OMM's Social Network Part 3

Well I just uploaded... MUCH better!!! you can select multiple files!!! WooHoo!!!

Ok let's see if they are there ... ahhh no they are not, ok 420Magazine folks help us out!!
Do you guys have the ,y photos bar on the bottom left corner of the quick reply box after uploading when responding add photos that have been uploaded through that button. hope this helps :Namaste:
Let's all tuck OMM in and sing him a bed time lullaby just make sure not to wake Jo up or we're gonna be in big trouble!!!! *runs and hides behind Fish and Mr G*
Let's all tuck OMM in and sing him a bed time lullaby just make sure not to wake Jo up or we're gonna be in big trouble!!!! *runs and hides behind Fish and Mr G*

OK, I see how it is:)
being that this is a social network. and Ive done as much research as i can find only to come with the conclusion Fungus is healthy? I bought 2.8 cu ft of soil at my local grow shop. After transplant within 24hrs i had white fungus fur on the top of soil. This has never happened. but im also at a new location. i see you use coco, but was wondering if you had used soil and ever seen this problem before. my old dirt nor clones have this only the two i was using to put under a scrog. thanks for the help. rookie question possibly just dont want fungus to migrate from bottom of the pot to my buds
What? I said Mr G too. Now you wouldn't let anything happen to your Queen, right? Just consider yourself my knight of the green table.

I would thrust my body at the hydra only armed with a jar of that peanut butter and jelly stuff in defence of my Queen
Don't do it Fish !!!

You have to come prepared. ( Digs in Magic Trunk )

Old school glass 3 footer, 2 O's of finest green, 1 Magic Torch

Oh, and while me, Fish, Queen, and the Hydra are talking, some one please order us a Pizza, breadsticks, wings, and what did you guys want to drink ??
Hello all my friends who have joined me on this Journal, I have bad news for you and me. I am closing this Journal.

The reasons:

My heath has taken a turn for the worse. I see the doctor next week. My urine is almost black, so that probably is the worst problem I'm facing.
Mentally, I'm in a state of confusion....I can't think straight at all. I think that is called depression.
My plants were ravaged by a storm.
Every one of my remaining plants have powder mold all over them. I will read up on water curring and will cure them that way. It's the only true way to get rid of the powder mold for sure. This will drastically reduce my yield, but at least I will have something left of them. If I can I will document "How to water Cure".
It really disappoints me that I will not get to finish my WildThai and Columbian Gold properly. They were my prize plants.

My friends, I feel terrible for letting you down, but at this time I think this is best for me. If I can I will still be visiting your journals and leaving my usual smart ass remarks. I love you all. OMM
Thanks to Jimmycricket, I have found a way to save my plants from Powder Mildew. I tried to link back to it, but no luck. It is in the growing problems section of the grow room. He has saved my plants. Thank You Jimmy! :high-five:
Hello all my friends who have joined me on this Journal, I have bad news for you and me. I am closing this Journal.

The reasons:

My heath has taken a turn for the worse. I see the doctor next week. My urine is almost black, so that probably is the worst problem I'm facing.
Mentally, I'm in a state of confusion....I can't think straight at all. I think that is called depression.
My plants were ravaged by a storm.
Every one of my remaining plants have powder mold all over them. I will read up on water curring and will cure them that way. It's the only true way to get rid of the powder mold for sure. This will drastically reduce my yield, but at least I will have something left of them. If I can I will document "How to water Cure".
It really disappoints me that I will not get to finish my WildThai and Columbian Gold properly. They were my prize plants.

My friends, I feel terrible for letting you down, but at this time I think this is best for me. If I can I will still be visiting your journals and leaving my usual smart ass remarks. I love you all. OMM

Oh hell. Damn. I sure hate to hear all of this... The stuff with the plants sucks, but you have me quite worried about YOU my friend. I'm glad you are seeing a doctor soon, that doesn't sound like anything to fool around with. I know how issues with our gals (flowers) can mirror the way we are feeling too, when I had bug issues a while back, my health was in a big rut, too, and I had no happy place to go and renew my spiritual energy. Fortunately though, good friends like you helped me keep my chin up, and really made it possible for me to put some perspective on things after a bit.

Remember "Dime"? He did a great tutorial on water curing... It must still be here somewhere, maybe you already know the process.

Advice for you, whether you want it or not: first, forget about the journal for now like you mentioned. Consider putting it on hold, instead of shutting it down for now, you may feel differently eventually, but maybe not too. Second, make sure you are getting enough rest, I was worried about company and you cleaning, preparing... Make sure you are resting enough. I need that these days, too, and it sucks, but it's our lot at the moment... See the doc ASAP, and get this figured out. Take care of your water cure, maybe CF can help in a couple of days? Rest first, then tackle the rest like eating an elephant: one bite at a time. Don't stress about it, just a bite at a time. Meanwhile, we'll still be here if you change your mind about ths journal, or want to start another... Hell, throw a post up every couple of days and just cut back, maybe. You have the biggest fan base in history here, for good reason! Whatever you do, is alright by me and I support you no matter what my friend, k?

Dang, dang, dang. Keep me posted, huh? If not here, drop me a message outside of here if you'd rather. Shoot! Love ya buddy - truly. Get yourself well, damnit. Please make sure you are getting plenty of rest. X

Thanks to Jimmycricket, I have found a way to save my plants from Powder Mildew. I tried to link back to it, but no luck. It is in the growing problems section of the grow room. He has saved my plants. Thank You Jimmy! :high-five:

That is fabulous!! :yahoo: way to go Jimmy!!
Hello all my friends who have joined me on this Journal, I have bad news for you and me. I am closing this Journal......
I was catching up when I came across this and I am still in shock.

Please take care of yourself sir.

It has been great following along with you. I hope you and your plants make a fast recovery !
To Xlr8 and everyone else.

Ok! Tell you what folks, if I do start feeling better, I will post a few pics and so on about how things are going and growing. It will probably be after I see the Doctor. Until then don't expect much from old OMM. To tell the truth it would be hard to be on 420 and not have a journal. I feed off you folk's energy.

Xlr8 old friend thanks for your words of wisdom once again. You have a away of putting things in perspective.
Everyone should have a friend like you, Brother.

Peace all.
WOW, my freind you must do what you have too. but just the thought of there being something thats got you down has me ripped.
please and I mean PLEASE take care of yourself! we need you here You are :420: in my eyes and any absence will be to long.
again take care because you still have many seeds to sow and you have planted one in our hearts that is nowhere near ready for harvest!
VIA CONDIOS if I spelled it right if not your a smart guy :circle-of-love:
Shock, Awe and Sorrow. That is how I feel. All the best wishes and positive energy sent to you.

If you keep it open, I will continue to post here.


If this journal becomes to much for you, Let me know, and I will go start a journal, where you will be welcome anytime, post a pic, tell a story, tell us what is on your mind and most important, tell us how you feel.

Right now the winds are to the West, when they again go South, I will blaze something you will smell, and feel. Plus all my energy will go with it.

Please feel better

Tell me what you want done and it will be done
OMM; What a shock to read your post. To hell with the journal and get your behind to the doctor. ASAP. If I was there I would pick you up and carry you myself. Your health is the most important thing. Thanks to Jimmy for finding a solution to your problem with your plants. Hope everything turns for the better soon.

Peace & Great Growin`
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