NoDirtWeed's No Dirt Grow

For my hydro setup I think I've put about $215.

I don't remember exact prices but here's my guestimate:

$30 for cabinet 30" wide x 36" tall x 20" deep
$20 for the water pump
$10 for a drip kit (1/4" hoses, spikes and drip tips)
$10 for the reservoir bucket
$4 for the planter bucket
$4 for 2 air stones (I already hade the air pump and hose but that would run around $20)
$2 for two mylar emergency blankets from the 99cent store.
$50 for squirrel cage fan
$20 for 4 bulb flourescent ballast
$5 for flourescent mounts(already had the wire for connecting)
$40 for hydro nutes. (I used GH's Flora Series)

Total $215
Oh and don't go asking anyone at any any store about how to set up a hydroponics grow. Stick with asking questions here and doing research. Asking people at stores is inviting trouble.
I know I already took the pics I just need to resize and stamp them. Should be about 20-30 minutes. Gotta grab some munch first. ;o)
Ok just one pic of this grow for today. Not alot of change, something is developing but can't tell yet.

this plant went into pause mode for a while there that is why I haven't posted pics by my usual 2 days. Yester day she(?) started putting on new growth again so I'm hoping that she will show her olors in a few days so I can finnally know if it's a female or not.


Ok so this plant just refuses to go into bloom. I think the problem is not enough light. The flouros were just fine for the veg state, but just not cutting it for flowering. So what I did was, today when I changed water and nutes I tied her over and moved the hydro in with my dirt grow so that it can get the HPS. I think this is going to work great. Whatcha think?

Where I put the plant while changing the nutes. Fits perfect. lol

Just tied her over in this pic should perk up tomorrow.

A slight difference in size? hehe
Just in the time since I put her in with the HPS she has already turned up to the light. She was like "thank you thank you light light light!!!" lol pretty cool since it was only moved in there 2 hours ago.
Comming along well kind of long internodal growth because of the huge boost of growing since switching to the hps. It really has started catching up in hight to my dirt grow. I don't think it will get even close in yield though. I don't know we'll see.



Ok this plant is out of control. It has grow 3 feet in 10 days. It is now taller than my dirt grow with no sign of stoping. And it's not just the main branch growing tall it's all of them. I might have to tie them all down but talk about a pain in the ass. That's alot of branches to tie down. With my dirt grow I only had to tie down the main branch. I've already got the main branch tied down not that it noticed. Check it out.

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