Iti's Winter Frost With Mars Hydro

Just mixed up some feed for the veg tent
2 gallons of water
30 ml cns17 grow
10 ml Calmag
10 ml liquid karma
10 ml pure blend tea
20 ml Neptune harvest kelp
3 ml z9
10 ml neem oil

Blah. Neem got a smell.... lol and don't mix in that well.... Better then cns17. One liter each. I'll spray them when the lights go out. And it's every 3 days for 2 weeks .... correct?
Seems like when it rains it pourz... so when I took out the hermies last week, i said to myself as i was chopping them down... what if they all hermie, youd look some stupid...... and this evening I'm pretty sure I seen a nut... might have been better off just letting it go.
Seems like when it rains it pourz... so when I took out the hermies last week, i said to myself as i was chopping them down... what if they all hermie, youd look some stupid...... and this evening I'm pretty sure I seen a nut... might have been better off just letting it go.

I can't like that post....... UUggggggggg!!!!!!!! &^%^$&**&^

That sucks..... grow that sucker out and grind the seed..........

The seeds must have come from a major hermie strain. I've heard that before (why you never pollinate with hermie pollen) .

I'm irritated, and they aren't my girls (?) ......
It don’t take much pollen. Lol
Oh, I know that...... I was talking on purpose. If you have a plant go hermie, never use that pollen.
I wouldn’t breed with, but if I knew it was stress induced I might be tempted if it was a good strain.

It would have to be under some major stress for me to consider it. But if I was growing it, it would be.. :rofl:
Now as long as I can get the bugs gone I'll be good to go. These dark engery x OG are nice plants so far and from regular beans, so I'll take clones from the bigger girls here after the bugs are gone. And do a cycle or 2 with this strain.
Hopefully you find a nice pheno.
I know I'm looking for the best growing plant, but what else would I look for.... bigger fan leaves(got one with 9 on the fans) ....?
I know I'm looking for the best growing plant, but what else would I look for.... bigger fan leaves(got one with 9 on the fans) ....?
I would go with the big and large number of leaves. More leaves, "MORE POWER"!!!!! Well better light absorption, so possibly more power.
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