Hempy - OC+ - CFLs & 3 Good Seeds

re: Hempy - OC+ - CFLs & 3 Good Seeds

CT is legalizing MMJ and Decriminalizing small amounts, less than an oz and get a ticket! I think I'll stick around for a few...

That's great news brother. I know you've been doing your part, good to see it paying off.

They are trying to do the same here in Hawaii....needs one more vote! :)

Hope you get it soon my friend.

Here in Florida....they just take you out and shoot you.

Haha that's about it here too Chopper, but of course first they seize as much of your property as they possibly can.

Mini-update... the sog is almost complete. I looked at all the baby clones today, one AG and one Bubble have some roots so they're back in the nursery, everything else is gone. Unfortunately the SLH and Ultra Haze didn't make the cut but maybe another time. And the only Red Diesel is the mother. So it's mainly AK48, WW, Bubbleicious & A. Gold.

I'm already fighting high temps and it's barely hit 70 here, luckily I have a plan... a window fan just have to decide which window. I'm also going to shrink the frame, it's way bigger than I need now. It wasn't really big enough for the last grow.

Here's the grow from the familiar door view


From the side - the Red Diesel is top 2nd from left


Bubblicious bud 13 days 12/12


WW bud 13 days notice the burning, the WW's have been very sensitive to this light so I've raised it... about 4 of them got singed and were at least 12" from the light with a constant airflow.

The oldest have been 12/12 for 13 days, newest just went in today. Sizes range from 11" - 4". Definitely a work in progress!

This is a fun time, there are changes every day.

One final comment, we talked a long time ago about painting the 2-liters, I opted for taping them instead. Every place the tape doesn't cover has lots of algae growing, mostly at the bottom of the 2 liters. So today I taped and taped and taped some more. From now on I'll only use the green plastic 2-liters like Sprite comes in.
re: Hempy - OC+ - CFLs & 3 Good Seeds

So the physical therapy dude shows up for my wife (who is doing great....thanks for the great thoughts everyone) I am so used to never having anyone around here, I really didn't think of the room full of chest high colas and nuggets I got going in the back. I've 4 big ones that're cloudy starting to go amber and a few just coming to flower, so I'm certain that it stinks. I got a plug-in rose smelling thing for every outlet in the house. You can taste the rose perfume in the air it's so thick:tokin::tokin: hahaha Weimaranars, weed, and synthetic rose....good lord. I bet he smells like a 5 buck whore still hahahahahahahaha:high-five::high-five:
**and I burned a little bacon****
re: Hempy - OC+ - CFLs & 3 Good Seeds

So the physical therapy dude shows up for my wife (who is doing great....thanks for the great thoughts everyone) I am so used to never having anyone around here, I really didn't think of the room full of chest high colas and nuggets I got going in the back. I've 4 big ones that're cloudy starting to go amber and a few just coming to flower, so I'm certain that it stinks. I got a plug-in rose smelling thing for every outlet in the house. You can taste the rose perfume in the air it's so thick:tokin::tokin: hahaha Weimaranars, weed, and synthetic rose....good lord. I bet he smells like a 5 buck whore still hahahahahahahaha:high-five::high-five:
**and I burned a little bacon****

Glad to hear about the wife Chopper.

I've got 5 of those things too, Cherry. They work way better than anything else I've tried.

Got my MOTM stuff from SNS today, the freaking package comes with a label 'sierra natural sciences' which is fine but then a big label showing it's got spider mite pesticide control in it. The UPS guy was smirking at me when he delivered it. I guess it's all cool and the shipment was awesome but I wish it was more discreet. Does anyone use spider mite stuff for anything but weed?

Anyhow I got 5 big bottles roughly quart sized, one of which leaked a little but it was all very well wrapped in plastic.

SNS-203 Concentrated Natural Pesticide Soil Drench and Foliage Spray.

SNS 217 Mite Spray

SNS 244 Fungicide Spray

SNS 604A Vegetation Organic Growth Stimulator

SNS 604B Flowering Organic Growth Stimulator

Thank you SNS for your awesome sponsorship gifts, but please consider plain brown wrapping!

If anyone has used any of these I'd love your feedback, especially the veg and flowering stimulants.

They suggest using 604A the first 4 weeks of flower and the 604B for the last 4.

I should have read up on what they were sending because I just ordered Snowstorm Ultra 2 days ago and it sounds like a similar product. Could have saved myself $35.

SoG is looking good Blue!:hookah:

Thanks TT! It's getting there, slowly but surely.

Gonna be pretty sweet when those sogs start flowering. Should be interesting to see how all the different strains grow. Fun stuff BD.

Glad to hear you're just about well, that flu knocked out too many people.


Hey Marley thank you! I'm looking forward to that too. They're looking very happy at the moment.

Speaking of people with the flu....

The SOG is gonna be great, especially with the different strains!:cheer:

All the talk about Aurora has me a little excited right now, can't wait til I get to chop mine and she has only been in flower for a couple weeks:)

The AK is now the shortest of the last 3 I put in, Aurora passed her by 2 inches now. I've gotten 16in of stretch out of her so far and today is day 16 flower.

Good to see you around again and that your at the end of the sickness:high-five:

Hey 52 glad you're feeling better too!

I doubt your ak is done yet, mine stretched for a month, slow but steady.

I want that Aurora you're lucky! Also watching Horse's recent grow I'm adding White Russian to the list too, another beauty.

Take care my friends!
re: Hempy - OC+ - CFLs & 3 Good Seeds

That's great news brother. I know you've been doing your part, good to see it paying off.

Hope you get it soon my friend.

Haha that's about it here too Chopper, but of course first they seize as much of your property as they possibly can.

Mini-update... the sog is almost complete. I looked at all the baby clones today, one AG and one Bubble have some roots so they're back in the nursery, everything else is gone. Unfortunately the SLH and Ultra Haze didn't make the cut but maybe another time. And the only Red Diesel is the mother. So it's mainly AK48, WW, Bubbleicious & A. Gold.

I'm already fighting high temps and it's barely hit 70 here, luckily I have a plan... a window fan just have to decide which window. I'm also going to shrink the frame, it's way bigger than I need now. It wasn't really big enough for the last grow.

Here's the grow from the familiar door view


From the side - the Red Diesel is top 2nd from left


Bubblicious bud 13 days 12/12


WW bud 13 days notice the burning, the WW's have been very sensitive to this light so I've raised it... about 4 of them got singed and were at least 12" from the light with a constant airflow.

The oldest have been 12/12 for 13 days, newest just went in today. Sizes range from 11" - 4". Definitely a work in progress!

This is a fun time, there are changes every day.

One final comment, we talked a long time ago about painting the 2-liters, I opted for taping them instead. Every place the tape doesn't cover has lots of algae growing, mostly at the bottom of the 2 liters. So today I taped and taped and taped some more. From now on I'll only use the green plastic 2-liters like Sprite comes in.

re: Hempy - OC+ - CFLs & 3 Good Seeds

got the tiny livestock again, huh? Let me know how the mite stuff works out. I think the Doc was high on the Snowstorm if I remember right.:hookah:
re: Hempy - OC+ - CFLs & 3 Good Seeds

:high-five: :tokin: :cheer:

got the tiny livestock again, huh? Let me know how the mite stuff works out. I think the Doc was high on the Snowstorm if I remember right.:hookah:

Yeah Doc likes Snowstorm so that's good enough for me :grinjoint:

I don't have any bugs that I can tell, it was my MOTM prize from SNS. It's very cool of them, this was a big box full of stuff, all natural/organic. Now I have Neem oil, azamax & this stuff but no bugs in sight :wood:

I'm still upgrading my arsenal, I'm going to pick up some no-pest strips. Spring is coming fast and I'm seeing a few bugs around for the first time in months. I'm going to try and stay on top of things. 2 more months.
re: Hempy - OC+ - CFLs & 3 Good Seeds

Hi Blue! :grinjoint:

SoG is looking good, as some one said, should be fun with all the different strains you have going.

SNS didn't do you a favor at all with the packaging, however they are great products. Hope you never have to use the insect killers. Your ready anyway!

Are you planing on using CFLs throughout ?
The window fan should help you allot with the heat.....placement is the key, I would think.

Hope you don't mind this but,

Chopper, that's good news about the wife! :cheer:
re: Hempy - OC+ - CFLs & 3 Good Seeds

Hi Blue! :grinjoint:

SoG is looking good, as some one said, should be fun with all the different strains you have going.

SNS didn't do you a favor at all with the packaging, however they are great products. Hope you never have to use the insect killers. Your ready anyway!

Are you planing on using CFLs throughout ?
The window fan should help you allot with the heat.....placement is the key, I would think.

Hope you don't mind this but,

Chopper, that's good news about the wife! :cheer:

Hey OMM! Yes I'm going to use cfl's, I need them because my footprint is bigger than that light provides. So I have 4 cfl's on each side of my rectangle. I'm also rotating the plants by one spot each day, so they all get equal lighting.

Did you get the same stuff as I did from SNS? I'm really curious about their veg and flower supplements, have you tried them?

You know how I feel about blazing new trails, I'm a big chicken. Feel much better copying someone who's already succeeded.

The ww were the biggest plants early on but right now the bubblicious and a. gold are zooming by them in height. They are really stretching their bad little selves.

It's funny how growing changes one's perspective. I usually can't wait for those nice warm spring days, now I'm hoping the cold holds on for a while so I can more easily manage my temps haha. Pretty sure I'm going to have to end up moving everything back upstairs again soon, it will be easier to vent the air outside and of course that's where the a/c is. If that happens I'll shrink the frame and get everything done at once.

A clone grow may be just the thing for you OMM. In theory better yield in a smaller footprint. You'll take a 40-60 day hit up front getting your first clones going but after that you can have a nice perpetual setup running.... are you restricted in your plant numbers?

ps Of course I don't mind any cross-chatter here, the more the better!
re: Hempy - OC+ - CFLs & 3 Good Seeds

Hi Blue! :grinjoint:

SoG is looking good, as some one said, should be fun with all the different strains you have going.

SNS didn't do you a favor at all with the packaging, however they are great products. Hope you never have to use the insect killers. Your ready anyway!

Are you planing on using CFLs throughout ?
The window fan should help you allot with the heat.....placement is the key, I would think.

Hope you don't mind this but,

Chopper, that's good news about the wife! :cheer:
:):) too late if he did.....this turned into the Dawg Haus chat 'n' brew a long time ago.:):) Besides....not much happening at the moment....growing growing growing:wood: {Thanks OMM}
re: Hempy - OC+ - CFLs & 3 Good Seeds

:) :):) too late if he did.....this turned into the Dawg Haus chat 'n' brew a long time ago.:):) Besides....not much happening at the moment....growing growing growing:wood: {Thanks OMM}

Hey Chopper! The Dawg Haus lol!

Did I ever tell you my screen name is in honor of my most awesome dog ever, a blue weim? 110 lb lap dog who's idea of living large was being within 10 feet of me at all times. If I put him out back to run in the fenced in yard he'd stand there with his nose on the door until I let him back in. Never needed or used a leash, we could walk down the median of an interstate and I wouldn't have worried for a second that he'd leave my side. Almost never barked either. Sadly he only made it to 7.
re: Hempy - OC+ - CFLs & 3 Good Seeds

Hey Chopper! The Dawg Haus lol!

Did I ever tell you my screen name is in honor of my most awesome dog ever, a blue weim? 110 lb lap dog who's idea of living large was being within 10 feet of me at all times. If I put him out back to run in the fenced in yard he'd stand there with his nose on the door until I let him back in. Never needed or used a leash, we could walk down the median of an interstate and I wouldn't have worried for a second that he'd leave my side. Almost never barked either. Sadly he only made it to 7.

We've had as many as 3 at once....I've one giant (140lbs) that is just as you described, and 2 pitish bully girls ATM. My Blue Wiemaranar only went 7 years as well (Cooper) (Crystal) the Grey Ghost girlie made it to 12. Their son (CHOPPER) is sitting on my foot as I type....he's 9 now. (I am Wayne):)

small world ol' Doggie
re: Hempy - OC+ - CFLs & 3 Good Seeds

Yeah it is bro. If I won the lottery I'd have a place in the country with as many weims as I could handle (and a greenhouse haha).

Poor Blue had a hemorrhage, I woke up and he was still warm but gone, lying on the floor next to the bed. Just thinking about it gets my heart racing again, that's about as freaked as I've ever been in my life. My son is grown and on the other side of the country, it was really just me and Blue for years.
re: Hempy - OC+ - CFLs & 3 Good Seeds

Hey Chopper! The Dawg Haus lol!

Did I ever tell you my screen name is in honor of my most awesome dog ever, a blue weim? 110 lb lap dog who's idea of living large was being within 10 feet of me at all times. If I put him out back to run in the fenced in yard he'd stand there with his nose on the door until I let him back in. Never needed or used a leash, we could walk down the median of an interstate and I wouldn't have worried for a second that he'd leave my side. Almost never barked either. Sadly he only made it to 7.

Dude thats the saddest shit I've heard in a while, had one dog when I was a teenager n she was just like that, blk lab n G. shepard mix, Faithful as hell...So i know what thats like. Those Weimers are beautiful dogs too, sorry ya had to lose him. I now have a 90 lb great dane x boxer x pitty mix, he's a bit goofy from the dane in him, but loyal as hell, and sounds a lot like your Blue buddy. Any way looks like the sog is in good shape, and looks fun! Are most of your strains of the same height rating (or whatever they call it)? Ya know, short medium or tall n so on...and also how close are the flowering time?
re: Hempy - OC+ - CFLs & 3 Good Seeds

Yeah it is bro. If I won the lottery I'd have a place in the country with as many weims as I could handle (and a greenhouse haha).

Poor Blue had a hemorrhage, I woke up and he was still warm but gone, lying on the floor next to the bed. Just thinking about it gets my heart racing again, that's about as freaked as I've ever been in my life. My son is grown and on the other side of the country, it was really just me and Blue for years.

Great, now THIS is the saddest shit!! I hadn't read the next post when I posted the last one...Again sorry man thats the worst...
re: Hempy - OC+ - CFLs & 3 Good Seeds

Great, now THIS is the saddest shit!! I hadn't read the next post when I posted the last one...Again sorry man thats the worst...

Thanks Q. I still miss him but life goes on, he was a great dog. That's the problem with dogs, they don't live long enough.

I took in a stray cat last summer, she's ancient and cranky but I couldn't let her starve. My neighbor moved and left her if you can believe it. So anyhow I figured I'd make her last days comfy, but she's healthy as hell now and trying to run the house and honestly I don't even like her very much lol!

She's the hairiest damn cat and now she's shedding and that freaking hair is everywhere. And she spends her whole day trying to figure out how to sneak into the grow room. Bitch. :tokin:
re: Hempy - OC+ - CFLs & 3 Good Seeds

Q I forgot to answer your questions!

strain, size, flowering weeks

ak48, med, 9-11
bubblicious, short, 8-10
ww, med, 8-10
a. gold, med, 10-11

I wasn't worried to much about them finishing together but would like them to be about the same size. If they're not I can adjust their heights with risers once they stop growing.

Funny thing is the bubblicious is listed as short but they're the tallest plants and stretching like crazy. I measured the plants again today, it's been 5 or 6 days since the last time. Everything grew from 1-3 inches except the white widows, they're all about 8.5" and not growing. Most of them were slightly singed by the light at that time.

I gave all of them some of that veg supplement today so we'll see if that does anything.
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