Here We Go Again


Well-Known Member
So a little back story I had a grow several years back in a 2 foot by 2 foot tent, had 3 autos in there with a 250W hps. Used miracle gro as soil, didn’t use nutrients, had no clue what I was doing. Got a half ounce from 3 plants in total. This year I’ve decided to go about doing it correctly after reading up on some things. I still am a complete amateur and know nothing but know more than I did previously.

a few weeks back I started again with what I thought was a 1.2x1.2m bud box but it turns out it’s a 1x1m. Setup was a 600W hps with non adjustable ballast, 5 inch inline fan with a carbon filter to draw hot air out along with an 8 inch fan on the floor and some ducting running from the outside of the tent just to try and bring some cool air in. Temperatures were running at 39-40 centigrade constantly and eventually my seedlings I put in there looked dried up so I’ve decided to buy an adjustable ballast with a dual spectrum bulb.

Put 4 gorilla zkittlez seeds in a cup of water 48 hours ago and all sprouted. I have transferred these into a 0.5l pot with plagron 60/40 and sprayed a bit of water on them, I have also put a see through plastic container over the tops of the pots with a couple of holes drilled into it and sprayed the inside of that to keep moisture inside.

as of now the tent is running at 26 degrees along with 40% humidity. The light is set as 400W of power to help control the heat. I do not have the oscillating fan turned on inside the tent but have the carbon filter extractor fan turned on and set up to pull hot air out through into a large cupboard built into the wall. I am dubious about extracting through a window as I am worried neighbours will get suspicious about noise of the setup along with me unzipping the tent.

my set up is as follows : 1x1m grow bud tent, adjustable dual spectrum light set at 400W via digiballast, 8 inch fan, 5 inch ram extractor fan with carbon filter, four 0.5l pots with plagron 60/40 soil.

forgive me for the poor layout of this so far.
Day 2 after putting in pots.
8pm the soil has completely dried up and looks like dust, venting into the cupboard has seemingly not worked. The temperatures are running at 30 centigrade currently and humidity was at 29.

At this point I’m thinking of cutting a hole in the ceiling and venting into the attic. Will this decrease the temperatures within the tent if I’m venting into a different room?
Here are photos of the setup


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I think that would be your first place to look for alleviating a bit of heat.... Open those 2 screens and I bet it will cool right down.

opened the screens and also the 8 inch vent at the back however I can now hear the fans from the outside of the room which is something I’m looking to avoid for when guests/family are over.... any suggestions for this?

I was thinking of possibly cutting a hole in the ceiling and having the fan in the attic so all noise is in the attic and will not be heard along with also venting out into the attic. Is this a possibility worth looking into if I’m trying to avoid noise?
The plants are still really young, at this age they done even hardly need much of a exhaust fan on even.

I started out just venting into the same room. It soon got really terribly humid in the room (go figure, I know right). My windows are old and they have two windows with a gap in the middle. I opened the outside (just a hair to allow air out). Put a piece of black cardboard I got from dollarama in the gap on the inside on the opposite side of the window being opened, so you can’t see the exhaust tube from outside. Then put the tube in the bottom corner of the window, and slide the inside side of the window up to the tube, I also took some more black cardboard and pinched it in between the window and the casing, above the exhaust tube, acting as a barrier from the air from the exhaust. Lastly I rigged up more of that black cardboard to be the same size of the window (with the corner cut out for the exhaust tube) put the cardboard in the window and can’t even tell there’s a tube in the bottom corner of the window because of the first cardboard piece in front of the tube. It looks like one big black cardboard piece. If there’s a will, there’s a way!! :thumb:
opened the screens and also the 8 inch vent at the back however I can now hear the fans from the outside of the room which is something I’m looking to avoid for when guests/family are over.... any suggestions for this?

I was thinking of possibly cutting a hole in the ceiling and having the fan in the attic so all noise is in the attic and will not be heard along with also venting out into the attic. Is this a possibility worth looking into if I’m trying to avoid noise?
What’s your attic like? Where I live, we’ve got blown in insulation in the attic. It’s a mess to have to deal with.
My attic is pretty....empty...there’s just a bit of plasterboard, if I stood on one part too heavily my foot would go through the ceiling of the room the tent is in. Will venting into the attic make much different in terms of the heat and would this change in terms of me having to vent out the window instead? Willing to give it a go even though it could possibly be quite a lot of work.

otherwise I’d be looking at giving the window option a go as you have said although my only issue is the noise going to the outside of the window, I can hear it when I’m outside the front of the house so I’m assuming neighbours might too.
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