Hey there does anyone have an Advanced Nutrients feeding schedule that will help me based in UK


420 Member
Hi people first time grower growing from seed in coco coir purchased all canna coco a and b rhizotonic cannazyme also pk 13/14 and canna boost also purchased advanced nutrients ph perfect grow a and b also there bloom a and b ph perfect and there big bud looking for a feeding scedule from veg to flower maybe just advanced nutes or combination of both wanna stick to ph perfect cos phing the water all time does my head in so anybody with a proven schedule or combination scedule of both would be really appriciated thanks happy growing and smoking peeps
Hello @Flyhigh420uk .

I run AN strictly and have found this to be great nute Line. However you do have to ph adjust still! Oh is so important as time consuming as it may be!

Confused so whats the point of it been ph perfect i was sold this on understanding it would take the hassle out of phing all the canna coco nutes i bought so i bought the adv nutes range ph perfect coco grow a n b bloom a n b and big bud so you telling me i still have to ph it im based in uk and current ph of water ranges between 7.1 7.2 so if i have to ph this what should i be phing too growing in coco coir cheers its so fucking confusing this is my first grow and thinking at this rate most prob last lol
Don't give up, with ph perfect you'll be fine but if problems do occur it's nice to know where your ph is at. The thing with ph perfect is it's buffered to be used at full strength according to the bottle. Most cannabis strains will only be able to handle 1/2 of that amount safely. So if a problem does pop up you'll want to know what's happening quickly.
So what I have found is if your water is at 7.1-7.2 pH and you add in your pH perfect nutes it will bring it down to 5.6-5.7.... this is optimal for hydro. If you are running in coco your ideal ph would be 5.8. That being said you only have to pH UP only A tiny bit to accommodate your appropriate ranges for nutrient uptake to get best results!
Confused so whats the point of it been ph perfect i was sold this on understanding it would take the hassle out of phing all the canna coco nutes i bought so i bought the adv nutes range ph perfect coco grow a n b bloom a n b and big bud so you telling me i still have to ph it im based in uk and current ph of water ranges between 7.1 7.2 so if i have to ph this what should i be phing too growing in coco coir cheers its so fucking confusing this is my first grow and thinking at this rate most prob last lol
I was been a cheap scape and using canna pk13 /14 and rhizotonic instead of advanced nutes voodo juice and override not realising the canna ranges was increasing the ph level back to my tap water ph of 7.1 7.2 ordered the correct advanced nutes and used as advised and guess what it was the canna nutes i was using throwing my ph out thanks for advise tho bro made me look at what i was doing wrong
So now using the advanced nutes ph perfect grow a and b and b52 and overdrive also voodoo juice then will be using there bloom a and b and big bud as advised by sensi products i mix my feed to two litres of water per plant using 2m/ l strengths of nutes as still in week one of veg do you advise i still check the ph and ppm levels despite using there ph perfect range and adjust where needed by using ph up n down ?
I still check my pH but that’s cause I’m an over cautious parent of my girls. I also find that AN full lineup runs your PPM high but I haven’t found it to be a problem. I did however not use B52 and have found it not needed. Bloom A+B / Bigbud from weeks 2-4 of flower / OverDrive for last 2 weeks before a 1 week flush this is how I’m running and have been having great results so far !!

Hey @Flyhigh420uk
I made this feeding chart up the other week. This is based on 15Week plant. You can increase or decrease schedule according to the growth rate of plants in your cycle.

Here is:
Dutchman’s AN Autoflower Feed Scedule

Hopefully you can find this helpful ! If you have any questions regarding the table please let me know happy to help!
And any chance you could do me a feed schedule for x4 weeks veg x 8 weeks flower x1 week flush advanced nutes ph perfect coco grow a n b, also bloom a n b also b52 ,overdrive, big bud, bud candy and voodoo juice using 2 litre jug to feed them with any help much appriciated
Whats a 25ml rootplug noticed it on your feed scedule under vodoo juice

When I drop my seeds into my root plugs (jiffy peat pucks or rapid rooters) I use a 0.25ml/L of voodoo juice for root stimulation once they pop. I have seen some incredible root expansion videos when this is done! I will document it on my next journal.

As for a feed schedule I find it’s best if you make your own based on what your using exactly! I haven’t used coco so I wouldn’t know what measurements would be required for proper feeding. That being said the feed schedule I showed you is the one that I’m using and is giving me good results so far! I’m not using budcandy or b52 as they are making your feed heavier but that’s my opinion!! I like a light feed and most people will tell you to take the “less is more” approach ! Start with a light feed schedule and work your way up from there and see how your plants take to it!

If you have any other questions please feel free to ask!
@Flyhigh420uk do your first grow using just grow a&b then your bloom a&b... by the time you've done your first grow you will have a better understanding of how to incorporate all the additives (which you dont need anyway to get a good yield)

Start out around 1/8 strength the first two weeks of vege, 1/4 strength the next two weeks, then change to your bloom nutes at 1/2 strength. Look at the tips of leaves, if the ends start to yellow, its the first signs of nutrient burn and you will need to back off.

I grow in coco, if your start a grow journal and put a link here, I and others will follow along to help with any problems that arise along the way.

It doesn't need to be complicated! It is a weed after all, and is pretty resilient to mistakes!
Hello buddy!

If your a first time grower, learn first how to do little bits and pieces with the plant, jumping straight into big nute brands wont really help, if you run the canna line thats more than enough, after all its all down to your lights and environment.

But if you have the canna line, i used to run a great schedule, just keep your PH around 5.5-5.8 in veg and try keep it 5.8 all the way through flower, also if your growing in coco you will need to buy some calmag then make sure your start off before adding bloom nutes is 150ppm.

Use canna a&b 2.5ml of each up till week 2 of flower then go up no further than 3.2ml of each to 1L.

Rhizotonic all the way through till week 3 of flower.

Cannazym use from week 1 of flower up till week 5.

Use your Boost along side your PK 13/14 from week 3-5 or 4-6 (strain depending).

I still run this exact schedule barring i use Ionic base bloom nutes instead of canna, if i could tell you to add one thing that would be Bud Candy from the Advanced Nutrients line, but honestly Advanced Nutrients is a massive spaghetti junction for what you can use and should use with them, if anything after your first few grows you will find nutrients do very little, once you have good lighting and a 100% environment then i would think of adding nutes, but for sure buy a ph pen and a ppm pen, this will help you but i agree with @Hootenanny start a journal and we can help you along the way.
@Flyhigh420uk do your first grow using just grow a&b then your bloom a&b... by the time you've done your first grow you will have a better understanding of how to incorporate all the additives (which you dont need anyway to get a good yield)

Start out around 1/8 strength the first two weeks of vege, 1/4 strength the next two weeks, then change to your bloom nutes at 1/2 strength. Look at the tips of leaves, if the ends start to yellow, its the first signs of nutrient burn and you will need to back off.

I grow in coco, if your start a grow journal and put a link here, I and others will follow along to help with any problems that arise along the way.

It doesn't need to be complicated! It is a weed after all, and is pretty resilient to mistakes!

Really thanks for all the advice your giving had to get rid of one plant has killed it and this is how the others are looking not good think im killing them dont no wat im doing wrong


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It looks like a cal mag problem as your also using LED lighting too, get some calmag off ebay or amazon buddy vitalink do a good bottle as well as a ppm pen, they only cost around £10 i ordered one on sunday from amazon.

Here is the link to take you to the journals page, same setup on how you made this post. click here buddy> Journals in Progress
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