Let's Grow A Pound

Re: SouthernWeed's Second...Let's Grow A Pound

I will give you a higher ceiling for your temp range but I don't think you're gonna like the cost/effect scenario. It's cheaper to just bite the bullet for the a/c's.
Re: SouthernWeed's Second...Let's Grow A Pound

Good morning. Thought I'd post some baby pics of my soil dwellers. The first two, in the red solo cup, are RoadRunner, she was planted a couple of days earlier than the rest. The next two are of Barney's Finest, one came up yesterday and the second popped up overnight. The two White Widows still haven't come up, but I'm not worried. There are bulges in the soil right at where I planted them, so I'm sure they are on the move and hopefully will emerge into the light today.





As for the bucket dwellers, today will tell the tale. I'm getting pretty tired of having to hold their hands constantly, even though it's not their fault. I've not come up with an adequate cooling solution yet, allthough with only one light on, running at 50% power, I've been able to keep the temps down to the 74-78 degree range. They seem to do fine for the first 8-10 hours of the light cycle, then they start looking sick again. I've got over 200 seeds, and I'm just about to the point of throwing these out and starting over. I've done everything, within the bounds of reason...and for that matter, at least one thing completely beyond reason, to nurse these plants back, and it seems that all I've done is to prolong the inevitable. So I'll watch them closely, as usual, today, and if they don't straighten up and fly right, they are out, and the little lady will get her Blueberry started.

Hope you all have a great day!
Re: SouthernWeed's Second...Let's Grow A Pound

Sorry to hear about your heat stroked plants. Mine seem to tolerate the heat pretty well.
Mandala seeds are resistant to heat. Maybe try some of them.
Congratulations on your new sprouts! They look good. May good vibes send you luck!
Re: SouthernWeed's Second...Let's Grow A Pound

Sorry to hear about your heat stroked plants. Mine seem to tolerate the heat pretty well.
Mandala seeds are resistant to heat. Maybe try some of them.
Congratulations on your new sprouts! They look good. May good vibes send you luck!

Brother, I think you would be hard pressed to find one damn thing I've done right on this grow. I left them in someone elses care to go on vacation, only to come back to the worst algea outbreak you could possibly believe. Imagine an old stagnant pond and you're in the neighborhood. I have designed and built a flawed grow room, although I may be onto a solution for that, we'll just have to see. I suppose that the positive side of all this is mistakes can be learned from, so by the time this is over I should be the smartest SoB any of y'all have ever met. Frustrated doesn't even begin to cover it.

Barney's finest is doing well, good healthy looking seedlings. RoadRunner is moving right along as well. The White Widows still havent emerged from the soil. That is not bothering me to much, I've noticed from looking at a few WW grows that they seem to start a little slower than other strains, but quickly make up the lost ground once they're out. Anyhow, I pulled up the hydro grow and have started germing 4 more seeds to start over with. Blueberry and Violator Kush were the choices. My basement space is actually 10'9" tall, so I enclosed the walls to the bottom of the first floor floor joists and tapped directly into my first floor HVAC system. From the outside in the basement, you can't see the flex that I've pulled down to registers in the ceiling of all 4 pods. Finished that bit of work at about 1am, so there hasn't been a test run yet, but there will be later today. I'm hoping that this will take care of the heat issues so I can use all the light I have installed. Keep your fingers crossed, and y'all have a great day!
Re: SouthernWeed's Second...Let's Grow A Pound

Good luck there, Hoss. I ran my avg power bill up by $40-60 overall and it didn't help too much. I t will, don't get me wrong. I just don't think you'll kill 4,000w of heat that easy
Re: SouthernWeed's Second...Let's Grow A Pound

Good luck there, Hoss. I ran my avg power bill up by $40-60 overall and it didn't help too much. I t will, don't get me wrong. I just don't think you'll kill 4,000w of heat that easy

When I started this, the first thing I did was fill the entire south facing roofline of my house with solar panels, so the energy considerations don't worry me all that much. I tried this fix first becuse I had drywall and 2x4s left over, and in a sincere desire to quit pouring money into this. If this can drop the average temps down into the low to mid 80's during the light cycle, then I'll be much more comfortable. Keep in mind that wile the outside dimensions of the room are 20x20...the pods total area is only 10x10. I tried to give myself a little room to expand down the road. Anyhow, we'll see how it goes later today.
Re: SouthernWeed's Second...Let's Grow A Pound

Oh....I should also say that in 2 minutes of the air unit kicking off the temp (under my ONE light) went sky high until the thermostat kicked back in

My AC runs pretty much all day when the sun is up during the summer...downside of a mostly glass first floor...lol.
Re: SouthernWeed's Second...Let's Grow A Pound

I found a house on large farm in Co Springs that is already wired for solar (off grid) but I have to add to the existing power to run my own 5,000w system on. We've been looking for about half the farm we run now in acreage, so the leftover equity lets me play.
Re: SouthernWeed's Second...Let's Grow A Pound

I found a house on large farm in Co Springs that is already wired for solar (off grid) but I have to add to the existing power to run my own 5,000w system on. We've been looking for about half the farm we run now in acreage, so the leftover equity lets me play.

Sounds like you have some high quality problems to deal with and have a fair amount of planning to do, but do share the results with us!
Re: SouthernWeed's Second...Let's Grow A Pound

By all means....I finally get to do it right. This lil "Hobby" of ours does mesh nicely with a full-blown Oragnic Farm biz. Once I figure out the details, I'll be more than happy to show it off.
Re: SouthernWeed's Second...Let's Grow A Pound

Hi Southernweed,
My friend, I hope you will be able to work out your heat problems. On a previous grow I bit off a bit too much to handle, so I had to downsize just a bit till I got the kinks worked out. In my instance I had more healthy plants than I could provide an optimal environment for. I have a difficult time culling and wanted to especially keep alive a very interesting sativa that was a giant. I kept Miss Sally anyway and my main indy girls were in the optimal environment and had a very nice harvest. Miss Sally in her ghetto home, tried her best but couldn't achieve her greatness. I believe if I had thought this one out better I would have been more successful. Keep you thinking cap on, In the back of your mind keep solving those problems in your head and later try on the girls. I have solved many gardening issues just browsing the stores like lowes, etc...
I know I dont have an answer but If you keep problem solving in your head for a while you will be successful. Like Pans says.. It will all pan out...
Re: SouthernWeed's Second...Let's Grow A Pound

Well, the first bit of good news. Four hours ago I turned all the lights on to 50% power and flipped the switch on all the ventilation. I set the first floor thermostat to 72, it's usually on 75, and held my breath. The temp before turning the lights on in the pods was 69f. Two hours later the temp had gone up to 74f so I swallowed hard and jacked up all the ballasts to 100% power (why did I here Scotty's voice in my head when I typed that?), and went upstairs. I left it alone for the last two hours and went down just a few minutes ago to check the temp...78f. I think piping in the AC is going to work out. Im not ready to declare complete victory yet, but seeing as how the actual basement temp has risen only 2 degrees f, from 67 to 69, I think it's going to work out fine. I'm going to leave the lights on at full power for the rest of the day just to see what kind of temp variances I get, but I'm cautiously optimistic.
Re: SouthernWeed's Second...Let's Grow A Pound

Hell yeah, my friend.....great news. By the way, how damn big is your a/c unit?! I have a fairly large house at 3,000sqft and mine couldn't keep up. But then again I guess I hadn't factored in that I was using half the space you are per light. 10x 4 1/2ft. Glad to finally hear some good news from someone. It's a rough world these days.
Re: SouthernWeed's Second...Let's Grow A Pound

By all means....I finally get to do it right. This lil "Hobby" of ours does mesh nicely with a full-blown Oragnic Farm biz. Once I figure out the details, I'll be more than happy to show it off.

Schweet man. I've been working in IT for a while now, but recently I've been feeling my agrarian roots pulling me back this direction. Glad to know someone else is "living the dream" so to speak.
Re: SouthernWeed's Second...Let's Grow A Pound

Well, the first bit of good news. Four hours ago I turned all the lights on to 50% power and flipped the switch on all the ventilation. I set the first floor thermostat to 72, it's usually on 75, and held my breath. The temp before turning the lights on in the pods was 69f. Two hours later the temp had gone up to 74f so I swallowed hard and jacked up all the ballasts to 100% power (why did I here Scotty's voice in my head when I typed that?), and went upstairs. I left it alone for the last two hours and went down just a few minutes ago to check the temp...78f. I think piping in the AC is going to work out. Im not ready to declare complete victory yet, but seeing as how the actual basement temp has risen only 2 degrees f, from 67 to 69, I think it's going to work out fine. I'm going to leave the lights on at full power for the rest of the day just to see what kind of temp variances I get, but I'm cautiously optimistic.
Glad to hear your temps are getting to where you want them. Man, it sounds like you could go for one of those indoor/outdoor mini weather stations where you put a battery powered sensor in the grow space. You can then comfortably monitor it from another room in your house. Just a thought.
Re: SouthernWeed's Second...Let's Grow A Pound

My personal beliefs dictates that homesteading/self-sustaining practices may become necessary all too soon. It doesn't require rocket science to watch the news and get scared. If we hit another Greater Depression, I don't want to have any reasons to care.

PS: Our "Leaders" mandated that certain online book stores must recall all digital sales and stop sales of "1984" and "Animal Farm" just a few days ago.
Re: SouthernWeed's Second...Let's Grow A Pound

I appologize for the picture quality, I was doing the very best I could. Anyhow, has anyone ever seen a plant come up like this?




I've never noticed one like this before, it looks like a horn instead of the beginnings of two seperate leaves. It's one of the Barney's that's doing this. Just curious about it.
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