I don't think this is normal: What y'all think

so, you would rather believe what you read online and give 1/4 of what the scientists that developed your nutes say you should use at week 1. They have no incentive to lie to you... every incentive for you to succeed in your grow, yet you have chosen to believe bro science. The result is dramatic... your plants are showing you that they are starving to death.
Trust the nutes you have bought into, or throw them in the garbage and get something you will trust. Your plants are counting on you.
Ive followed my nute schedule for general hydroponics flora trio and it BURNED the shit out of my plants and killed them, now i start art1/4 strength and never go over half strength the whole grow
I use advanced nutrients Seni grow a+b , voodoo and B52. Take it from me listen to Fanleaf and Emilya follow exactly the recommended feed schedule that advanced uses. I use their bud labs app It tells you week to week what to feed no guesswork. I tried the half strength thing with their nutes is was nothing but problems and deficiencies
Ive followed my nute schedule for general hydroponics flora trio and it BURNED the shit out of my plants and killed them, now i start art1/4 strength and never go over half strength the whole grow
That maybe but what the OP missed is that the side of the bottles plainly say the dosage for seedlings and that's the dose that Advanced told him to use. They didnt mean go 1/4 strength of the seedling dose, they simply told him to follow the instructions that are already on the side of the bottles which is coincidentally 1/4 dose of the week 1 veg calculator lol. He wasn't technically in week 1 of veg yet but still in the seedling stage (side of the bottle). Time to up it to week 1 of veg now, they need more.
so, you would rather believe what you read online and give 1/4 of what the scientists that developed your nutes say you should use at week 1. They have no incentive to lie to you... every incentive for you to succeed in your grow, yet you have chosen to believe bro science. The result is dramatic... your plants are showing you that they are starving to death.
Trust the nutes you have bought into, or throw them in the garbage and get something you will trust. Your plants are counting on you.
Nute companies know absolutely nothing and they have every reason to lie to you.... Money..
My grows go perfectly nutrient wise and I only use a fraction of what they recommend. If I used what they say id need to buy about 10 times more nutes than I currently use.
2 autos at the top are on 500ppm bloom nutes. That's about 35% of recommended.
All the rest are on 250ppm veg nutes +50ppm CA/mg/fe. Total 350ppm including my tap water.
thats not even quarter strength but as you can see, all plants are being fed EXACTLY what they need.
not a single imperfection anywhere.
other than the 2 at the top, the rest have only been in there 18 days too. Were under a single 130w CFL in start cubes untill then. Absolutely explosive growth and no deficiences on a fraction of what you believe they need.

Nute companies know absolutely nothing and they have every reason to lie to you.... Money..
My grows go perfectly nutrient wise and I only use a fraction of what they recommend. If I used what they say id need to buy about 10 times more nutes than I currently use.
2 autos at the top are on 500ppm bloom nutes. That's about 35% of recommended.
All the rest are on 250ppm veg nutes +50ppm CA/mg/fe. Total 350ppm including my tap water.
thats not even quarter strength but as you can see, all plants are being fed EXACTLY what they need.
not a single imperfection anywhere.
other than the 2 at the top, the rest have only been in there 18 days too. Were under a single 130w CFL in start cubes untill then. Absolutely explosive growth and no deficiences on a fraction of what you believe they need.

Thats what i said
Fine then... you in the majority quit bragging about your own grows and explain to the OP why his leaves are yellow.
Most likely the blood meal. Should never put amendments into Coco because of the amount of watering involved.
Would need to know the ppm of the feed and run off aswell as the pH levels and the frequency of watering to say what it is for sure.
Saying quarter strength doesn't really mean much without a ppm and pH meter. The water might be 500ppm and pH 8.
I know it's not hungry though. If that was a deficiency it would be iron Def. Its way too early for that. If it was feeding off the leaves it would be the bottom leaves from the tip inwards.
I don't feed my seedlings anything other than 50ppm tap water untill they're that size so im very familiar with how they look when they starve early on.
The full leaves fade really quickly too.
Good answer Kevin, how do your plants look now?

The six shooter is a beast, almost 4.5ft. On week 13 now. Shouldn't be much longer. My stardawg is any around 3 feet. With my bro in laws photo fems needing more room I gifted it to a buddy I've bee trying to talk into growing. So he has it with him at his cottage. He's old so he doesn't use anything technology after 1990 even a computer. If I make it up for a visit I will snap a pick. I've also got a Night Queen Auto and a Crucial kush in the 1.3x4ft section of the tent. The Night Queen is one week 1 of flower. It's skinny and getting close to 2 feet. The critical is rather smaller and will start flowering soon. Topped the night queen and end up break one of the new stems half way down. Have 2 of the side shoots as the main. Going to put a net in tonight. Also have a short Rider outside about 1.5ft. That's looking super frosty.

So over all I'd feel im doing ok for first time. Had hiccups and Im sure I'll have more before all said and done.

Bro in laws are looking great. Will be using a net once the auto is out. Going to be flipping to 12/12 shortly.



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