Lime green new growth

Joshua mccauley

420 Member
Hello all,
I too am having issues with lime green new growth, and stunted growth periodically. To be honest the plant went through hell the first 2 weeks until I started getting my supplies. Since I've had what I thought I need she started taking off. Well all ways good until ehh a week ago I wanted to upgrade my pot size to 5 gallon I was watering every day. Pretty much ever since then I've noticed more n more lime green through out the new growth. Never does it touch the old leaves. But I did notice the oldest and biggest fan leaves are having more purple color to the stems and can't really stand up. Idk if this is due to the strain( crumpets) or what this is my first time grow thought I knew what I was doing until this happened I've read n read n read and nothing really touches my problem to the T. I have a 600w wakyme led, plealnty of ventilation, fox farm notes and soil, molasses "unsulfered", mag -cal. I will include pictures but if anyone sees something I'm not please do and feel free to tell me something I don't know I would much appreciate. I forgot to mention she is almost 2 months old. Thanks in advance










I also forgot to mention, I just topped and trimmed her up,but she was starting the lime green a day or 2 before I did this I was just assuming it was bright green new growth but obviously I was wrong.

I attached another photo, FYI I just flushed her with 3 quarts of ph'd bottled spring water "pic attached"kinda worried. I seen some photos looking similar to mine and they where saying it's N but I add call mag so I don't know how that would be and they also say with N deficiency its starts at the bottom and works its way up this is not my case. I scrambling in my brain trying to solve this issue. Lock out?? Pictures again don't look the same. Also when I transferred pots I did have the light to close for a day or so but saw leaves curling and automatically adjusted. May be shes stressed?? Over watered a couple of times which lead me to not runoff feed which is why I flushed her as well. Ph was 5.3 but the ppm was 1680 and the ec was high I thought 3500. I'm thinking I should flush again in a day or 2 when she dries out. So thats where I'm at lol. Sorry of I'm all over the place first time on a forum and first time grower. And yes I noticed I should've waited on the new one I have no idea what to do when I flower the big one lol smh rookie moves.




I also forgot to mention, I just topped and trimmed her up,but she was starting the lime green a day or 2 before I did this I was just assuming it was bright green new growth but obviously I was wrong.
Hi Joshua!

I'm not a soil guy but we'll see if anyone is on that can help.... @013 @Pat Puffer , @MochaBud

I think I see what's going on, but rather then give bad advice let's get some pros to help.
Hey Joshua,

Welcome to 420. Thanks for the tag Rexer!!! Not a pro just a gardener, but your plant looks really good all things considered. However you are watering too frequently, no growth can happen above ground until the roots grow first to support a larger plant. Roots can’t breathe or grow in continuously wet soil. There is no way a plant that small needs water every few days plus the wet soil may well attract critters. Purple stems are ok, no worries there. Gravity works so when the top of soil is dry - the bottom is still wet. When the soil totally dries out all the way thru - then she will send tiny root hairs out to search for water. For soil grows it improves the rootball to run the wet dry cycle. From totally wet to bone dry and it won’t hurt the ladies.

Also don’t let them sit in wet pans or trays, get something non porous like an oven rack or old section from dog crate so the grow bags are sitting above the drip pans. For soil ph is 6.5, don’t worry about the ph or ppm numbers of your runoff water, that tells nothing useful. Runoff contains chemical salts plus fine sediments that come out in the wash so it’s an inflated number anyway. I’m going to drop Emilya’s article on watering BRB. How to water a potted plant

welcome aboard - more peeps will jump in soon
Hi Joshua!

I'm not a soil guy but we'll see if anyone is on that can help.... @013 @Pat Puffer , @MochaBud

I think I see what's going on, but rather then give bad advice let's get some pros to help.

Hey Joshua,

Welcome to 420. Thanks for the tag Rexer!!! Not a pro just a gardener, but your plant looks really good all things considered. However you are watering too frequently, no growth can happen above ground until the roots grow first to support a larger plant. Roots can’t breathe or grow in continuously wet soil. There is no way a plant that small needs water every few days plus the wet soil may well attract critters. Purple stems are ok, no worries there. Gravity works so when the top of soil is dry - the bottom is still wet. When the soil totally dries out all the way thru - then she will send tiny root hairs out to search for water. For soil grows it improves the rootball to run the wet dry cycle. From totally wet to bone dry and it won’t hurt the ladies.

Also don’t let them sit in wet pans or trays, get something non porous like an oven rack or old section from dog crate so the grow bags are sitting above the drip pans. For soil ph is 6.5, don’t worry about the ph or ppm numbers of your runoff water, that tells nothing useful. Runoff contains chemical salts plus fine sediments that come out in the wash so it’s an inflated number anyway.
Thank you for the info I really do appreciate it. So you are saying the lime green on the new growth is from over watering?? I have them off the ground. Drilled holes in a tray and flipped it upside down. I am aware of not using the run off as a guide but something told me to check and thats was my results I was sharing. I do hope this is only a watering issue and not a lock out issue or something else. Thank you very much!!
Hi Josh, let's look at what happened . You up potted, then the problem started. Yes , you in my book watered too much, and that's all. I believe the plant will take her time and come around to perfect health again by starting a wet/dry cycle of watering. Are you feeding bottle nutes? If yes then you need to ph the feed. Here's the chart for that.
Don't flush anymore for a while and see how things balance out. Did you leave a full feed for her as part of the flush? Shouldn't take long. Have you read the watering tutorial Emilya put up? Link's in my signature.
Also I will absolutely run it through the cycle didnt know that was a thing but now I do thanks to you, I was thinking the purple was ok but I seen some people saying that was a sign of deficiency. That would explain everytime I tried to water what normal recommendation it would get overeating signs she was never dry. I was scared to let her get to dry but now I will allow it. Thank you kind sir!
I would strongly suggest that the proper pH to adjust your fluids to is 6.3 pH, not 6.5. This is actually a huge difference on the logarithmic scale. Some nutes, actually the most nutes are the most mobile in the soil at this low end of the 6.3-6.8 scale. The big deal though is at 6.5, you barely are able to take advantage of the soil's natural upward drift in pH as only 6.5-6.8 will be seen by the nutes in your soil as the pH starts to drift upward immediately after you water. It is best again to come in at the low end of the scale, at 6.2-6.3 pH, so that because of the drift, your nutes can then slide through the entire range of usable pH, picking up each nutrient in its turn. It is a commonly misunderstood fact that when we talk of pH in a closed container, it is not any particular number we should be shooting for, we should instead be trying to slide the pH through the entire range between each watering.
Measuring runoff pH is a waste of time because it will change depending on how much runoff you produce. Just like in a coffee pot, the strength of what runs out of the bottom is largely dependent on how much water you dilute it with. So you have to ask yourself, where is the "accurate" reading? Is it at 2% runoff, 10% or 20%? The answer is never... the runoff can not correspond to the soil pH up above in any accurate way.
Also, consider this... the pH is different in different parts of your container. Up high where the soil is starting to dry out, the pH is reverting back to its base pH... usually near 6.8pH. Down low where there is your pH adjusted fluid, the fluid brings the pH in that region much closer to the drifted pH of the fluid, wherever in the scale it happens to be that hour.

The only important pH measurement is what your fluid that you are about to hit the plant with is reading at. When you adjust to 6.3 pH and saturate your soil with it... for that moment, every region in that container has no choice but to revert to the pH of the fluid... there is just too much of it. From that moment on, the drift begins, as the buffers in the soil actually start to adjust the pH of the fluid, and as the plant uses both water and nutes, to change the pH balance of the mix. Because the nutes are acidic and the water isn't, as the plant uses up the nutes, the pH of the wet area drifts upwards.
Have you always been giving the same amount of cal/mag through out the grow? Have you recently introduced the cal/mag supplement?

Reading the watering habits of the past, that could prove to be the issue. I skimmed over that part first time reading.

Yellowing along the leaf margins usually points to a potassium issue. The happens more towards the bottom as the plant pulls K from the bottom and uses it at the new growth. K is a mobile nutrient, explaining itself stripping from older leaves to use in the newer ones. This is not the case.

So it would point back to your watering habits. Overwatering can manifest in a myriad of ways and appear as any def.

As mentioned, let you media/soil dry out and monitor new growth.
Yes I too went down that road but it led me to a dead end, I do believe and hope that it is watering issue. Cal-mag has been since 2 week period slowly added until recomended amount.... I do appreciate the info anything different point of view. I will definitely let her dry out ect... thank you
Good morning all,
Today seems like its a better day. Shes standing nice n tall today, stems look alot stronger. I hope after that flush and now learning a drying period is recomended I believe I may be back on the path... hopefully!
The lime green hasn't gone away but I wasn't really expecting it to come back that quick. Thank you again for all the info!!!



Hello all,
I too am having issues with lime green new growth, and stunted growth periodically. To be honest the plant went through hell the first 2 weeks until I started getting my supplies. Since I've had what I thought I need she started taking off. Well all ways good until ehh a week ago I wanted to upgrade my pot size to 5 gallon I was watering every day. Pretty much ever since then I've noticed more n more lime green through out the new growth. Never does it touch the old leaves. But I did notice the oldest and biggest fan leaves are having more purple color to the stems and can't really stand up. Idk if this is due to the strain( crumpets) or what this is my first time grow thought I knew what I was doing until this happened I've read n read n read and nothing really touches my problem to the T. I have a 600w wakyme led, plealnty of ventilation, fox farm notes and soil, molasses "unsulfered", mag -cal. I will include pictures but if anyone sees something I'm not please do and feel free to tell me something I don't know I would much appreciate. I forgot to mention she is almost 2 months old. Thanks in advance










I also forgot to mention, I just topped and trimmed her up,but she was starting the lime green a day or 2 before I did this I was just assuming it was bright green new growth but obviously I was wrong.

I attached another photo, FYI I just flushed her with 3 quarts of ph'd bottled spring water "pic attached"kinda worried. I seen some photos looking similar to mine and they where saying it's N but I add call mag so I don't know how that would be and they also say with N deficiency its starts at the bottom and works its way up this is not my case. I scrambling in my brain trying to solve this issue. Lock out?? Pictures again don't look the same. Also when I transferred pots I did have the light to close for a day or so but saw leaves curling and automatically adjusted. May be shes stressed?? Over watered a couple of times which lead me to not runoff feed which is why I flushed her as well. Ph was 5.3 but the ppm was 1680 and the ec was high I thought 3500. I'm thinking I should flush again in a day or 2 when she dries out. So thats where I'm at lol. Sorry of I'm all over the place first time on a forum and first time grower. And yes I noticed I should've waited on the new one I have no idea what to do when I flower the big one lol smh rookie moves.




To be clear I wasn't watering the 5 gallon every day I was watering the gallon pot everyday which is why I moved to the 5 gallon. Also I was ph'd everything that touched her even the humidifier water was ph'd. I fluctuated between 6.5 - 6.0 due to my readings saying the nutes are absorbed at different ph levels. I wasn't making adjustments from the runoff I was just reading them to see of it was crazy numbers...
Just wanted to put this out incase someone didn't know I'm trying to be as transparent as possible. Thank you again God bless
Gooooood morning friends!!
So its been since Monday since I last flushed, soil is still moist and now I'm starting to see white tips on some of the fan leaves. Growth has started back slowly, and I'm see ripples in the some of the newer growth will attach pictures. Also some of the lower old and new leaves are looking limp again but the top is reaching for the sky. I feel like its something else but again newbie don't really know just the old gut feeling. What should I do? I feel like she should be almost dry by now, oh also most if not all the new growth has a maximum of 5 leaves. Is this because of stress? To much light ? I keep backing the light up. I'm afraid of light stress. When should I flush again?? She still looks somewhat healthy I can just tell something is wrong slowed growth, lime green new growth, less blades per new growth, and now the tips turning on me what am I doin wrong. Or not doing??










She has the tiniest bit of tip burn but that’s an indication she has plenty of nutrition available, this is not bad at all - it’s actually desirable. Since the soil is still moist I would wait and not give any more water for a few more days. It’s hard to sit on your hands, we think that we’ve got to do something heck do anything to make it grow better. Sometimes the best thing to do is nothing. Plants move slowly... it’s hard for us to adapt to ”plant speed”

as far as flushing goes, you don’t necessarily need to flush a plant over and over, that’s an emergency move to wash chemical salts from your grow media and sometimes it can do more harm than good. Yes some cannabis makers suggest flushing when switching between veg nutes and flower nutes or at specific points in the grow but flushing does not exist in big agriculture like fruit or food crops. How do you flush an entire mountain orchard or 100 acres of peanuts? You can’t, it doesn’t happen.

bottom line.... if the soil is still moist - then it’s not dried out. In a few days (if you continue to let her dry out which I would suggest you do)) then the plant will look a bit sad, the upper leaves will droop downward a bit. This is a good sign indicating slight wilt. She’s beginning to get thirsty but don’t water her right away..... wait for half day or full day and keep watch. Then water her good to slight runoff. Then you are going to sit on your hands again and repeat this entire process. We are extending the wet / dry cycle which will make her roots grow and that causes the plant to grow. This is how to build a robust rootball, come flower time bigger roots equals bigger fruits.

my 2 cents - see what other replies come in
Those 'white tips" are okay. When the tips fry and curl up, you have over fert. Your leaf tips are healthy for now.

The "yellowing" was more pronounced on the upper leaves earlier this week, has that seemed to improve any since Monday? I see your new growth is still showing those signs, but does your top shade leaves show any improvement?
Well...I am racking my brain as well.

"light was too close..." If this was the cause, all your leaves at the top would be bleached, not just your new growth. Your big shade leaves look good that are above new growth that ARE displaying lime green color.

It looks like Potassium def. "Looks"...K def appears as leaf margins that turn yellow and eventually burn. It appears like K def on the new growth.

If it was K def (potassium), we would be seeing your plant stripping it from older leaves to use at the top new growth. We don't see it doing this. Your new older fan leaves look good.

Yellow margins on new growth...and it's not potassium? I would consider zinc or iron...but your previous practice of overwatering could have brought that about.

I presently have an AC/DC in a 7 gal fabric pot and I water her about once a week. I also experienced yellowing tops like you, due to either pH being off in compost teas or adding too much Cal due to nutrient teas. Either way, I flushed for potential pH issue (which you probably don't have) and started doing a kelp foliar application to get the micros back to her. She has greened up again, but the damage was done. She still has some yellow leaves but her bud centers are green again.

I would wait a bit more between waterings.

What kind of grow medium are you in? Forgive me if you have previously stated. It's important, coco requires a different pH than soil.

Reread...FoxFarm nutes & Soil & Cal/Mag +molasses.

How are you using your molasses?

Fox Farms is a neat combo of organics and chelated nutes. If you check on the back of the bottle, you will see ingredients...

Grow Big -
Ingredients: Ammonium sulfate, ammonium phosphate, urea, blood meal, potassium nitrate, potassium sulfate, earthworm castings, Norwegian kelp, iron EDTA, zinc EDTA, manganese EDTA, copper EDTA, chelating agent, disodium ethylenediamine tetra acetate (EDTA), sodium borate and sodium molybdate.

Hmm...iron and zinc are in there and chelated (edta) for quick absorption.

Going back to over watered...for now. If you are using your supplements at ~1/2 strength or more, you should not be showing these symptoms.

Try and find out where your soils dry point is. As we over water, our plants can droop a touch. This can give us the impression our plants are thirsty, so we water more. This can lead to a myriad of symptoms.

We can find our plants well hydrated and standing tall even when the top of our soil is dry. There is a bunch of water in the bottom still, even when the top is dry.

Letting our plants wilt a touch due to lack of water is not necessarily a bad thing. On the contrary it can promote more root growth.

Back off your watering a touch and see if symptoms improve over the next week or 2. With your nutes, you should have it all covered.
Molasses. I was using it every other watering or less @5ml per gallon. I too was thinking of the kelp but not to sure if that is my problem I really don't want to give it something it doesn't need could only imagine that would cause more problems. Feeding started low n slow n ramped my way up to recomended amounts. As far as moisture goes I have ph moisture probe for the soil. I know its not perfect but i get an idea of what going on at the bottom was reading ph through the roof and still moist. I've NEVER ph'd over 6.5. So I don't know. I'm very confused. I feel like she's trying to tell me something but I can't understand and that for me is irritating. I will sit on my hand for another day or so and see if she needs anything then I guess. And as far as the top fan leaves i not sure if I see a difference. I look at her so much every day its hard to tell. Pic for reference. I know she looks healthy but something is off and I don't want it getting outta control its almost like a family member at this point lol. I'll sit on my hands and report back in a day or so. THANK YOU ALL so very much!! God bless


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