Homer's Legal 4-Plant Max Perpetual Minimalist Garden In Ontario

Homer...great update...I like the pictures. I see there are sure a lot of opinions out there about MC dosages.
Thanks a lot, cr8grow, I appreciate the input. Yes, there are a lot of opinions about MC dosage and as I said the sweet spot is pretty narrow to the point I wonder if it even exists in late flower.
My Gorilla Glue from Dr. seeds is looking happy and healthy sitting pretty all alone under her blurple. She is the first plant that hasn't had to share the light with another plant in veg so she is growing nice and plum which will hopefully help her stay upright later in life; my 1:20 is doing an impression of the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

I have an ever so slight leaf curling so I fired up the humidifier again so hopefully, that does the trick. Other than that all looks good. She could be topped any time now.

before topping.jpg

Not much to really report from the flowering room. My 1:20 seems to have stabilized after I increased its nutrients again but doesn't really look much different. The Devil Seed strain has become such a total disappointment it's comical. Since it's not big enough to take up much lighting space I'm going to take it to the end but I honestly don't think I will get any usable bud. Not only are the buds tiny they are not the least bit stinky or pungent and today is 7 weeks in flower; when I squeeze a bud and then smell my fingers it just smells like lawn clippings. I swear if a person were blindfolded they would have no idea it was flowering bud.

I find these graphic programs pretty interesting kind of like big fun puzzles and this Blender program is pretty sweet for an open-source program. Good way to keep my mind occupied and functioning I figured too; I need all the help I can get.:nerd-with-glasses:

Hope everyone is surviving okay and coping with these weird and challenging times. :ciao: :thumb:
Holes are dug so we’ll put the plants out this weekend then start a new round of seedlings.
Great, sounds like you have the hard part done.
For round 1 anyways, I have to Memorial Day to get plants in the ground. I have hundreds of freebies I’ve gotten over the years to put outside. :cheesygrinsmiley:
OMG!! You, Sir, are a madman... :bravo:
Keep up the great posting Homer, luv the 1:20 pics and your journal, I have grown it once, not as well as you have got going buy I very much liked it, now that I have learned so much from this place I might start it again.... Go Canada just saying eh!!!
Thanks, NAgrowing. I am pretty happy with the 1:20, nice and big and healthy although not the biggest buds but the size of the plant should make up for that.
Just have to stay out of jail lol
Yes, that is definitely the most vital part for sure. Good luck in your endeavors, we are all rooting for you. Should be an awesome haul.
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