Hi everyone.
Sorry about the radio silence for the last couple of weeks.
Unfortunately my sister passed away suddenly, and I had (and still have) a massive amount of things to do. That's all I'll say about that for now.
On a more positive note, I didn't come home to total devastation...
Some minor plant health issues, but I should be able to get them back on track.
Any hints or tips about the leaf color issues on both swiss skunk plants, and possible defoliation of the big Swiss skunk plant would be awesome.

Most importantly to me, Lucky (the Wookiee auto I got from Trala) looks great.









Sorry to hear about your sister Joe, best wishes to your family. Those leaves look a bit puffy, almost like they've been over-watered.
Sorry to hear about your sister Joe, best wishes to your family. Those leaves look a bit puffy, almost like they've been over-watered.
I watered them 2 weeks ago, before I left, but I did give them more than usual.
I went to town on Big Swiss, beat her up pretty bad.
I feel guilty now... nah, she'll be right.

I trimmed all the bottom stuff for air flow, then I crushed the stems and bent them down. They're being held down by the yoyo things. I ran out of them, so one is held down with a piece of wire.
It looks reasonably flat across the top, so I'm happy enough for now.

The other plants are
Little Swiss, ( left front ) she's not very happy. I'll probably put her outside sooner or later, in some fresh soil.

F2 Wookiee auto, ( right front, courtesy of @Trala ) Lucky. I haven't done anything to her at all except to remove a couple of small leaves from the stem. She's already got pistils showing. I'm hoping I can lean her top over towards the light while she flowers, then, when she's finished and I take her out, the photos will be ready to go 12/12, and they'll have more light because she'll be gone. Well that's the theory anyway :laugh:

Big Swiss clone, ( right rear ) she's in a small planter bag with Yates Black magic seed raising mix. Seems to be going alright, in fact she's the only one without puffy leaves. Smaller pot? Better aeration in the soil mix? Maybe my soil mix needs better drainage?

@LKABudMan I see what you mean by puffy leaves, I probably overwatered before I left because I didn't want them to dry out.









Looking great Joe. I love how spread out you have them.:welldone:
Tell JG we have a New Zealand edition of the Wookiee!
Sweet! did you notice Joe's Wookiee has regular leaves, not the 3 fingered ones you and I had....something about New Zealand, I guess... :hmmmm:
Sweet! did you notice Joe's Wookiee has regular leaves, not the 3 fingered ones you and I had....something about New Zealand, I guess... :hmmmm:
Must be because we're so clean and green....
Oh wait, you can't swim in the river (toxic algae bloom), and you can't swim at the beach (sewage overflow) :rofl:
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