Let's Grow A Pound

Re: SouthernWeed's Second...Let's Grow A Pound

Southern, I wouldn't stress on it too much. It is a WEED after all. Notoriously famous for growing through snow, heat, jungles, and stones. Rather than throw them out, if they don't perk up, and you want the space back in your hydro system, throw them in some potting soil in the corner, man. I've saved worse with damn good results. It just takes longer.

Yep, they are a resilient plant, and I've taken this as a personal challenge to do all I can to pull them through. I just don't have it in me to give up without a fight, besides, this is only my second hydro grow so I'm still learning what to do and when to do it. It just bugs the hell out of me that this happened, but like Mr. Smith said, I am the gardener, so it's down to me to sort it all out.
Re: SouthernWeed's Second...Let's Grow A Pound

What do the roots look like? Did I notice some darkening of the main stem on pics 1 and 3?


The roots have completely cleared up and begun to show encouraging signs of new and continued growth. These babies have been stunted back by at least two weeks, but I believe that 4 of the 5 will live, and the one I have my doubts about was Problem Child, which, from the beginning, seemed weak. We'll just have to see how it goes. I'm going to be setting up the other two this afternoon in the 5 gallon buckets and let them roll.
Re: SouthernWeed's Second...Let's Grow A Pound

This grow has me interested. Looks like the thread name should change from "let's grow a pound" to "Let's bring 'em back from the dead". It could be instructive on what is done to rescue the little babies. Best of luck on this Southern.

Re: SouthernWeed's Second...Let's Grow A Pound

:peace: i have great faith in your skills to bring these future beauties to their rightfull place and be big ladies best of luck brother :passitleft:

Thanks brother. Should have waited to start these until I got back, but I'm an idiot. I figured I had left enough instruction on what to do and when to do it, but I was wrong.

Good to hear things are looking better. I've got my fingers crossed for ya. ;-)

Thanks Ms. Fox. I think it's going to work out fine, they just got slowed down a bit.

This grow has me interested. Looks like the thread name should change from "let's grow a pound" to "Let's bring 'em back from the dead". It could be instructive on what is done to rescue the little babies. Best of luck on this Southern.


lmao...you may be on to somthing there. I had a minor algea outbreak in my first grow, but nothing like this. I used some rather unorthodox techniques to rid the roots and rockwool of the algea this time. If they make it through, and it looks like they will, I'll post it up.
Re: SouthernWeed's Second...Let's Grow A Pound

Glad they bounced back, Southern!
Is that new growth on top I see?
Looks like the color is coming back.
Best of luck to ya!

Yes, all four now have new healthy growth...problem child isn't doing well and I believe her days are numbered. That's sad, but she never looked quite right from the day her taproot showed. Color is dramatically improved an the leaf curl is straightening out...believe we got 'em back, Brother!
Re: SouthernWeed's Second...Let's Grow A Pound

Wow... I'm uber-impressed you were able to save those babies. I'll be curious to see if there will be ongoing issues with these babies over their lifetimes.


Thanks Tead, but all I can say is I was very lucky. Looks like they are all going to survive, so I'm going to come clean as to the method I used to clear the algea off the roots and rockwool. Pool water. I filled a 5 gallon bucket up from my pool, got another top for the bucket, cut five holes in it and put the plants into that solution for six hours. I then removed them and suspended the lid with a fan blowing on the bottom to dry the roots and rockwool for 1 hour. Then put them in a bucket of pure r/o water overnight. When I opened the bucket the next morning there was a coating of algea like you've never seen on the bottom of the bucket, the roots were completely cleared and there was no visable algea on the rockwool. I put them back in their seperate buckets, with a small dose of algeacide, and have seen no algea residue since. Like I said, I went way off the reservation with this idea, but really had nothing to lose. Amazing what you can do when you don't know what's impossible.
Re: SouthernWeed's Second...Let's Grow A Pound

I don't think that's even close to the same consistency, Tead.

Lol...the more we learn here, the more I like you, Southern. Now that, my friend, is getting very creative. I've had similar situations with hatcheries. We normally order several thousand misc. poultry each year for organic production. So...you can imagine the ensuing catastrophes.
Congrats with the lifeguarding of your stock...lol. Bravo.
Re: SouthernWeed's Second...Let's Grow A Pound

Not much new to report in the way of growth this morning, the overall health continues to improve to the point have moved them downstairs into pod #1 to continue their veg. I have decided to crack 5 White Widow seeds. I'll begin the soak process on Thursday, with an eye towards having them in rockwool no later than Monday. If the flower times claimed by the breeders are correct, or even reasonably close, then I should be able to harvest all three strains within one week of each other, and see if we can't get 2lbs from them. After that, I'll move on to some of Barney's Farm's finest as well as some Femmed Dutch Passion Blueberry...that's for the little lady, who honestly believes that it is the best weed on Earth. I like it, but not nearly as much as she does, but as much as I wish I could say otherwise, I'm whipped. I'll post veg pics of the UH and SLH once a week to keep everyone up to date on their progress. The White Widows will be posted once there is something worth seeing.

I may not have alot of updates on this grow for the next week to ten days, I'm going to be finishing the other three pods over that period so I can have my bathroom back. I finally recieved the last of the equipment that was backordered, so there's no excuse for me not to get busy and finish up the basement.

Y'all have a great day!
Re: SouthernWeed's Second...Let's Grow A Pound

I appreciate your optomism. Honestly, I just can't imagine that something won't come along to ruin your schedule (going on vaca any time soon?).
I'm a bit of a pessimist tho... and you do know how to grow good stuff...

Go baby, Go!

No plans to go anywhere and no plans to let anyone stay here. I really should not have started these plants when I did, I knew I was going to be taking a vacation, but I really believed my man could handle the little bit I needed done, not like he's never grown before, he was with me for 15 of the 17 years I grew outdoors. Of course, he hasn't been fanatically studying hydroponics for nearly six months either. I have no reason to believe any of this would have happened had I been here, so I believe that the next set of grows should go off without a hitch. I'm going to be running a continous grow until christmas, at which point I should have a very nice stash for myself and my closest friends.
Re: SouthernWeed's Second...Let's Grow A Pound

Just a quick morning update. I pulled Problem Child this morning, she was just not getting any better. From the day her taproot showed, she just didn't look right and the algea storm sure didn't help. So now we are down to 2 of each. I Fimmed the strongest one of each strain and will soon top the other two. I figured this would be the best way to get a side by side comparrison of the two tecniques. LST will begin today as well. I'm going to pull these babies down as far as I can and attempt to train them in a spiral. This is actually day 27 of veg, but they look like, and I'm treating them as if, it's day 14. God algea can really screw things up. Also, just for laughs, I took one seed, a freebie called Roadrunner that I had very little interest in, and planted it in soil. I still miss growing in dirt, despite my runaway facination with hydro, so it'll give me something else to toy with. Going to start soaking the White Widow tomorrow morning and get them in rockwool as soon as possible. I had given some strong consideration to just going a little crazy and planting the Barney's Farm stuff and Blueberry as well, but the little lady put her foot down and said that I had enough stuff growing now and it would be in the best interest of my...uh how do I say this delicately...continued marital happiness, to just work with what I have for the time being. She's always known how to get through to me. Anyhow, that where we are today...

Y'all have a great day!
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