Plants not growing


New Member
I had a group of 6 clones I started with maybe 6 weeks ago and three of them didn't fare well so I tossed a couple of them and tosses one in a dirt pot. I'm running the 6 site bubble flow system in a 5x5 tent with a 750 kind LED. Anybody have any ideas why plants would simply stop growing upwards?? I get new leaves every so often but the bubble flow pots aren't growing vertically. I don't know how to add pictures but I have them. Any ideas??
This walks you thru process of how to post pics here:

Photo Gallery Guide - How to Resize, Upload & Post Photos

Pics help along with more information to help those that know a lot to properly help you (that not be me yet), like what are you feeding it, how much, distance from light etc...
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