Pyramid Purple & DNA Chocolope Under CFL - 2nd Grow

If Chocky was suffering from an abundance of nitrogen her leafs would be a deep dark green. You said 1-2 years until chop; was I reading that correctly? You should also have taken pics of BioDiesel. We need to see the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. This way others can learn from our mistakes & even better, see how we recover from them. All in all you're doing a good job.
If Chocky was suffering from an abundance of nitrogen her leafs would be a deep dark green. You said 1-2 years until chop; was I reading that correctly? You should also have taken pics of BioDiesel. We need to see the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. This way others can learn from our mistakes & even better, see how we recover from them. All in all you're doing a good job.

Good point, man. She still struggles along.. I tried to replant a week or two into flower: dumb. I just needed to get her into my only properly lit room because she was halting from the tiny light supply she had. Anyway, the next day she was bent over like a hairpin and that night the top leaves were getting crispy despite my misting. Next morning I cute her head off, leaving only a few bottom nodes that still looked healthy. She looked miserable, but living 6 hours ago which gives me hope I might get a session off her. ;) I'll post a pic tomorrow morning and this chronic(le) should make sense.

When I said Chocky had 1-2 years left it's just because at 77+ days, she's the longest growing plant I've grown. Admittedly that's only 4, but hey.. Haha. She's a great plant. I'd recommend DNA Chocolope to anyone who has space to let her boom and/or patience to LST and top/FIM.

Thanks for the feedback guys.
So you guys think I should keep Purple on water(2-3 weeks left by breeder reco) given she's still badly curling/clawing? They both are actually, just Purple has been for longer. Maybe because she's been flowering for longer. Could be a deficiency or lockout maybe that's showing now he is needing/ using different things? Hmm. What else can cause this? I read under-watering but I thought that was more a wilt than a curl, like it has no energy, not like it wants to curl like this..

Sorry for my ramblings, it's sleep time. :volcano-smiley: (Wish I had a Volcano!)

If anyone can help me with this or knows someone who maybe can would be my friggin' Prince Charming. I'm sure I'm losing bud mass because of this..

Cheers guys. Keep it. Get it? Keep it green??


I had one Choco pheno that took 80 days but the one I kept takes 70 which is still pretty long... But worth it :cool:
You want looooong? I had some Barney's tangerine dream took three months!

To flower? Must have been vintaged by that time.. haha. Was that worth it? Problem is I go through an oz a week, so it's pretty hard deciding how I'm going to keep myself going without a bleedin farm. Lol. 3 months in flower alone would need to yield me 26ish oz, that's assuming I stagger the previous and next by a few seedling and veg weeks.. Haha. ;) ;) ;)

Your current setup right now would do you one a week? That's impressive. Then if you consider your power costs + nutes etc, could you price an oz? That would be interesting. You also have to add to pleasure side of growing without a doubt but you know what I mean..
How hot do your LEDs get? Even with fans, I'd think they heat up the ambiance? I like LED's but my only experience is my tiny, cheapy that seems to do NOTHING to my plants. Not stretch, not kill, not grow. Nothing. For about 5 days so I switched it off. I wish I could get it to work though. It's a 9w 196 LED panel. Looks the part. Does nothing. Haha.

9w is not much like I said mine are 260. Mine work great just suggested the mars 2 as they are proven with many grow reports and a little cheaper than mine (mine were us$315 each)
Power is only significant cost. Like $10-20 nutes for whole grow...
No radiant heat with led so no heat in front of the light. Temp in cabinet goes up 2 degrees C from 20C in to 22C exhaust. Much colder than my old hps were.
I expect to pull 12 oz every 12 weeks yes. I have seperate veg cabinet with 140w of cfl so plants can veg for whole 10 weeks the other is blooming.
Your current setup right now would do you one a week? That's impressive. Then if you consider your power costs + nutes etc, could you price an oz? That would be interesting. You also have to add to pleasure side of growing without a doubt but you know what I mean..
How hot do your LEDs get? Even with fans, I'd think they heat up the ambiance? I like LED's but my only experience is my tiny, cheapy that seems to do NOTHING to my plants. Not stretch, not kill, not grow. Nothing. For about 5 days so I switched it off. I wish I could get it to work though. It's a 9w 196 LED panel. Looks the part. Does nothing. Haha.


I just got my Mars II 700w in the mail and installed it in my tent.. It definitely raised temperatures but not that dramatically... It raised my temps by an average of 4*. That was vs. 233 watts of C.F.L.
I bet your cfls put out Similiar heat as my leds

MORE! Way more. My room sits at about 37C with the lights on. Will be hotter tomorrow. That's probably got a lot to do with my lack of hair problem.. One day I'll have to look at LED. I just love with CFLs, as you need a bit more, you to the shops and spend $10 on 'more'.

I just got my Mars II 700w in the mail and installed it in my tent.. It definitely raised temperatures but not that dramatically... It raised my temps by an average of 4*. That was vs. 233 watts of C.F.L.

Nice one, Max. I'll be watching the difference it makes. May you have many big, strong, healthy colas.

330w draw mars 2 700 is only $289 plus shipping! That sounds great for replacing the cfls should get 7-8 ounces with 330w...

Shipping is free to some places!! It was for me, and my order was processed and shipped in the same night (a Saturday night) and was delivered the following Wednesday.. only took 4 days to arrive through UPS, one of those days was a Sunday so actually 3 days.

So far I can recommend, not to mention there is a visible difference only hours after putting it in my grow room. So exciting.
Problem is I go through an oz a week.

I expect to pull 12 oz every 12 weeks yes. I have seperate veg cabinet with 140w of cfl so plants can veg for whole 10 weeks the other is blooming.
That's what I was about to say; You might want to think about doing a perpetual grow but it takes two separate grow spaces unless your doing all autos.
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