Munki's 2 x 4 Bubba Kush ScrOG Bondage

Looking good, getting some growth from the little one. Great job...

Yep. I found that actually watering and feeding a plant helps tremendously in its growth!

I should have my new digital ballast on Friday. :woohoo:
Great job munki! Imma try that whole watering thing u speak of. Lol but your bubba looks like mine did at that age. Mine is 98 bubba which is loving staying short and squat. Allmost to much where takingclones fromher is going to be difivult and few between. There looking great and here's some plus rep for that wife of yours for saving your little lady.
Nycal Hydro: up your nitro in your nute regiminr and the bubba will push out those extra side shoots. Trust me when I say this will help. The bubba likes to eat your nutes up, more then any other plant you'll ever grow. I get clones off my bubba almost every couple weeks if I chose to do so. She'll grow them back . Plus the bubba is one of the eisiest plants to clone. Or at least that from my experience.
how much did ur new quantam cost ya munks?

I don't know if a sponsor carries this unit or not. I hunted around and the best price I could find was from $193.28 is the current price they show. I like that they have a regular shop and charge the same price; at least you can order it on their website and do local pick up for free. I like that better than the one price on the web and like 20 % more if you buy it at the actual store like many shops do in my area.

This shop also sells some stuff on ebay. That is how I got this unit. It cost me about $5 more but I got free shipping this way so my end cost was less. Under $200 for a brand new 600 Watt Quantum digital ballast out the door ... I had to pull the trigger on that.
wzup man i read thru alot of ur last grow and im definitely gonna b checkin on this grow...u did one of the dopest grow ever and im looking to get that kinda green thumb!!!!... im a newbie and a b doin a hydro grow dwc bubbler next grow... im currently doin soil.... good luck on this one man i hope u get a pound off this one!!!

First Grow - Hawgs Kush- Information Appreciated
Here is where the plants are as the complete week 3. Growth is quite vigorous at this point. It is easy to see growth on a daily basis.




Oh yea, this is gonna be good :smokin: How long before the screen goes in?

I am thinking very soon. I still need to get the screen on the frame and cut out the holes bigger. Just couldn't find a screen hole size over 1 inch easily so I will have to make them myself. Hopefully, I can get it done this weekend.

thats a fatty stalk on bertha..DAMN!!

I know, huh? I'm quite impressed by that as well. A little worried about its flexibility during screen training. That phase is rapidly approaching.
Looking very nice, plants are really starting to pick up. Going to be monster in the very near future. Great job..
Am looking forward to see your screen go in and the plants get SCRog'D!
How high above the tallest plant will you place the screen? i just did mine about 8in above tallest leaves. not sure if too high or to low. last plant really stretched under the led. going to turn lights tonight to 12/12.

I measure from the hydroton surface to the screen for height. My last ScrOG had 9 inches of underscreen space. This one looks to be more like 5 to 6 inches. I may add a few inches of length as I just tried a placement of the frame tonight and found that Big Bertha is already a couple of inches above the screen level. The stock is so thick and sturdy on Big Bertha that I may not be able to bend it without it snapping. I really hope the plants conform to the training phase. If the stems get too rigid too quickly, they won't train well. Regardless, they will produce well even if the screen doesn't work out for them. Going to try hard to get them ScrOGed though.
What is your strategy for determining how much space to leave between the hydroton and the screen? I had always thought more space would be better - maybe 12 or 14 inches. You did 9 on your last grow and now you'd like to do even less. You obviously know what you're doing and I'd love it if you could share a bit of wisdom regarding how to determine optimum screen height.

Thanks so much!
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