NotoriousnBob's First Journaled Hodgepodge

Re: Notoriousnbobs first journaled hodgepodge

Sorry to hear NotoriousBob,hope u have a speedy recovery !
Hopefully u have some good people to help u through this ?
When I busted my back ,I found out who were my real friends / family ( I fell off a chair , what a DA!).

Hopefully I 'll be able to ask u a medium question(my soil feels like sponge, 5 weeks in flower) Good or Bad ?

We are expecting a ice storm today and the roads already like a rink.Be careful out there folks North of the border .
take 'r easy
Re: Notoriousnbobs first journaled hodgepodge

Thanks alot for your concern mate means alot! ill be good ive had worse injuries and i dont reall consider it serious its a real pain though, i boxed in the army and i remember getting punched in the ribs and feeling it snap then got to feel it poke my lungs for the next 3 weeks, luckily i dont have that feeling again... Is it spongy because of root density in the container or is there alot of medium in the container for the root mass like Is there a possibility it's rootbound or not? If not I don't think it's bad a light mix can do that you have more constant watering and may have to flush periodically due to build up of salts etc 5 weeks in is late to be repotting etc if you can avoid it let me know about your container size and plant size and any rootbound concerns.
Re: Notoriousnbobs first journaled hodgepodge

yea man get better soon cracked ribs don't feel good
hard to do anything like laughing and coughing lol
Happy Sativaday Nbob :thumb:
Re: Notoriousnbobs first journaled hodgepodge

For all those who know me know I'm still Broke Ass Reg & broke as ever!
Re: Notoriousnbobs first journaled hodgepodge

Hey Bob , sorry to get back late , but we loss power for 2 day's ( Ice storm).
My hole light schedule is off !:helpsmilie:

a) wht widow ,lights out for 6hrs ,heat down to 19 ( run 25c )x 2days - notice leaves wilting ( from cold)? Am I screwed or chill ?
b) mini gun look ok
I'll pic later , once we remove the 600ft of cords.

Heads up , if u ever need a stealth generator ( running 2.2kw @ 17db) , u should check out EFOY .:thumb:
i have had one for 3 yrs, 2300 hrs ,and not a single break dwn !:Namaste: Oh yah , it weight 16lbs 9 so F'in cool ( smaller than honda & 1/3 the weight)
Run off methol ( 10l last about 4 weeks )
Though , I'd mention in case any body else with out pwr?

I'll be back soon , and Thanks !
I've been crazy busy finishing Xmas shopping and planning the holidays I haven't had any time to devote to my journal it 420 :( I'm still not feelin real good either from getting hurt I've been having real bad chest pain it's been a pain in the ass. My plants are all looking good but they are starting to suffer from rootbound issues and the temp situation hasn't really been fixed yet. I chopped one of my mk moms down I'm gonna replace it with my original northern lights. This pheno is awesome I've heard alot of people complain that it's not a great strain well not as great as the banks advertise but I disagree I easily pull 3oz a plant in 2.5g pot under 600s and small, and alot more off 1000w commercial setup., and that's without attention and in depth training my highest yieldin plant last harvest was a n.l. I'm still trying to find time to get the pics I have taken online here hopefully real soon. Ill show my mk chopped way down to flower size ill give her about 1.5 wks then flip. Same with my journal grow thinkin I've decided to move them out to a better enclosed area give it tlc for 1.5wk then flip then as well so things will get a little better here. I also want to show some clones I've started growing for this purpose I wanted to show how if planned ahead and trained a little right from the tray you can get a good growth pattern very early and get great results with little training later on. Until I have more time.. Happy holidays
Get well soon Bob!
i finally got some time to get on the cpu i have a real bad time getting pics to the site from my phone which is where i do most my internet activity at so here are some bud pics from the last harvest i spoke of i took some pics of the northern lights which are the fatter lighter buds and some of the power plant. im gonna go get a new phone tonight im hoping it will be easier to use for our purpose ive never liked the iphone and have had alot of problems with it ive had it forever it feels like i hope samsung makes better phones. these pics are gonna be followed by some grow pics for my journal they are not good pics but i wanted to update its been a long time i contemplated quitting the journal i cant seem to find time for it but when i do get time i really like to be on here so im gonna keep at it for now. ill get alot better pics and everything when i move this grow out real soon this week i hope. also im gonna try my hand at hash which i have not tried in forever and even then not seriously so if anyone has any tried and proven techniques please let me know or any advice at all id appreciate it i usually pass this on to a guy i know but im wanting to expand into some other areas and this will help.
im not real good at the pictures obviously and i hope you guys can get an idea of the size of some of those buds its hard to tell from the pics but some of them really are huge even by my standrds and im an asshole about it, haha. also sorry for any repeat pics im trying here..oh and the one that says 15g after completely dried and cleaned up was 12g so its not as nice as the scale says.
her are some pics of the grow im doing for this journal also some clones i added to it to show some different stuff about training them really early, also a cpl pics of a mom plant i cut way back to flower it was alot bigger than the plant behind it(i may change it now though)
also im gonna add another small grow in this basement im thinkin a tent im gonna modify to fit it will probably be 10x10 or 10x5 or something like that as big as i can have it while still being able to modify it soundly. im gonna use only things i dont use normally different nutrients and maybe leds id like to run some leds side by side with hids i dont have faith in leds but they have come along way so im considering doing it, if anyone has something they wanna see lemme know and maybe i can do it. once my journal grow is moved out it will improve radically as it still very cold down there and i havent had a sound lighting routine or feed schedule once they are in the next room itll be time for business as usual, i did alot wrong here but im still thinking i can pull a decent yield, i had planned on not really topping or training these plants but changed my mind so now im trying to create multi cola plants way way too late im curious to see how it goes. well until then..
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