Need help please pictures included!


New Member
Can anybody help me in 3rd week of veg temperature between 23-28 with lights on and 18-21 lights off with an oil heater on.humidity is varying between 45-70%. have been giving them 2ml vitalink plant start and 0.ml5 root aid in every litre. also spraying lightly with nitrozyme as they start to loose their dark green so every 2 3 days. on 2 plants the leaves have curled up downwards and are very crispy almost brittle to.the touch.i have removed the worse ones but the growth looks stunted and there looking very weedy compared to the other ones. one is curling upwards on the edges and very dry another is coming through very limegreen in the new growth? have got 12 in total and 8 look really good just 4 that are looking a bit hurt! 3 different strains gsc, fruit punch and chocolate fondue. the fruit punch seems the sensitive included if anyone could maybe shed some light would be much appreciated? Fruit Punch::
Girl Scout Cookies::
Fruit Punch::
Fruit Punch::
Chocolate Fondue::
Mmm wow that is like fubar...

If ya not sure what fubar means its like this - Fceked Up Beyond All Recognition, Mmm mildly at best...

Now what i might suspect... well those pots look like they have been watered recently & if ya keep up like that all the time, some of that leaf droop is over watering i may think !

The real dark green leafs clawing like rams horns in the first pic could well be a sign off nitrogen toxicity !

Some of this leaf stuff could be related to over feeding of nutrients whether by folair methods or by watering means but that is another question all to gather, perhaps you may share some detailed response on this ?
right they have been given just water after drying out but have been sprayed with nitrozyme once. starting to look a LOT better but leaves are still quite dry??? almost feel rubbery to the touch. shall i start feeding them again yet or carry on with plain water? chocolate fondue is still yellowing but looking a bit less droopy?:
Looking a lot perkier but still very dry :s?:
one of yhe fruit punch next to the gsc for size comparison.
a fruit punch looking muvh healthier but still a tad droopy::
Id say the rubbery texture is due to the plant trying to harden off from water on them. What happens when u only bottom feed and water. I never use sprays unless I truly need too. And when u spray do u spray mid day when stipule are open because you can just block em. I maybe wrong not every can be correct but hope all turns out well
you know what i never thought of that! have been misting them with plain water too throughout so makes a lot of sense! will stop misting them and see what happens thanks!
Ye they look better :high-five:

I might suggest when ya get around to feeding next is that you use either a 1/4 or 1/2 strength rate application of nutrients from what is listed on the bottle for the next couple of weeks.

As a precaution i might start at 1/4 & work up to half 1/2 strength in a couple of weeks.

Just my 2 cents, but pleased to see suitable recovery :green_heart:
thanks for all the help guys.shocked to see that 4 of my plants are poorly seeing as the other 8 are THRIVING!! Can anyone shed some light on the yellowing on the top photo? not sure if you guys can see it very well? plant looks quite healthy bar the yellowing? I am going to start feeding the others biobizz grow as apposed to the plantstart and root grow as they are no longer babies ;shall i give the sick ones some too but a reduced dosage to the other ones then?
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