ProfessorFlora's 10 Strain 200W LED Organic Soil Grow

This camera can take pics with the grow lights on full without distortion. I would go pic crazy but it takes a lot longer to upload these larger files....

A little veg tent update!
I'm not sure what happened but things are looking way better in here. The seedlings are growing normally again and even the clone has a positive update...she may have a root?!?! I couldn't take a pic even with the better camera, it's just too small to see in a pic. But something is definitely happening. By my count she's been through 5 separate mishaps so far which included 3 pump failures and 2 massive Grower errors in which she was starved of water for 30+ hours! What a ride lol....
And last but not least we have the unknowns and the Sorbet. The DSS is doing much better and feels stronger now that she's in flower. During veg she was bordering on pathetic lol. Some nice buds forming on some of the unknowns with all being subtly different from the next but at the same time I can see similarities which conclude me to believe that these are all the same strain. In the last pack I did there was a lot more variety but I'm not concerned by this as these all look great. Here we are today....
Let’s hope the unknowns turn out to be keepers.
They're all pretty good at the moment and I think that they'd make great SOG candidates, especially the 2 shorter plants. There's a lot of bud in a small area on those and although it took quite a bit of defoliating to get them exposed now that they are they look promising. Awesome for closet stealth setups
Thanks Sauga. It feels good to know that my work makes you hungry ;)
lol, it's a good hungry. I do enjoy my time here and love watching you try different things. Please don't ban me as I really have nowhere else to go.
lol, it's a good hungry. I do enjoy my time here and love watching you try different things. Please don't ban me as I really have nowhere else to go.
I've not had to ban anyone yet, not like on Facebook lol. I'm sure Birdie would have you if you were to get band though. She's trying to steal Brodie! :)
How can you blame her, he's so dark and handsome.

Hi Prof. Ladies are looking fantastic today.
:laugh::rofl::laugh: as described, except not dark and not handsome.
How do you know what Sauga looks like? ;)
Brodie is adorable :)
And MrSauga, has gracefully agreed that we share Brodie, next weekend is my turn :)
When I walk dogs, I always have bags handy :)
Awesome to hear... I have that much more respect for you now! :hug:
Dog owners over here are the worst, and even more so in the winter where the nights are longer. They all come out at night to be stealth little pigs.
Awesome to hear... I have that much more respect for you now! :hug:
Dog owners over here are the worst, and even more so in the winter where the nights are longer. They all come out at night to be stealth little pigs.
I have dealt with peeps like that for years in Greece, one time, at the beach.. She walked her dog at the waterline about 20m away from me and the kids.. Dog does his business in front of us, and she walks away!
No need to say, that got this bird singing a nasty tune :)
Beach belongs to the municipal and they should keep it clean...
Awesome to hear... I have that much more respect for you now! :hug:
Dog owners over here are the worst, and even more so in the winter where the nights are longer. They all come out at night to be stealth little pigs.
Over here people go to the effort of picking it up with a bag but then throw it in a tree! WTF! Also, what's the triangle do? I pushed it but I'm not sure I'm getting the full experience lol
Also, what's the triangle do? I pushed it but I'm not sure I'm getting the full experience lol
That is the full experience. It just says you are online now. Awesome I know. Try not to think too much about it tho!
Over here people go to the effort of picking it up with a bag but then throw it in a tree! WTF! Also, what's the triangle do? I pushed it but I'm not sure I'm getting the full experience lol
It is a warning triangle, watch out! Member is stoned :laugh::rofl::laugh:
lol, good for you Birdy... I can see you now flying overhead getting ready to drop the bomb... :rofl:
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