Monster Cloning & Seeds, LEDs, Promix & Soil

Lol they were f everywhere for me. My worm farm is where I believe my infestation lives. I don't know how to treat all the LOS I have but I must try. I about killed all my worms by not putting cardboard in there and it got a little dry so in kinda regeneration going on. LOS will have to wait till I'm around all the time also. Coco for now!
Ahh ok makes sense.

Ok we cut the Cali off and DerbyBudBagged em. What a great harvest. I will let Cali go a bit longer now after the one I saw trying to burst pistols again and how sticky and full budded she was wow! I'm going to freeze the Cali oil bag and see what happens. Hash bags bought dabpress 3*5 DIY on route! Now to by a air hammer jack. Anyone know what I'm looking for? Lol
My buddy orders tabaccoo leaf from the USofA and he uses them for lbs of leaf....I'm close to lbs if I can turn larf to solid bud! Haha
Now what fridge fits 5g pails! Lol.

Some clones leaf died immediately I think that one may have tipped over into my bleach water I wasn't totally careful where my runoff water was pooling when I was cleaning the floors drip trays walls etc.
Thank Iti CO2 is cool

I just couldn't lollypop them this run they grew into each other and I just cut out what I could. Like there are some nice buds! My helper didn't tie any up that fell Over either so many were under canopy. It was just too full lol. There were some nugs Mang! The one cali plant that almost pushed the second pistol push was the fullest and stickiest.
I think they could have went longer. So now I know what to look for. I think anyway. Lol
Howdy folks

So the prep girls will need f healing time. I short cutted the coco prep and shit no bueno I've leaf curling. Now I don't know if it's the bleach it fell in or touched off the walls or if it's bugs. Then the suspect bug leaf I took a photo of didn't load lol I have like half a pic? Anyway I'll post more pic later.
I really didn't take my f time and f Mang sheit no good man. So I'm not going to give a flying f because life goes on
I turned the water on more volume at a time so the coco will get wet. It also looks like not giving them enough water I dunno new room new pots we will adapt
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