Organic Biscotti 2.0, The Plug By Fudo

That's a big ol fan leaf you got there....LST looks great! I don't do it myself but I like to watch others! Girls seem happy today!!
Thanks Krissi! I would probably do less of it if I grew more often. I try to get as much as I can with a minimal amount of work. Time isn’t much of a consideration this round so I’m trying to figure out how far I should let them go. I’m not necessarily trying to stuff the room. I like a little room to move around.
Thanks Krissi! I would probably do less of it if I grew more often. I try to get as much as I can with a minimal amount of work. Time isn’t much of a consideration this round so I’m trying to figure out how far I should let them go. I’m not necessarily trying to stuff the room. I like a little room to move around.
I agree. You have to make it easy enough for you or else it takes away from you enjoying the art of doing it! Maybe I'll try it on one this next round and do one without and then have a comparison throughout the journal. Something to think of. I can thank you for the initial thought!
They’ve recovered nicely from the mangling I gave them. My repair work didn’t take on one of the branches I broke and I can’t find the other one. I counted about 30 bud sites on just 2 of the bigger girls, so I got over it in a hurry.






The Fim on Runty is starting to look interesting, there’s 5 tops squished in there. I’ll spread them out in a couple days. I’m on flip watch now. They all have the shape I want, so I’ll just let them grow a bit then flip em.
Today was also water day. They all took over a gallon and immediately wicked up the run-off.
Good morning. We’re at day 37 of veg and on cruise control. They’re starting to grow into each other pretty good. I’ll let them stay where there at for awhile, rotating the pots every once in a while. I can’t see it being more than a few days before the last light goes up and the 1st stakes go in. The real fun begins soon. :yummy:


Well that didn’t take long. I went in this morning and what little space they had between them was gone. So I put the last light up and spread them out.
So far all my projections have been off lol. I’m going on the numbers of my last grow in 7 gal bags. These plants seem to be growing faster than them. If I wait till the 2 month mark I will have absolutely no room to move around, so I’ll probably be flipping them sometime this week.




We ran into our 1st hiccup. I noticed a magnesium deficiency starting a couple days ago. It’s on a couple leaves on three of the plants, no big deal. Its a record for me though, this is the longest so far I’ve gone without that deficiency showing up. Gypsum takes forever to compost, it’s an on going battle.
It’s a water day and they were thirsty. They took about 8 gallons with 12 ml per gal of Roots organic cal-mag. Have a great day. :yummy:






No worse for the ware, they’re back to happy again. Did a little leaf tucking. I need to get some more of the big fans off them before 12/12. but I’m trying to stress them the least amount possible. I’ll give them another day or so rest, then one more work out before flip…maybe.

Starting to look like a canopy.




Wow those things have really taken off! Looking ready for flower for sure. :thumb:

Also, that looks more Ca def than Mg, unless the intervein yellowing doesn't show in the pics.
Thanks shed, I’m sure your right. No, there’s some yellow there, some more than others.
Yeah it’s time to flip them they’re getting bushy fast, and we have another casualty, apparently I’m tying them down too tight. I re-tied them all and thinned them up. That should slow them down a bit. I’ll get a flower tea ready for them next watering and the day after that flip them.
So that’s water and tea on Saturday then 12/12 starting Sunday or Monday. They should be about where I want them by then. We’ll see if I’m right this time.












A heavy hand! On the plus side the rest of the plant will take up the slack. :thumb:
Yeah a little too much so. I’ve actually never had that happen before. I’ve had them split a little and pulled and cut them off accidentally lol, but never had them grow so fast they snap. I’m blaming it on the soil or the strain, either way it’s a good thing. I’m going down there now to check the slack on some of them.
And they’re back to happy again. Some of the wire is pretty tight but the limbs are dry and loose. Should be ok for tonight. @InTheShed , you think maybe I should take the cords off after I water again and before I flip? These aren’t as stout as some I’ve done like this in the past.

I never take off the ties until I know the branches have solidified in their current position. If they move when you cut them free you lose the benefit of the training going forward.
I have a couple tied pretty high up. I’ll lower them to a fatter part of the branch if they look suspect. The lower branches are fixed at this point, I just tied them too high and too tight trying too hard to widen them. I guess that is heavy handed.
I have 4 large plants and 2 medium size ones. To give it some perspective the 2 large plants in the front row cover the widths of the room end to end. It’s 5’4” wide. My training went pretty well. All the branches in the middle getting the best light are shooting up the middle nicely.

I’m brewing a flower tea with everything in the pic plus molasses. They’ll get it tomorrow sometime when I water. Tonight might be their last 18 hour day. They look really happy and ready to flower.
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