OldMedMans's 3rd Grow AirPots and 6 Strains

Take your time O, don't come back unless your feeling much better. As you see, even when your not here your thread lives on all by itself.

I know I missed much of your harvest time posts (everyone else's also) did you just now pull the stuff up (with the bugs) or was this from before? Do not answer now! When you are better!

Then take a vacation :surf:

Woodsman They were ready to harvest, dog gone it! :smokin:

This grows coming to an end, All I have to is give a closing statement and totals. Then a vacation....a working vacation! Slow working though! :thumb:
You take care too! :thumb:
Hi Everyone

Well, as you can see, I have started the big Kill the Bugs clean up.
I just set the Blot there so I could take a picture of the area. You will not believe what I found while doing the start of the clean up! On the front row
I used small one gallon pots to hold up the boards. Believe this are not! but the pots were eaten by something. What on earth eats recycled plastic????? Never see anything like it! :yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes:


Here' some of the new recruits I'm vegging for the next grow. :ganjamon:

Here is a shot of the Violator Kush with wet weight! :ganjamon:

Here is the dry weight! :ganjamon:

It will take me a day or three to get the total weight for the all of them totaled up. I will also write what I what I did wrong and right for the grow.
Been a hell of a ride! :thumb:
Oh yeah! :thumb: You may be getting a few good night sleeps with that amount. The new armada... so you going bigger pots too....Don't let them bugs scare you man gett some Lady bugs and cut 'em loose. I would rather use bugs than chems. I'm lucky here cause the like to stay in our house during the winter. Thanks again for one of the best documented journals on here and for being a cool grower and stuff:surf:
Just about everyones outdoor/natural light grow is ending. Everything on the porch is pinks and fading greens, so it's getting to be that time here too.
I've a couple Barneys "Blots" that're getting big, a couple of Sativa clone babies, two AK-48 (48? WTF?) and two Crystal seedlings. Only the Blots are near big enough to bloom (2ft) All are on 24/7.
Maybe by the time you start up a new journal, my PC will be replaced and I can start one. (Posting pix from this ancient Latitude laptop is just not working)
Don't be a stranger. I like confabing with you.:hookah::hookah:
Hey there OMM

Sorry I have not been around lately... Had some issues to address in my personal life, some things I have to resolve, but I am still alive and kicking (so far). I have to let go of the MJ for a little while completely.

Good luck in the contest.
Looks so empty back there now, but I see you've got a fresh crew all ready to go.:thumb:

The VK looks great, I hope the effects are as good as expected. No doubt they are. :goodjob: Great news that girl was uninfested.

I had a black lab that ate recycled plastic whenever possible but it had to be in the shape of a full trash bag, lol.

hope you're back in action and feeling good.
I kinda figured you weren't doing well, hate being right, good to see your feeling better.....please stay that way my friend. Have some help with your next grow?

Nice looking bounty on the Kush! Hope it outshines the Columbian....maybe an 11?

What eats recycled plastic? Probably some biological mutant bug whose twisted cells combined together under an abandoned Hudson plant in Detroit, hitched a 3rd class fare to Alohaland, and settled comfortably in your backyard of plastic delights. My theory.

We hacked up Wanda#2 Friday night. Possible potential with this one. Smelling skanky. Loaded some photos to my album if ya wanna take a look. Wanda#1 is scheduled for tomorrow.

Hope your feeling better by the time you read this.

:passitleft:Ere' Woods gave me this healing spirit weed, only kind he could find that he could send me. While I don't feel better, I think it is good stuff....:thumb:

Aloha brother, sorry to hear you are under the weather too, and sorry about the bug thing...I would of done the same...if there is one thing science is falling far behind in a battle that would ease much stress...

RoboMantis the slayer of all evil pests in your garden...solar powered menace to all bug kind!

Free Micro Mites, "They are the only good mites!"
They kill other mites and are programmed to stimulate growth and prune, micro compost, and play music... *ad from the near future...maybe.
Just dropping by brother to let you know I am alive and hoping to find you well and getting some rest while your babies get big.

:peacetwo: from my little garden on the verge of fall...maybe...:Rasta:
well, at least you got nice weather for the clean up....plastic eating bugs huh? ive heard of:peacetwo: cockroaches that live on electrical wiring....now that is a gross thought....no wonder florida doesnt want legal mmj..jk...half of the wiring is probably gone....yukk....sorry i went there....

hope you are feeling better....take care, talk to ya soon...Lots of hugs, L:peacetwo:
OMM, I am so sorry to hear you are not well. I never read what it is exactly that is ailing you.

I am just recovering from a bout with Poison Oak that I thought was killing me. It was one of the worst experiences of my life including all the normal rashes and itching, a fever and a very congested bronchial system. I am just getting over that now. If anyone wants to know what seemed to work let me know... it was over the counter and very expensive.

Anyway, I hope you are doing better now.
Hey, OMM! Sorry it's been so long. Roaches ate my computer wires.....:rofl:
I've been following along though.
Congrats on your awesome harvest of excellent buds!:thumb:
Sorry about your "bugpocolypse". I know the feeling.
May healing vibes wash over you. Get well soon, my friend!
In the meantime, relax with the fruits of your labor. You deserve it!
Oh yeah! :thumb: You may be getting a few good night sleeps with that amount. The new armada... so you going bigger pots too....Don't let them bugs scare you man gett some Lady bugs and cut 'em loose. I would rather use bugs than chems. I'm lucky here cause the like to stay in our house during the winter. Thanks again for one of the best documented journals on here and for being a cool grower and stuff:surf:

HI sisco The Violator Kush worked...it puts me to sleep! :ganjamon:
Armada? Now I like that Buddy! We shall see!:thanks:
OMM please kill all recycled plastic eating bugs that are anywhere near my future retirement bungalow. Thank you very much:)

Blue :ganjamon: Not to worry. When I'm finished with the yard nothing will be living at all! :yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes:
Just about everyones outdoor/natural light grow is ending. Everything on the porch is pinks and fading greens, so it's getting to be that time here too.
I've a couple Barneys "Blots" that're getting big, a couple of Sativa clone babies, two AK-48 (48? WTF?) and two Crystal seedlings. Only the Blots are near big enough to bloom (2ft) All are on 24/7.
Maybe by the time you start up a new journal, my PC will be replaced and I can start one. (Posting pix from this ancient Latitude laptop is just not working)
Don't be a stranger. I like confabing with you.:hookah::hookah:

Hi Chopper :ganjamon:
My friend I like confabing with you too! Got to love the Blots! They sound ready to go for the jump! I'm with you! (AK 48? WTF) :ganjamon:
Hope the new computer will be there soon. I can imagine posting with that old one. Yuk!:Rasta:
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