Pino's Coco & Perlite, Thunderpaws, First Grow Ever 2017

Yea Asesino is the one that got my SIG set up. It was easier for me to use the 420 app to do it. Adding pictures is also a lot easier using the app. But when I had the same issues Asesino was the man that helped me!! He will always lead u n the right direction. Hey Asesino tomorrow gonna do a update wanted my plants to re leaf after the defoliation. U got me sold on defoliation plants are branching out and haven't slowed one bit. Thanks so much for always lending a helping hand!!

Pino's Coco & Perlite - Thunderpaws - First Grow Ever 2017
Pino's Coco & Perlite - Thunderpaws - First Grow Ever 2017

[URLEQUALSIGN"Raindrop Croptop Indoor Attic - Soil 600HPS Flower - Mars LED Veg! Big Bud & Amnesia"]Dropcroptop's Soil 600HPS Grow[/URL]

Replace EQUALSIGN in that code with an = and then copy it to your signature in User CP/Settings/Edit Signature

You can say anything you want that end part and that is what will display as your signature, I put a generic one for you. Just don't mess with where the brackets are.
I'm halfway there lol! The tab comes up but it takes me to the wrong page. I'll play with it a little. Thanks for getting me this far!

Dropcroptops Soil 600HPS Grow
Hey everybody!! Wanted to say thanks if you been following my first grow and I apologize for the lack of updates!! I am gonna transplant in there final homes this weekend. And for everybody that says plants don't show sex in veg I have proof that they do. Came home from work and one if my plants/girl was showing whisky white pistils right at the top of her!! I will have pics to prove very soon. Also found a good deal gonna add a advanced platinum 150 watt led to my grow. Got it for the rock bottom price of 100 dollars. Thank you again everybody that is taking part in my first voyage to harvesting my first 420 grow!! Got mad love for this great community!!

Pino's Coco & Perlite - Thunderpaws - First Grow Ever 2017
I believe its only gonna add 90 watts from the wall. That plus the 280 my 450 is pulling I should be at 370 at the wall. Fingers crossed I get one more female one is showing something but to early to call. Very happy that the one is showing white pistils!! Gonna transplant to final home then clone then fun part bloom!!! Gonna let there riots fill the three gallon soft part before I bloom but the way they been growing that shouldn't take long at all!! Thanks and gonna make sure I see the Thunderpaws to the end. Next I should be 100 % comfortable for the Chocolope. On that one gonna take your advice and crack all seeds from the get go!! Thanks for everything this should be fun!!!

Pino's Coco & Perlite - Thunderpaws - First Grow Ever 2017
Taking clones is easy too. Easiest way is to just stick cuttings in moist dirt. Suggest you take the clones a few weeks before bloom so you are sure they are rooted and growing before you switch to bloom. You will also need a separate 18-24h light to keep the clones happy, can just use any cheap fluorescent tube or cfl for that.
Took my first clones last night!! Hopefully they pull threw and I can go head and bloom my plants. For anyone that's following!! Will get pics up I transplanted my three plants to three gallon soft pots. Think they are still getting use to there final homes. Wish I would of got root pics. Really white and was almost root bound think I transplanted at the right time. Plants are most likely have a ten week veg!!

Pino's Coco & Perlite - Thunderpaws - First Grow Ever 2017
I only took one clone from each plant can take more and yea I labeled them put a number on my pots one two three then one rockwool starter cube I also labeled with corresponding number. They seem to be doing well. Leaves are still perky and not wilted . I didn't do the simple dirt method. What I did is got clonex from hydro store preconditioned rockwool in water and general hydroponic rapid start and same great white sprinkled on cube. Cut the clone put in water then stripes and made another 45 degree cut under water dipped in clonex and put in rockwool. I have them under a single 32 watt t8 bulb didn't want to much light. Have a question I have light bout 8-10 inches above humidity dome do u think that's to close?. Humidity is staying 95 percent and temp is 76 degrees. Give me a couple minutes jus got home from the job gonna post pics of clones and plants. Jus worried light is still close. Also kept them on the same light schedule they been on. Jus plugged fluorescent light into same timer. To keep on the same schedule they are use too. Kinda thought that was a good idea.

Pino's Coco & Perlite - Thunderpaws - First Grow Ever 2017
Well I guess I should start my update off with apologizing for not staying up on things but life has been hectic for me. But will say not to hectic to not take care of my plants jus wish I would update my journal lil better. Will do my best to do a better job!! OK enough of that let's see how things are doing. Well since the last update a lot has changed. I transplanted into their final three gallon soft pot homes. And if u didn't already know one of my plants showed me pistils so buds will be coming from this grow!!! First m gonna start with pics of their current conditions!! I have labeled my pots one two and three. Did that cause I took clones and also labeled them with the number on the pots so when I bloom I know whose gonna go and whose gonna stay!! So here is plant number one!



That's is the smallest of the three! So let's move on to plant number two!



And on to my garunteed FEMALE of the bunch! Plant number three! . .



She is also the most vigorous plant! When her clone roots I think that's gonna be my Thunderpaw mother but really won't know till I see what each plant gives me as of potency and yield! But as far as vegging she has been a delight!!

And here is the family together under the lights! Oh yea and added a advanced platinum 150 to the mix!!


And another thing I added to mix is the clone dome!! Lol!! I took my dads old military box and turned it into a clone box. Let me know what everybody thinks. This is the first time doing clones so my fingers are crossed!! But will say the 429 community has made me very confident in my endeavors!!




Well that's bout it and soon as they root time for the fun to begin!! Bloom time!!! See what Thunderpaws has in store for us!! Will say that these genetics have been very vigorous and fun to grow. THANKS OG!!!! Gonna have a mother and keep these genetics going then onto Chocolope another OG creation! So stay tuned for the Thunderpaws finale and beginning of Chocolope! Love the community and will do a better job for all following. Thanks to OG and the whole 420 community y'all done created a monster!! Jus playing but much respect to everybody and hope is all green in your part of the world. Till next time. And any ideas or criticism all welcome!!

Pino's Coco & Perlite - Thunderpaws - First Grow Ever 2017
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