Imtoasted's Journey Of Perpetual Bliss

Shoot quick question i wanted to ask the people who have tried bud washing.. have yall tried using your tap water?? Doc says to use ro water but im washing one small plant and dont wanna buy 12 gallons of ro water lol.

I use tap water on every wash I have done......easy peasy!!
Ok great man i will have to give that a go if i have any deficiencies earlier in flower!! Good advice sticky! Wow it says 1-2 tbsp on the bottle.. had to start small. I know my first grow i dumped it in lol. Thanks bl!! Good im glad you are enjoying using it that way lady.. i know it is rather stinky stuff eh?? I dont apply it before work only after lol. ...

All trimmed up and ready to wash!!

Lower nug. ..

Congrats on another successful harvest brother Toasty!! Nice looking plant right there
Thanks ns and rich.. i appreciate it van!! Went over and had dinner with my parents the next day, we watched a movie and smoked for the first time together. Was so awesome! My life feels complete lol. Dad texted me today and said that he woke up for the first time in two months with out a headache. Its something else to be able to help take care of him after him taking care of me these past 28 years. What a damn honor! .. Cant wait to provide him the best medicine possible.

Weighed the dark devil last night.. not too bad for a smaller auto. Was only expecting 15gs so ill take 20 lol. Pics will come when they fix the app. ...
Haha I asked you like 10 hours before your message If you talked to your parents and now I see This message. Awesome Bud! Hope your father Will be pain free, or as much as posible!

My father Will try the oil and e-juice when he has a good day. Lets hope he likes it ..
Thanks ns and rich.. i appreciate it van!! Went over and had dinner with my parents the next day, we watched a movie and smoked for the first time together. Was so awesome! My life feels complete lol. Dad texted me today and said that he woke up for the first time in two months with out a headache. Its something else to be able to help take care of him after him taking care of me these past 28 years. What a damn honor! .. Cant wait to provide him the best medicine possible.

Weighed the dark devil last night.. not too bad for a smaller auto. Was only expecting 15gs so ill take 20 lol. Pics will come when they fix the app. ...

Looking forward to your smoke report on that DD in a few weeks! Heard nothing but great things about the smoke.
I had something to say butt I am old and cant remember. My reveg. plant is kicking ass I have like 30 colas they are budding up big time plus the other one is still in veg. plus all my clones 6 for 6 easy to clone but have a two more MJSEEDS Plants planted. So I have 10 plants growing
happy growing
Yea thats a good thing imo, it will give em more oxygen and dry out the bottom part of the soil which doesnt dry out so easily all the time. I have a fan doing the same thing. Blowing on all the undersides of the plants and pots.

The dark devils smoke is nice.. like an energetic body buzz with a clear headed high. Wish i had grown her better but it is what it is. Still some damn good smoke, not big on her floral weed taste but damn it smells really good in the room after you smoke it. Cant wait till those terpines come out more in the cure and affect the high. Gonna be a little psychedelic too i have a feeling. Only a week in the jars so not ready yet.

The herculean harvest i added to the white widow did not help at all. She hates me lol. I think shes super root bound and her soil is staying too wet. Roots are rotting at the bottom of the pot i bet. Damn hard pots. Dumb idea using those lol. Wish the app could post pics.. not sure what to do about the ww. Maybe ill let her be and use her for oil. My 'patients' really like my oil haha. ...
I should add the ventilator I pulled out recently again. Thanks for the Reminder guys.

Miss dark devil is a Nice sativa Isnt She? I would love a taste of that .

Maybe Its possible to upload a pic with a laptop or desktop? Not Sure If you have one :) that ww should be saved bro, She needs to deliver to the Grand master lol...

Lets see If that oil gets you going as good as the last one..
Your lucky to have that relationship with your dad Toast. Cherish it bro and sounds like you are. I can remember coming home as a kid and all the weed I had hanging on my bedroom walls curing was gone. It was worth something then too. The walls were loaded and the closet doors were shut and he left all that in there. So I got something. He was pissed boy! If he could see his house now flash foreword 35 yrs later he'd be just as pissed.
Flip side to that my mom knows. Her house. She hasent seen the tent but its as professional as it gets. Clean. Protect the house most important. Moms was with me a few months back and we stopped at a Collective real quick and there was a lady HER age parked next to us getting meds. I wonder how my dad would take all this legal weed stuff.
Not sure what dad thinks of it being legal recreationally.. im sure hes ok with it lol. He wasnt so nice about it when i was living in his house when i was younger. Took my bud a few times lol. Didnt get smacked upside the head though so not all so bad. . Hes pretty layed back now. Gonna upload some pics when i get home tonight.. getting a back log of pics on my phone lol.
Not sure what dad thinks of it being legal recreationally.. im sure hes ok with it lol. He wasnt so nice about it when i was living in his house when i was younger. Took my bud a few times lol. Didnt get smacked upside the head though so not all so bad. . Hes pretty layed back now. Gonna upload some pics when i get home tonight.. getting a back log of pics on my phone lol.

Let me tell you my old man's stance on the stuff. My mom found a little bit of it in my pants pockets once when I was 17 and she gave it to my dad. I was out working on my car in the driveway and he walks out calmly and asks what i am doing. I proceed to tell him and he is nodding the whole time. Then as I finish up, I close the hood and smile at him. He reaches in his pocket, pulls out my little dime bag of weed and throws it on hood. "You can afford this shit, so you can afford your own place....when can I expect you out of my house?"

There was no grey in his thinking. Now he has one son that grows commercially in Washington state and another son that wants to get into breeding commercially LOL. He is coming around a bit as things prove that its actual medicine. He knows I use it for my back and that I make topical oils with it as well. But I don't know that i will ever smoke or medicate with him. Hell out of respect for how he feels about it, I won't do it at all around him. Maybe that will change, but I respect his stance on it....he is old school. Can't teach old dogs new tricks.
Let me tell you my old man's stance on the stuff. My mom found a little bit of it in my pants pockets once when I was 17 and she gave it to my dad. I was out working on my car in the driveway and he walks out calmly and asks what i am doing. I proceed to tell him and he is nodding the whole time. Then as I finish up, I close the hood and smile at him. He reaches in his pocket, pulls out my little dime bag of weed and throws it on hood. "You can afford this shit, so you can afford your own place....when can I expect you out of my house?"

Yup.... That's how it went down in my house, although I was getting a little big for my britches at that point anyway. I moved out shortly after that having to forge some documents to be able to rent a place. I didn't talk to my parents for more than a decade then we all came around. I never went back for help and my dad told my mom that out of the three of us kids I was the most responsible. Go figure.

Cannabis has had a funny run in society. There are distinct marks in history and peoples acceptance of it. What cracked me up was being in CO this summer and going in the dispensaries. The customers were all grey hairs and the workers were millennials.
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