hempy - OC+ - CFLs & 3 Good Seeds

This is a great post, spot on. I am finding myself going through somewhat an emotional roller-coaster based upon how my ladies are doing. Recently having this possible TMV problem, I was fairly pissed off this last weekend, in talking with my roommate he basically said just chill there is not a whole lot that can be done. Just roll with it and do the best you can..if shit hits the fan, starting over is the worst thing that can happen, it's not life ending. -End rant-.

Looking good Blue. :welldone:

Can't wait for flowering, you are gonna have some serious bush(es) on your hands!



You guys are sooooo right. Had to pull a male last night out of a grow with only 3 plants in it. Now I'm down to 2, one a definite female and one unknown. It really sucks that there is a possibility of being down to one plant. I have yet to flower more than 2 plants at one time. But, you live and learn. Sometimes the chips don't fall where you want, so you gota pick them up and drop them again!

Blue, keep doing what you're doing and everything will turn out just fine!

Looking good!

Thanks guys! My first grow I started with zero knowledge and if you can believe it 21 plants. I had no idea what I was doing, but I mothered those plants like crazy. I ended up with 9 nice females... ok 8 & a runt that turned hermie...
but I had to kill a bunch of sick plants and males.

The males are the worst, because they are usually the biggest and best looking plants as seedlings. With my crappy vision for details, I thought a bunch of them were females until the balls sprouted :(

Good discussion on emotions and gardening...

Every garden book should start out with a section saying what Doc did... don't get attached to your plants!

... it took me YEARS of gardening before I stopped feeling bad about pinching off the extra sprouts. I still have a hard time pulling whole plants... but inevitably feel better afterwards.

We will tolerate no laggards! ;)

Still looking great BlueDog - can't wait to see some :yummy:

Thanks OB-1! I hope to see some soon too.

I pull 'em out and dump the bodies in the feeder rat cages.
The rats love 'em, and don't seem to mind that they are males at all

Haha you're so sentimental Chopper! I love it. You're keeping the ganja in the food chain.
re: Hempy - OC+ - CFLs & 3 Good Seeds

I'm getting ready to flip the switch. In preparation I decided I needed to widen and square up the lights frame. Unfortunately I didn't give myself nearly enough time, I started around noon and had to quit for work about 2. So the girls spent all day with hardly any light. It's a little better now but still not finished.

That BK clone ain't gonna make it, but the similar lucy clone still looks fine. I'm going to take another BK.

All the construction work let me take some better pics.

The room will probably never look this clean again. Tomorrow it will be refilled with lights.


Sammie - anxious to see what she'll look like in flower. I kind of lost track, but she's lost 12-15 leaves. She looks pretty healthy but has extremely thin leaves, and really hasn't grown much, she's like a big fat bush. 72 days old


ak48 still perfect, hasn't had a single blemished leaf knock on wood - 32 days


Lucy - is a monster. She lost her first set of leaves from an N def, and has 3 lightly scarred leaves from the cal/mag problem. She looks great. 38 days old.



Bubba Kush 38 days. Still gorgeous, her first set of leaves are kind of dead from the middle to the ends, but she still has them. Every other leaf is perfect. Not getting huge like bagseed and lucy.


Bagseed 38 days. What can I say? It's probably a male but an extremely impressive looking plant. It lost it's first set of leaves just like lucy from the N def, but every other leaf is huge and perfect.

re: Hempy - OC+ - CFLs & 3 Good Seeds

Hey Blue.....check it out! I got a couple to load! That Kush is a gorgeous plant..just in general
I got a few baby pix of the Barney's Larry Sam David, and a couple flower pix...with a sativa dom or two for good measure. Now if I can figure how to get 'em outta the gallery hahahahahaha
re: Hempy - OC+ - CFLs & 3 Good Seeds

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