Mago: Texas style

No rudeness detected :cheesygrinsmiley:

Oh it won't be there for long.
Just need to round up some hydro gear(meters and mix for solution)
before I get too dependent on it for clones.

Oh snap, those little plastic shot glasses/cups from a bar may work.

Shame I don't have any of the coffee cups,
we sent down to over 3000+ feet when I was on the research ships.
They come back compressed and about that size :cheesygrinsmiley:
:-O you guys shrunk cups i the ocean?! how many people can that?

i think those plastic shot glasses would work as well. im thinking anything that will at least fit in the slot and be able to be cut and molded to fit the clone should work.maybe even plastic wrapped stretched across the top of the hole. lol idk bout that one but you get the idea :grinjoint:
Yeapper, shipped on USNS oceanographic ships back during ReganOmics era.
They were Military Sealift Command ships(T-AGOR class) turned over to private companies to lease back/charter to US Naval reasearch groups/depts.
Cool stuff, worked from the Tongue of the Ocean(US torpedo testing range) to the Artic circle. Everything from collecting biological samples to changin' batteries in the Nav system for the Tridents and deploying spy buoys to the bottom of the ocean.
In fact this is one I sent time on:
USNS Bartlett (T-AGOR 13) Miscellaneous Ships

Sentt most of my time on this one:
USNS Lynch (T-AGOR 7) 1965-91
Ships of the Special Mission Force, MSTS/MSC 1958-2000
damn man! thats crazy!
Nice adventure. I had the opportunity to fly out of Newfoundland on ice patrols when I was in the Coast Guard years ago. I declined and now wish I had gone.
what about useing the ready grow or organo starter plugs? get them at almost any hydro stor/site and are 1.25-1.5 if its a little small grab some of the small dixie cups at wally world (the ones that you see at doctors and elsewere than modify with the plugs to your need.
also theres not really a need to pony up more money for a better light when you can just get to one with out the light or just take it off and use 2 cfls and a Spliter instead better light less money! keep it up mago
I'll look at that shaggie, I'm happy with the lights it has.
Just short on cash(scrappin' for gas money)

I do have some KY Chronic #1 goin',
it was started with the hot Sta-green soil.
Had to put them in the wild.
The others were over shadowing them in the nursery.
I'll start another batch in the FF.
KY.C.#2 is friggin' Skunky smellin'

Found a Garden store that carries HIDs, Fox Farms and hydro systems.
They also carry the AeroGarden.
And it isn't a "Known Hydro shop".
And it's on my side of town :cheesygrinsmiley:

Startin' to see some hairs on the Littl'Darlin's in the wild,
so there may be hope for a crop Yet
before we get to 13-14 hours of daylight.

Sat/SBG is lookin' sorta sad and droopy this mornin'.
She/It endured 25-35kt winds for 2 days then the temps dropped to 45 last night after 65-80 degree temps for several days.
I think she/it'll perk up here as the sun gets up a bit.
They're tough :cheesygrinsmiley:
mmm strong women! nothign better man!:grinjoint:
They be Darlin's :cheesygrinsmiley:
Everything in the wild that's showin' sex is female.
Now!! if they'll finish
without re-veggin'
I'll be a happy MoFo' :cheesygrinsmiley:

I tried to get some picks of the baby buds, yesterday
but this cheap Digi-cam doesn't have the focal length to give good close ups of them.
Just have to wait till they get bigger :cheesygrinsmiley:
Holly crap!!!

Since I took the pics of the I screwed up, It's the SBG 3 generation, not, SGB/Sativa, in the AeroGarden, I've had to raise the light twice and it needs to go up again today.
She is out growing the rest of the clones. Yeah, she !
Her moma in the wild is showing sex and it's a Darlin'.
Pics are awaiting approval.
Here ya's Go:
The first shot:

7 days later:

And one of the Darlin's budding in the wild:
Thanks 420G
I think they may finish.
May have to bag them 4-5 weeks from now.
We'll be at 13 hrs daylight then and from what I have read,
13 for a month may just give me a bit more of a yield of a littl' more potent crop.
If I understood that thread right.

This outdoor run was justa' test to see what they would do.
Give me a time line to work with next winter.
Outdoor grow . . . way to go! I'm planting some lowryder in a few weeks. I enjoy your journals and your writings. Life seems to be treating you well down on the farm.
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