OMM's Social Network Part 3

OMM this isn't good news. Get to the doctor now and we will see you here again. You and jo will be in our thoughts. Good vibs coming your way my friend.
Hello all my friends who have joined me on this Journal, I have bad news for you and me. I am closing this Journal.

The reasons:

My heath has taken a turn for the worse. I see the doctor next week. My urine is almost black, so that probably is the worst problem I'm facing.
Mentally, I'm in a state of confusion....I can't think straight at all. I think that is called depression.
My plants were ravaged by a storm.
Every one of my remaining plants have powder mold all over them. I will read up on water curring and will cure them that way. It's the only true way to get rid of the powder mold for sure. This will drastically reduce my yield, but at least I will have something left of them. If I can I will document "How to water Cure".
It really disappoints me that I will not get to finish my WildThai and Columbian Gold properly. They were my prize plants.

My friends, I feel terrible for letting you down, but at this time I think this is best for me. If I can I will still be visiting your journals and leaving my usual smart ass remarks. I love you all. OMM

Oh my, I am so so sorry to hear this my darling OMM. I agree with all of those before me (I am devastated I missed the new journal til now trying to get back here myself) but especially want to quote FC:

WOW, my freind you must do what you have too. but just the thought of there being something thats got you down has me ripped. please and I mean PLEASE take care of yourself! we need you here You are 420 magazine in my eyes and any absence will be to long.

My heart so genuinely goes out to you, and I will be lighting candles for you this evening while I send my warmest thoughts, all my love and most positive energy. I know how that black cloud feels, so let us bring some sunshine, rainbows into your days for you.

You are so genuinely loved here my darling, never forget that. We are all here, in public or in private, should you need us. We certainly need you.

My favourite place to go and escape the world, to think and to find the answers is at the top of Coniston Old Man. Seems very appropriate for you and for now, so please take a seat, let me know if you need anything at all. I'm just a little "cheep cheep" away.



Post Script...

And you think that your journal is gonna stop? No no no... we will keep your seat warm for you my darling!

get well my friend we feed off of your vibes as well. Thanks for all the wisdom you have brought to us.well keep your seat warm.
I was just catching up too when I read the terrible news.
So sorry to hear you aren't feeling well OMM.
But glad to hear you'll be able to save some of your crop!
Sending you and Jo positive healthy vibes until you're back in the saddle again!

take care
I thought I remember this happening to you a few months ago? You better get your behind to the doctor asap mister. Maybe it's because you have been so busy doing so much. Your body is trying to tell you something my friend which is give it a rest. The best of us need a break sometime or the body will pitch a fit in some way. If you decide to stop the journal, we understand and you know we will be here waiting for your return. I can't have both you and THSea not feeling well. Sending out good vibes. Get well soon.
Ha, I like that. And I am a fire cracker when pissed off...But thanks for the kind words.

Dammit... you just made it taller than me Queen, that's why I'm like the avatar and have bright red hair so Mr Fluffy doesn't lose me in a crowd :)
Dammit... you just made it taller than me Queen, that's why I'm like the avatar and have bright red hair so Mr Fluffy doesn't lose me in a crowd :)

Oh how tall are you? LOL, a redhead huh, has heard that they are known for their tempers too. I bet if you threw Mr Fluffy a dirty look, he would leave the room...Oh and thanks for the rep.
5ft 2in on one leg, 5ft 1in on the other :laugh:

Ah, the red is dyed. I do have a fiery side though, Mr Fluffy does behave himself most of the time :)

Reps where they are deserved my darling.
Damn you miss a few days ,well you know. So sorry to hear your not feeling well OMM. We are all with you .
As you know I had some mold ,so I am wondering about the cure.I ended up spraying vinegar and water every 3 days or so. The plants and ladybugs loved it. The wife is bitching about all the ladybugs. But it kept it in check all year.
Thanks my friend for the help and support . :circle-of-love:
I feel lucky to get in before page 10. I know I'm slow but or is it this thread is just plain fast? Hey Pop's I hope its all a passing thing thats got you guys, you and Miss Jo, down. I see ya got your jars full. Wow I just remembered, you can't use tap water can ya? I was going to say it's sure nice them days ya don't feel up to snuff to just turn the hose on them. But I think you buy water? Thats a bitich. Stuff is costy and you always run out when you need it. You know I had a well in Cali at one grow site that the water wasn't useable. I use to use barrel's when posible. You get alot of rain I think. Well you take care of yourself. Got alot of strains to try yet. Thats a good goal. To grow everystrain there is. JK but we can try. Keepem Green. Miss J said get feeling better.............
Pop's I hope you aren't in the danger zone. I hear some waves coming your ways. Well Miss J told me about the quake. I hope they aint real real big. Take Care my friend. and Keepem Green
To Xlr8 and everyone else.

Ok! Tell you what folks, if I do start feeling better, I will post a few pics and so on about how things are going and growing. It will probably be after I see the Doctor. Until then don't expect much from old OMM. To tell the truth it would be hard to be on 420 and not have a journal. I feed off you folk's energy.

Xlr8 old friend thanks for your words of wisdom once again. You have a away of putting things in perspective.
Everyone should have a friend like you, Brother.

Peace all.

take care of yourself OMM
if u need help just gimme a ring
Gee wiz, just when everything was going fine!! Dang!

I pray you and Jo start to feel better soon
This beautiful pot here is for everyone in this wonderful community to contribute to with love and appreciation for our friend OMM

(and silliness of course :loopy:there needs to be plenty of sunshine in there too to chase away the shadows for him)

There is something very magical about this place ... :hippy:

... where real friends are made, where real people are able to come together and realise that being wonky is absolutely fine, and whilst the pain is not absolutely fine we are all in it together and can look after each other when in times of need. In some ways the world has gotten too big, but in others, like here with all of you, it is a truly wonderful gift. Thank you.

I have not had the honour or pleasure of knowing OMM long but taking the risk to start talking to people on Social Network Part 2 has made a huge difference on my life. And not just here. I may seem like I wear my heart on my sleeve but I don't, allowing others to see the person I am is not something I usually do. Even to myself.

But thanks to OMM providing a place filled with warmth, love and understanding to start sprouting in confidence about being the beautiful plants we are I am taking that into the world where it is much more scary.

Some of us are like Sativas, some of us are like the little but pack a punch Indicas :)ciao: that sounds like me :) ). OMM provides us with a place we can be who we are without fear of assault - as life has such a habit of doing, and in the worst ways to the best people.

And this then extends into the wider community when we end up with a network of people who all have their little snug and cosy rooms to meet in, but we all come and say hello to each other here.

So, OMM. Our friend, new or old, I meant it when I said that we will keep the journal warm for you. You created a marvellously monstrous marvel that will just snowball along in your absence and then go nuts when you are able to pop in! :yikes: :kiss:

I know some people will be of direct support to you and I would like this pot to also be used for them :love:

Friends, real friends not the Facebook Friends as I call them, need the support too so the rest of us can be here and make sure the campfire doesn't go out.

You don't have to keep this going on your own OMM, we are all here for and because of you each in our own way.

Post Script

I apologise in advance for when I fall asleep in your chair while keeping it warm for you. I have a habit of falling asleep without even realising it. All you got to do is gently nudge me, wrap me in a blanket and I will wander off grumbling to bed with hardly even opening my eyes :blushsmile:


Please add your likes to this post not for me or what I have said, but in the pot for OMM :peace:
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