Oldbear's 8 Month Outdoor Grow Space In A Northern Climate

In the last three weeks or so the ladies have been growing buds. I'm doing a dance around best buds and cool and damp weather. I've harvested some sections of plants already - ie not a full chop

Here is the last survivor in the meadow:

No MOLD yet but ......

The lone survivor gal is just over 4 ft and in early bud development. Hope she can finish. Frost is not far away either.

Thanks for stopping by
Here’s what came from the top of the plant

Will be used for bud berries and edible oil extractions. Plus I have to make a cob

High tech equipment being used:

Cooks baking sheet
Dish towel as a dust cover
Slow dry - in the shade in the shed
Quick dry - on the picnic table in the sun
This is a surprise - and perhaps a pleasant one.

I found some seeds in a couple of buds. They are full size but green. Now I need to find out how to grow seeds to maturity because I want them.
Well I never saw this coming. An item for the lessons learned list.

The sole survivor in the meadow is let's say four feet tall and a lovely dark lime colour I'm happy with. I'm like a nervous expectant father wondering if she will finish before nature does the deed.

The problem is that all the other plants and grasses that have hidden her well all spring and summer are done. They finished their life cycle on time and are now brown and limp and falling over.

Not exactly a xmas tree on a golf green visible but easy to spot. Hopefully the remaining colours and textures will hide her in plain site.
Looks Good Oldbear I thought I would ck you out from Blews thread , hope you can stay away from the rot and get a good harvest in , love the reveg. too !

Thanks for stopping by and the good wishes.
If I may make a suggestion... I see 2 of the 3 plants are in pales and one in a food graded pale... I recommend using food graded pots only... Plastics are coded on the bottom and you look up whats safe and whats not on the internet...

Very nice plants though... keep it up Cheers

Thanks for the good suggestion. I'll check that out for next summer.
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