How to grow in Coco: Feed schedule

you want a quality root stimulator and quality pk. you could also use something like dutch pro explode. different nute manufacturers mak their boosts differently.

A quality PK supplement and a quality base nute is good enough. environment and light is way more important than the nutes.

Great thanks.
What are your thoughts & experience on unsulphered molasses? I'm using it as an alternative to bud candy at 2 ml/gallon hand feed.
Great thanks.
What are your thoughts & experience on unsulphered molasses? I'm using it as an alternative to bud candy at 2 ml/gallon hand feed.

Use 1 to 3 tablespoons per gallon of water. In metric, I use 5.3 tablespoons (78.1mL) per 10L. I only do it once every 2 weeks and end it at week 7 of 9. Don't worry about the unsulfered stuff. Plants don't mind a bit of sulfur as it's an essential element. 2mL/gallon isn't much. Using your units, my molasses dose comes in at 29.6mL/gallon. Definitely hand feed. Can't imagine what it'd do to the pump lol
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Thread is couple months old , Had some questions

Nik1120, I'm growing in coco and it is much easier to grow in is what I found out. Also depending on which nute schedule you use.
There are many, if you have a grow store to set you up? I'm using House&Garden product. A little expensive but great results. Good luck!..✌️
Cult, thanks for sharing!! Prior to me finding this thread I already picked up Cyco's plat line. Can you help me with substitutions? I'm completely new by the way. I appreciate any help you can offer.
Budboy, This is my second run with Coco , Tuper Gold with 60/40 #3 perlite. Seem to be running into deficiencies . Running Clean Grow nutes. Stuck. Would you say this coco needs to be charged . Need some help . Help would be greatly appreciated
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