Natural Spirit's Multitasking Journal Of 2018

Just found out the AG from Barneys is a hybrid. The info I found

MerkBarney's Farm
Genetica20% indica/80% sativa
OudersCentral America
Bloeitijd60-70 days
Opbrengst Indoor500 - 600 g/m2
Hoogte (Indoor)50 - 100 cm
Oogst (Outdoor)Begin Oktober
OnderscheidingenCannabis Cup (High Times)
Beschikbaar AlsFeminized Zaden
CBD:THC1 : 32.9

Sorry for the Dutch. Normally I would translate it, but the energy level aint that high now and you probably get it.

In the end Its still a great strain! No Malawi but it should be really good for pain and a really comfy stoned
Environment is stable for now. Max 25 celcius and around 50 humidity. The mars is doing great and they seems to be loving my new medium. Ag and ATF are in the beginning of a boost so it seems. Also the cbd Goes awesome so it should be all good now :)

The ratio is pretty Sweet indeed @imtoasted :) Its a good smoke and I am trying to find the specific strain..

Have a great sunday y’all:yahoo:
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