Our Ongoing Grows

Ok brother. I've been out of the loop here too long. A KUDOS on a job well done. Crippled Rhino out of 'Stoney Girl Gardens' is in a class by itself, and the Marionberry, S--T! Out of this world my friend. I only hope I can do both their DNA justice in the future. Very disappointed in my first outdoor yield. I know the weather sucked here in god old OR, but my f---ing gd it hurts. It was my second overall grow period, and an awakening for me on growing in the summer here. Glad to be back inside, been working my ass off to save what I could of the Godbud, Pineapple Exp, Bgum, and Pitbull. The quality is still there my friends, because the dna came from my mentor Mr. Norcaliwood, just not the buddage. Not going to mention my total take...its too embarrassing when compared to my first grow (inside), which was low yield as well if that tells you anything. New strains in Vortex, Purple Arrow and Canatonic. Will be doing research on them tonight. Plants all look very healthy. Saw their older sisters in flower and very impressed. Until next time, OUT!
Woody harrybud! I just realized your journal was the one that was the victim(most recent anyway) of my fat fingers on this tablet ,I go to view the latest post and hit the unsung button usually I catch it and go resin but this was a sitch where I had no idea what journal got axed,till today but I'm trained so glad you posted in motm,I was thinking you had gone on vacation or sumpin'
Damn nice N clean room I need to get some tent cleaning done my new LED is in today got a budmaster 2 675xg they claim it will stomp a 600watt hps with 150% more output it does look good,heres the link if you wanna check it out,,) I've gotten good results with the little mars2 200watt 80x5watt 400watt equalivent yup I'm going LED little by little I need the $$ break on the power bill 500 a month don't leave me much when all I get is 700 a month to live on! Damn I wanna try Stoney girl garden beans,but they don't ship, oh well someday
It's good to see you busy working your craft :thumb:
Thanks everyone for stopping by with the compliments and Greetings.
Shemp this year was a weird year for me. I wasn't really into it ya know with medical problems biting at my heels, btw which are doing better. Maybe the lack of morphine and my gut problems seem to have subsided alittle. Who knows. But I didn't have my garden lined out really this year. Thank god those Stoney Girl plants grow so fast or I'd have lost my shirt out there too. I have my doubts about some plants I grew out this year, I'm waiting on a cure before I rate them. But we might be doing a lot of cooking this year. Maybe RSO?
I'm wondering how long it takes to make sure all the mites in my flower room are dead from starvation? Rooms been cleaned. Miss J got in there with some bleach product wiping down walls and didn't have any ventilation fans going. Said she got nice headache. Speaking of Miss J, she took a near fall into the 4x4 the other day. She did manage to not get any plants, but, she did bend a pole up pretty good. Me I've been wanting a new tent for awhile, got one. I hate it. First off , cheap me, it was so tight to put up that acouple of the corners snapped lose. Lucky I had some back ups. And the things a death trap for me. I drag my feet. And that curved door is a toe catcher. Almost rebroke my fool neck already.
But here's what the board had on it this morning. Err I forgot to erase it completely;

Then the plant fairy popped in last night and refilled her;

And I do have another new one in there of course. A Blueberry-Gum. First grow of it. So I guess we'll see shortly;

That's about it from here. I seem to have the cloner going fine. I know it was my fault of course. BS PH tester, temp's were pretty low out there in the office. I'll tell ya, the DJ Shorts Blueberry isn't a easy clone. least my last attempt didn't fair well. Least these are looking great. Well once more thanks everyone for taking a peek. Till Laters Keepem Green
Well seeing I have a 'new grow' going I should probably start a new grow but I'm too lazy. Soooo I'll take off from here.
First off I did change my soil once again. I had started using Shineshine Mix 4 in the yellow bag.But I was pretty disappointed with the soil. It's such a hard soil to 'wet'. I mean you can pump a lot of water before it become thoughly wet. It is so compressed and resistant to water that you have dry spots thru the mix till you really soak it or use a wetting agent. So I decided to try a new kind. I ended up for like 5 bucks more with Pro-Mix HP. Seems to me a lot better a product. I also bought a bag of Vermie-something mix for rooting the clones out in. I've also been using Cutting Edge Solutions fert's which I'm not all that impressed with. Kind of like GH Flora I mean it didn't bring forth anything out the ordinary in the way of tastes or smells, or colors. It did produce a lot of good med's so far. I think it wood be great for a hydro type grow so I might use it up in a year or two. So I'm really looking into Organics through-out this flip-over. Organics seem to produce the most oily flavorful buds I've ever smoked. So I'm going to go back to the basics and stop with all the salt fertilizers. I'm kind of leaning to the Hydroganic's products. I'm either opting for the Sugar Peak series or the Earth Juice 3 part.
I amend my soil with some worm/bat crap, and blood/bone meal, first time for some Marine Cuisine, and more Myco's from Extreme Gardens. This should be plenty of food to last a plant till she flowers, then I'll start adding fertilizers and molasses to finish her out with.
Well thanks everyone for stopping in and taking a peek. I like the light BID. LEDs could be a god send I can see. And yes this is a G-13 strain. And she's a loud smelling one for sure. Thanks dawg. Speaking of which I'm burning a dubbie right now.
And tomorrow I'll probably be looking for a black jack table or some one armed bandits to take my birthday pennies away from me. 53 and I feel like 60. Oh well I'll get over it. Hell I'm already over it the hill I mean. Take care all and Keepem Green
53 and I feel like 60.


Happy Birthday :partyboy:

drive to the casino... make sure to be on empty when you get there. Drive up to a casino get out, take all your money with the exception of $10.00 (this will not buy enough gas to get home) and throw it at the casino. Get back in your car...

Now the real adventure starts :cheesygrinsmiley:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY my friend!! Haven't talked to you in a few days. Is Spirit Mountain your destination? Good Luck bro! I may be stopping by the casino in Florence this weekend. My babies are looking healthy and strong. Sent a thread out to anyone with knowledge of growing Canatonic, Vortex or Purple Arrow. Going by my Cuz's recommendations. He is still in his first grow for these strains. I received my clones from him and he hasn't even reached full flower yet. When I did observe those, however, a little over a week ago, they were very nice, dense, smelly buds on all 3 plants. Hoping for the best. If it all crashes somehow, I'll be seeing you in person a little more frequently!! Have a great day my brother and get some sleep! Saw you were up at 4am posting.
Thanks everyone for the Well Wishes. Naw Shemp I'm going to head north this time. You know Exit 88. Lucky Eagle. I seem to do better there. Well atleast the monies seem to last longer anyways. But I plan on using the well wishes there on Sunday. Off to Washington. Going to be up pretty close to Alaska-1's place. Who know I'll see if he wants to stop by and have a bite or lose afew dollars. I know I'm going to be looking around to see if I can pick up afew cases of those screamer mortars they got on them Indian Casino grounds, for New Years.
Well I wanted to do alittle update on what's going on around here as of late.
Well this is one thing I really don't like posting, but happens. Awhile back while transplanting I kind of off centered a plant so I took a real short stake and kind of straightened her out and tied her up. Well she filled in and I wasn't paying attention and forgot about it till last night when I was top dressing my soil for the flowering cycle. BTW I throw alittle bat crap in. Hey just throwing it out there, I've been keeping my organic powders in the bottles that coffee creamer for latté's comes in. A lot easier than looking for a scoop to spread it around. But back to the plant;

I mean it's not going to hurt it seeing I caught it, but it really could've done some real damage if allowed to continue. Oh well my bad......
I got part of mine B-day present for the garden. I've always wanted some white pots. I mean I've had millions of 5 gallon buckets, millions of the square kitty liter buckets. But never store bought ones. So I got these. 12"x12"x12" finish pots. Man they are only 3$ apiece. Then I get home, typical Bill here, and my drip pans don't fit. Damn drip pans cost almost as much as the pots. Life;

Ok I got acouple new shot to show. I'm working with this Blueberry-Gum. Man talk about tight close spacing between the leaf nodes, this ones tight. I noticed also that the petiole, or the stem that holds the leaf to the stem are the fattest I've seen. They look alittle funny. Well here's the Blueberry-Gum;

and another;

I also took acouple pic's of the Marion berry. I started these plants flowering outside. I figured that was a good place to do battle to make sure I don't bring any mites in the clean grow room. I left these plants outdoors for about a week. In that time I washed them with safers soap acouple times and then I sprayed with Azamax the nite I transferred them inside. Looks like they are pretty much gone. And another thing, PM has been a thing of the past. I've been using stuff called Eagle. Great stuff if you have to deal with PM. One spray on it last for up to 28 days which is perfect for me. But anyways here's the Marion Berry. Man she was totally purple when I brang her in from the cold, but she greened up as she warmed up;

and one more;

Well that's pretty much it from here. Oh BTW the cloner seems to be happy finally. I guess I just need to pay closer attention to the PH and Temps.

Well once more thanks for stopping in everyone and now I'm off to the Casino. Till laters Keepem Green
Once more was another good B-Day and thank everyone for the B-day wishes again, BUT sorry to say I didn't win anything. But I didn't lose much and Miss J lost less than I did. Blackjack table were full almost all night and I won't play unless I have alittle elbow room. I don't see why they don't open some more tables when they fill up. It's not like they aren't making tons of monies. I didn't catch up with Alaska this time, But then I didn't have the phone on me but also it's a small place and Miss J is never 'off' the slots from the time we get there till we leave.
I do have acouple new things to post here. I did get the new fertilizer today. Earth Juice. Stuff was fairly cheap and its for hand feeding plants. I've been adding the typicals, to the soil, but now I'm going to try hand feeding this stuff every watering. Hopefully I'll find something that adds to the flavors, smells, and tastes to my herbs. It better pay off, stuff is thick. It did some major settling. Like 4" of clay type material on the bottom. I don't thing one wood like to run this stuff in hydro. It wood have to clog up the works. I also use a lot of molasses now while in flower, and through out flushing's. Alittle molasses goes along way. To much sure isn't a good thing. Gnats love it too.

Time will tell. Hope everyone gardens are doing great out there and Keepem Green
Hey everyone. I was alittle worried about these fertilizers. I know a lot of organics go bad with time so I wrote the company. I got this reply this morning,

That is the Nature and Standard of the Earth Juice Originals.
The Earth Juice Originals are rich concentrates of organic inputs. And there is a lot of Organics in each Bottle.
The Earth Juice Originals are One of a Kind Liquid Organics and the only liquid organics on the market that are not liquid fish based.

The Earth Juice Original Grow & Bloom are somewhat similar to Organic Juices with pulp in that they required: To Shake Vigorously Before Each Use

If kept in cold or hot conditions the enzymes reacted molasses and raw molasses as well as the natural occurring gels and phytoacids
will increase in stickiness and adherence.

Here's a quick trick that will keep the product in a state where they will shake easier when needed:
When the product sets on the shelf the sediment will concentrate so when originally purchased , first make sure the cap is tight and secured,
turn upside down and shake until you here movement. Shake a couple more times. This will make it much easier to shake thereafter.

Please read through the following recommendations ,especially #9 and for further information please visit the listed links
1. Shake All Earth Juice Liquid Fertilizer Products Vigorously Before Each Use.
8. My gallon bottle of Earth Juice Bloom has thicken?
This can occur if the product had not been properly mixed before each use. When standing, the heavier organic materials will settle out and the lighter materials and liquid will rise to the top. If the bottle is not thoroughly mixed (shaken) before each use, the liquid will eventually be poured off and what will remain will be the heavier, thicker material.
9.There's a thick mass of sediment in my bottle of Earth Juice Bloom, can I dilute the concentrate in the bottle with water?
Yes! the formula can be reconstituted but only very carefully with Distilled Water Only and by using the following directions: This procedure can be used to reconstitute Earth Juice Bloom and Grow formulas
A. Only use Distilled Water.
B. Do not use more Distilled Water than 25% (1/4th) of the original volume of the bottle.
C. Add the Distilled Water and shake or stir until the mass of sediment has completely dispersed into the solution.
D. Place a piece of cloth over the opening allowing the bottle to breathe for 24 hours.
E. After 24 hours replace and tighten the cap, shake well and now it's ready to use.
F. May use at 25% over the recommended use rates.
G. Shake Vigorously Before Each Use
I'll tell ya this stuff is thick, least the grow and bloom parts are. I don't plan on using any of the salt based this grow. Unless I see something lacking or she looks hungry. Your suppose to use this stuff with every watering on faster growing plants. I started a flush tonight on the couple I already hit with some salt. I really want to go all out with the organics this grow, doing in hopes the smoke will burn smoother also. We being smokers really need something that don't kill your lungs. Cigarettes, I started smoking when I was 13, it's got to be the worse habit anyone could have.
Now if it works it will be worth it. Stuff is made from all natural ingredients. Like the bone meals and guanos. I mean it's thick. I can see this wood be perfect for people using the microbial approach.
Well that's it for now, oh I also ordered some GDP. Along with acouple other strains to check out. One I'm wanting to get is that Freedom-35. Next time man I could fill out a book with strains I want to try oh that's right I have like 5 books out there already. Well time to get busy toking some more water. Till laters Keepem Green
Chronic weekend to you Norcali :thumb:
my first gdp turned out male its almost ready to take pollen off theres some flowers already open dropping pollen but the majority is still time to flower
I got another gdp bean I just popped with a chemdawg I hope this gdp is gonna be a female
Good weed to you Man
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