Magnus Growing Chemdawg Using Remo Nutes

Happy 4-20-20, Magnus!

I can't find the link on Greenflower for the free course but I've asked Sue for it. I'll get it to you when I get it.
Happy 4-20-20, Magnus!

I can't find the link on Greenflower for the free course but I've asked Sue for it. I'll get it to you when I get it.
Thanks so much! You're a doll!
Yup. My little runt is growing new leaves when I thought she was dead. And to think I almost threw the little runt away. Says something for being patient and misjudging the potential we all have inside us...

I dont have a pic today. I thought I'd let them all grow a bit longer so that there is a noticable difference in them.

Jeez - I find that they grow so much more slowly than my outside grows, but I guess that's to be expected, eh? Maybe I'll head outside and snap some pics of my grow location for y'all to see. And I have a question for you seasoned grow journalists: When I begin my outside grow should I make a completely different grow journal for them or can I just include it in this journal (assuming I can change the name of this journal to reflect my outside grow?

I'd really like some advice on this. I'm afraid that, with everything going on in my life right now that two journals at the same time might be a lot more work than I have energy for...


Ok. So we are outside now a d its a stunning day! It must be 10°Celsius a d almost no wind. The wind at my place can be incredibly strong and it is my number one issue I have to deal with when growing. Each year I have grown outside at least two of my plants have broken in half because of the winds.

Now there is still a shitload of snow in the yard and the fields but it is melting fast. There's been quite a bit of snow this winter so I'm not surprised it is still hanging around. Itll be great for my raspberries. I planted 38 raspberry canes, 24 Nanking cherry bushes and 3 haskap berry bushes. The Nankings and the haskaps are still too small and young to produce anything but the raspberries, with all this melting snow, should produce to s of fruit. If all goes well.

So here are some pics of where I grow in the summer. My ex built these grow boxes for me and they work very well with all the room for the roots to grow. I mix up a super soil each year for my plants and they grow excellently especially with the dolomite lime as a pH buffer. That way all I have to do is water the plants each day with my hose which gets water from my well.


So this is an overall shot of my side yard with the field beyond. In the summer, usually, there are cattle in the field but my landlord's son, who own the cows, is now dying of prostate cancer so I doubt there will be cows to make friendly with this year.

I love the cows. They are so benign and gentle.


So these are my grow pots. Pun intended. The first year I grew outside all the neighbors in this orthodox ukranian community (there's a TON on Mennonites here too) got all in my face a out what the hell I was growing. One neighbor even drove into my driveway and demanded to know what I was growing - as if he didnt know already. When I refused to chop down my plants he got on his phone, called the cops and drove away angrily. A out half an hour later a cop car pulled up into my drive and a fully uniformed policeman got out. Before he had a chance to reach me I had my grow license in hand and gave it to him to look at.

"Mr. Magnus, I'm very sorry to have bothered you today," he said after perusing the document. "Do you mind if I take a photo of this for our computer? That way if anybody else calls us to bother you again we will just look up your license in the computer a d know not to bother you again."

I've never had a other cop show up in my drive since then.

But let me tell neighbors hate me. All for growing weed. Fucking assholes.

So the above pic shows my grow pots (there's that word again!) in a closer shot. They are a out 3.5' x 3.5' and a out 3' deep. I'm going to have a devil of a time trying to mix up my super soil this year with how bad my shoulders, biceps and elbows have become. But damnit I'm going to try my best to look after these plants and get them covered for 12 and 12.

But I love working on my plants out here, the sun beating down on me.


I also grow in these plastic totes but my plants dont reach anywhere near the size they do in the grow pots (snigger). But they still grow a lot bigger than in my grow tent. Last year I grew veggies in all my containers primarily because my wife had left me and all three of my dogs had died within 3 months of each other so, as you can imagine, I wasnt much in the mood to grow anything. Besides, I didnt have the money for either seeds or ingredients for my soil. So this year is actually the first time I have grown in two years now.


A d this is my "grow tent"!!! Hahaha. It is actually a tent, its what I use as a tent when I go to market with my Soaps and lotions (y'all knew I made soap and lotions, right?). I've taken the red canvas cover off of it though. The way I use it is to pkace all the plants in plastic totes underneath it and then I cover them all with my plastic tarps quite easily. Covering the plants in the grow pots is a much bigger chore. Or read that as hassle.

So that's where I grow outside and it works very well as a setup as you've seen when I posted my photos of the "trees".

So I hope this all has been entertaining for you. It's been fun for me, too.

So please weigh in on whether I should include both my inside and outside grows together in one journal. I'd really appreciate it!

All my best,


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I'm high and tired and haven't read your post but I just got the idea that you should PM all your friends from 420 from before when they helped with your other grows to let them know that you could really use their help with this grow. People like helping.

Night, Magnus.
Hi Magnus - I’ll try to follow along as promised. So far i think the help as been pretty spot-on :) I grow in soil indoors so cant really help with any nutrient-related questions or issues. I only have one piece of sure-fire factual info for new indoor growers, well 3 actually: environment, environment, environment!

The environmental conditions and their stability of conditions is everything. It honestly matters not how good anything else is if the environment is compromised.

I dont know what your environment is like now but the ideal I aim for is (actually what Doc Bud recommends and the closer i get to it the better things have been, without a micron of doubt):

Day temps 78ºF - 81ºF
Night temps 68ºF - 70ºF
RH: 55% - 65%

Day temps 78ºF - 81ºF
Night temps 68ºF - 70ºF
RH 45% - 55%

The closer you can get to these the better, especially if you can get it fairly stable. That’s my 2 bob’s worth... and I’ll probably say it again sometime. ;)

Hope you’re finding things to ease the pains a bit in the meantime :Namaste:
So where has everyone gone? And does anyone have any ideas for bringing more people in to sub on? I am not sure how that is done best.
The way to get people to follow along here is to actively participate in the journals of a lot of other people. You can't sit up at the end of a long driveway with a sign that says :welcome: and expect anyone to see it when they drive by!
can I just include it in this journal (assuming I can change the name of this journal to reflect my outside grow?
Anytime you want to change the name of the journal, go back to your first post and click the "Report" button bottom left. Let the mods know what you want to new name to be and they will take care of that for you.
The way to get people to follow along here is to actively participate in the journals of a lot of other people. You can't sit up at the end of a long driveway with a sign that says :welcome: and expect anyone to see it when they drive by!

Anytime you want to change the name of the journal, go back to your first post and click the "Report" button bottom left. Let the mods know what you want to new name to be and they will take care of that for you.
You know, the last time I had quite a few subs I was very active on the lotions site so that makes sense. The only reason I havent been more active lately is because I've been so busy in my real life lately. I'm going to change this. Thank you for pointing this out.

And thank you for teaching me how to change the name of my journal.

Any advice on whether I should keep one journal or two?

Cheers man.

Magnus! Hope you are well. Just popped in to catch up. I am watching but usually don't say much because I just don't have the time to be yaking on here. Well actually these days I do, what with the lockdown and all. You don't reuse your supersoil, or somehow replenish it? Just curious, I am going to try this supersoil kit I bought and am hoping to reuse it a couple or few times at least.
Completely up to you! I would do just one personally, but then my journal is over 1000 pages now :).
Hey, how do I sub on to a journal? I never used to know...
Magnus! Hope you are well. Just popped in to catch up. I am watching but usually don't say much because I just don't have the time to be yaking on here. Well actually these days I do, what with the lockdown and all. You don't reuse your supersoil, or somehow replenish it? Just curious, I am going to try this supersoil kit I bought and am hoping to reuse it a couple or few times at least.
I do reuse the soil in the pots but by the second year there are no nutrients left especially if they are outside pots like mine. Exposed to the elements and with all that water going through them they get really depleted.

I usually add another full layer of super soil to what us in there and mix it up with a garden fork. That usually does the trick.

You going to grow outside this year?

All my best,
That is the plan yes. Just gave birth to a Jack47 who will end eventually end up in a 15 gallon fabric pot (or maybe I'll grab a bigger one yet) of Stepwell supersoil which is a premade deal, also comes with veg and bloom top dressings and compost tea making stuff. I may try a 15 gallon size coco grow using megacrop outside too. We will see what happens.
That is the plan yes. Just gave birth to a Jack47 who will end eventually end up in a 15 gallon fabric pot (or maybe I'll grab a bigger one yet) of Stepwell supersoil which is a premade deal, also comes with veg and bloom top dressings and compost tea making stuff. I may try a 15 gallon size coco grow using megacrop outside too. We will see what happens.
Good luck to you on this. Keep me posted with pics! I'll help in however way I can.
So sorry to hear about the loss of pork chop I know how hard it is to lose a pet.
Thank you everyone. This is breaking my heart.
Oh, Magnus, that's so sad. :hug:
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