Organic Biscotti 2.0, The Plug By Fudo

Good morning. This batch of seedlings are the most vigorous I’ve had. I believe there’s two reasons for this. One reason is I’m getting more efficient at germination and the second reason is I’m using less and less water. Im not drowning them when they get in the cups. Getting them above ground has never been a problem but watering them just right is key. They’re getting some traction now.

Have a great day! :blunt:
Same here.

TGIF. They’re growing fine, the 2nd set has taken over the cotyledon leaves. They were pretty dry this morning so I watered sparingly around the edge of the cup and gave them a little mist.

When you mist, are you aiming for the soil and the leaves get wet accidentally, or is wetting the leaves part of the plan?

I ask because I know with clones, wetting the leaves slows down root development as the cutting doesn't need to get moisture from below the soil if it's getting it from above. I didn't know if it worked the same with seedlings.
Good question I have know idea but it’s probably the same. I’ve been misting the whole thing and today poured around the edges. I never mist in the middle of the day because I don’t want to burn them. I know I’m getting better results with less water…you’re probably right, makes sense. I’ll try it and lay off the leaves.
Happy Monday. They were pretty dry this morning so I watered around the edges skipping the leaves. We got some good root development and they’re growing at a steady clip. They all have a slight twist on their first set of leaves but I’m chalking that up to genetics, the environment can’t get much better.
Have a great day. :yummy:
And day by day, hour by hour, they get bigger. The roots have covered the cups pretty good except for the runt, she has some catching up to do. Today is the 1st time I watered to a bit of run-off. I also bumped the light up to 30000 * .019 = 570 umols.



Have a great day!:blunt:
Good morning. It’s time to start thinking about the transplant. The soils been cooking about a month so I’ll start building the pots. I’m going straight to the 7 gal bags. It’s just easier and I’ve never had a problem filling the bags with roots. By the end of veg they’ll be poking out the bottom. They’ll probably stay in veg for at least 2 months.
Inspector approves so it’s full steam ahead!


Got to figure out why I keep posting duplicates with this new iPhone…:lot-o-toke:
Your the third one I’ve seen posting duplicates. If I hit the back button it shuts my iPhone down completely.
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