Quix's Corner - Puddle-o-Green - NL & Bag Seed - Indoor Soil Experiment

Hi Quix. :)

Now, that is what I call a good summary. The pictures really made me see what your facing as far as heat goes. I actually like your grow closet. Well done for your space. That HPS is going to make a big difference for you. Now we just got to cool it a bit more, once that is solved, you will have a fine grow space.

I didn't realized you were vegging an army of replacements. :Namaste:

When you get a new place someday.....be sure to check out any basement for any kind of moisture. No use buying a problem. ;)

Got to get it just a little cooler in there to be perfect. WTG! :bravo:

Helo Quix! Nice job on the update!!! You included more info than most poster's do for their entire jrnl! :bravo:


Thanks guys!:high-five: I wanted to do more, but it took me several hours just to get that much done lol. I always enjoy it when I stop in someone else's journal, and even if its a long one, I'm still able to get the gist of what's going on without reading the whole thing. Although I usually do anyway.

One thing I forgot to mention is that I'm doing 12.5 light/11.5 dark right now, just so I have a little extra time to work with them in the evening. Also, I should be transplanting the clones into 1? gallon pots soon. Anyone know how they handle transplanting while in the flower phase?
Thanks guys!:high-five: I wanted to do more, but it took me several hours just to get that much done lol. I always enjoy it when I stop in someone else's journal, and even if its a long one, I'm still able to get the gist of what's going on without reading the whole thing. Although I usually do anyway.

One thing I forgot to mention is that I'm doing 12.5 light/11.5 dark right now, just so I have a little extra time to work with them in the evening. Also, I should be transplanting the clones into 1? gallon pots soon. Anyone know how they handle transplanting while in the flower phase?

High Quix. :high-five:
:):):):):):) I do the same thing...it takes hours........just too much comes to mind to say. :):):):):):)

Ouch! Transplanting in flower. Just do it in as little light as possible and protect the roots and you'll be fine. The army of clones is on it's way. :bravo:
Hey Quix! Just checking in. What OMM said about the transplant.:):):) Can't add anything to that, except like any transplant, protect the roots and you should be fine. :goodluck:


Hey Mac! Good to see ya:high-five: I think they'll be fine, maybe I'll do 2 of them, and leave the other 2, do a side x side to see how well they do. They're already an experiment gone terribly WELL!! I'm also thinking about keeping the UFO and seeing how it will actually perform next to the CFLs. So 1 and one(transplant and non-transplant) under the CFLs,, and 1 n 1 under the LED....:scratchinghead::hmmmm: And of course the moms get the HPS, and idf I can ever get this damned heat down I'll add spirals for supplimental to the moms....
Hey Mac! Good to see ya:high-five: I think they'll be fine, maybe I'll do 2 of them, and leave the other 2, do a side x side to see how well they do. They're already an experiment gone terribly WELL!! I'm also thinking about keeping the UFO and seeing how it will actually perform next to the CFLs. So 1 and one(transplant and non-transplant) under the CFLs,, and 1 n 1 under the LED....:scratchinghead::hmmmm: And of course the moms get the HPS, and idf I can ever get this damned heat down I'll add spirals for supplimental to the moms....

Your golden bro! I'd go for it!!! :) Really... I like the way you're attacking the issues and working through the challenges! :bravo:

Your golden bro! I'd go for it!!! :) Really... I like the way you're attacking the issues and working through the challenges! :bravo:


Hey Mac thanks for the compliments my friend! Its not easy in such small space, but I'm getting it figured out. Funny thing is though, I'm starting to consider things like these guys are doing....Like maybe 6 of 'em! (not really lol) but apparently its a trend and it seems to work!...YouTube - ‪homemade pc grow box‬‏
YouTube - ‪pc grow box‬‏
YouTube - ‪Stealth PC Grow Box LST Grow; Start to Finish‬‏
I've seen a few of those PC box grows succeed. (And a lot fail!). I'm guessing the best way to go is 12/12 from seed and a auto/dwarf plant. Not exactly huge yielders, but it's amazing what can be accomplished in a tiny space.

Stoners, is there anything they can't do?!?
Hey Mac thanks for the compliments my friend! Its not easy in such small space, but I'm getting it figured out. Funny thing is though, I'm starting to consider things like these guys are doing....Like maybe 6 of 'em! (not really lol) but apparently its a trend and it seems to work!...

The PC cases was actually the way i almost went when i started growing but much like my plants my ambition way outgrew what a pc case could provide! lol

Stoners, is there anything they can't do?!?

I felt like this clip is an appropriate response to that! :rofl:
YouTube - ‪Half Baked - MacGyver smoker‬‏
Hey Mac thanks for the compliments my friend! Its not easy in such small space, but I'm getting it figured out. Funny thing is though, I'm starting to consider things like these guys are doing....Like maybe 6 of 'em! (not really lol) but apparently its a trend and it seems to work!...

No space is safe when your jones'n! :grinjoint:

I've seen a few of those PC box grows succeed. (And a lot fail!). I'm guessing the best way to go is 12/12 from seed and a auto/dwarf plant. Not exactly huge yielders, but it's amazing what can be accomplished in a tiny space.

Stoners, is there anything they can't do?!?
Lol, I would never consider doing one of those, I'm just getting to my wits end with the heat. A down-size is definitely not in my forseeable future:high-five:

The PC cases was actually the way i almost went when i started growing but much like my plants my ambition way outgrew what a pc case could provide! lol

I felt like this clip is an appropriate response to that! :rofl:
YouTube - ‪Half Baked - MacGyver smoker‬‏
Lol yeah, its amazing what stoners will do to get high, fortunately those days are over for me, once you own a vape, or good bubbler you never go back!

No space is safe when your jones'n! :grinjoint:


Lol. luckily I should never know what its like to jones again brother, haven't for a loooong time now, and don't plan to remember!!:high-five:
Week one of flower, bud-sites becoming more visible by the day, the stretch is on!!:yahoo:

The heat is getting up to 84 at times, as it's been pretty hot here lately, in the 90s. The girls seem to be pretty heat resistant though, and I'm optimistic. I'll worry more once the colas are swollen, however. The clones are a picture of health as well, and should be transplanting two of them this weekend. I topped all 4 of the clones a week ago or so, in order to control their heighth in the clone tent. Pistil development is strong on the mothers just since 12/12, but the clones are slow to give'em up, probably due to the stress of rooting, transplanting, and topping. Not worried about it. I'll be getting pictures up soon!:peacetwo:
The PC cases was actually the way i almost went when i started growing but much like my plants my ambition way outgrew what a pc case could provide! lol

We all get "grow creep": where you keep buying more stuff until you have your own personal grow shop worth of equipment/grow supplies.

Which goes hand in hand with the other phenomena: "grow-space creep" When you look at every cabinet, nook, cranny, attic, crawlspace, freezer.... and you think - "I could grow a plant there"! (or, I could just take this wall out, and add some panda film, and ...)

I've found myself saying these things (or thinking them to myself):

  • "I wonder if I could veg under that light?"
  • "If I took all those shelves out of the freezer, and drilled a hole in the back..."
  • "Do we really need a second bathroom?"
  • "I wonder if I could run my ducting out through the dryer vent?"
  • "I'll bet I could use that as a hydro reservoir!"

You gotta love how it begins for some or most of us even before we've actually started growing. :)

Oh, and that video cracked me up! :rofl:
Lol, I would never consider doing one of those, I'm just getting to my wits end with the heat. A down-size is definitely not in my forseeable future:high-five:

Lol yeah, its amazing what stoners will do to get high, fortunately those days are over for me, once you own a vape, or good bubbler you never go back!

Lol. luckily I should never know what its like to jones again brother, haven't for a loooong time now, and don't plan to remember!!:high-five:

I'm with you bro, love my vape, and I have so much overgrow in cure, and more on the way, I'll never be Mr. Jones again! :) At least now I know the quality of my meds and don't have to chase some street moron down trying to get my meds (a loooong time ago) or some co-op that sells at some outrageous price... :high-five: Now I go to my co-op buy my clones and I'm off to the races or never, never land, depending on the day. :thumb:

Week one of flower, bud-sites becoming more visible by the day, the stretch is on!!:yahoo:

The heat is getting up to 84 at times, as it's been pretty hot here lately, in the 90s. The girls seem to be pretty heat resistant though, and I'm optimistic. I'll worry more once the colas are swollen, however. The clones are a picture of health as well, and should be transplanting two of them this weekend. I topped all 4 of the clones a week ago or so, in order to control their heighth in the clone tent. Pistil development is strong on the mothers just since 12/12, but the clones are slow to give'em up, probably due to the stress of rooting, transplanting, and topping. Not worried about it. I'll be getting pictures up soon!:peacetwo:

Hi Quix -

When you can, I think you should get some of the "Exhale" CO2 that OMM got. It's pretty reasonable (under 30$ I think), probably really effective in a small space, it lasts up to 6 months, and it would help your plants tolerate the heat a little better - those temps are still a bit high. Oh, and in theory your plants will take off like they're on rocket fuel. Positives galore for you I think.

Just a thought, but I think you should noodle on that and give it some strong consideration... :hmmmm:
Hi Quix -

When you can, I think you should get some of the "Exhale" CO2 that OMM got. It's pretty reasonable (under 30$ I think), probably really effective in a small space, it lasts up to 6 months, and it would help your plants tolerate the heat a little better - those temps are still a bit high. Oh, and in theory your plants will take off like they're on rocket fuel. Positives galore for you I think.

Just a thought, but I think you should noodle on that and give it some strong consideration... :hmmmm:

I have put much thought into doing just that X, but I've concluded that it would be futile...I added a second fan to the top of the grow tonight, it moves an aditional 80-100 cfm out, and is pulling air through the box at an incredible speed now. I cant close the closet except during lights off, even with the fans going. I was fighting 84 again this evening, with the close door wide open, a cieling fan going 6 feet away from the closet, and the window unit ac going....The electricity bill this month is going to be stupid...So I dont think the o2 is going to even stay where it needs to be to do any good.

I thought about putting the fans on timers to let it settle for a few off and on....Blah blah blah...But the increase in heat would be exponential, out-weighing the added absorbtion of Co2.....Its a losing battle with HPS in a closet, without REALLY good ventilation, which I just wont have this time around. So, I'll fight!! If heat is my only major enemy, then I feel the odds are even. I can battle one or two big problems at once, and space + heat are mine right now....

Thanks for tryin ta help though brother:thumb:
I have put much thought into doing just that X, but I've concluded that it would be futile...I added a second fan to the top of the grow tonight, it moves an aditional 80-100 cfm out, and is pulling air through the box at an incredible speed now. I cant close the closet except during lights off, even with the fans going. I was fighting 84 again this evening, with the close door wide open, a cieling fan going 6 feet away from the closet, and the window unit ac going....The electricity bill this month is going to be stupid...So I dont think the o2 is going to even stay where it needs to be to do any good.

I thought about putting the fans on timers to let it settle for a few off and on....Blah blah blah...But the increase in heat would be exponential, out-weighing the added absorbtion of Co2.....Its a losing battle with HPS in a closet, without REALLY good ventilation, which I just wont have this time around. So, I'll fight!! If heat is my only major enemy, then I feel the odds are even. I can battle one or two big problems at once, and space + heat are mine right now....

Thanks for tryin ta help though brother:thumb:

That makes sense Quix, doesn't sound like it would work for your situation considering the need for all that fan power right now.
Hey Quix ! :ganjamon:

Well, phooey......heat, heat and more heat. You don't know how badly I want to help you with it. xlr8 has been trying for you too, but to no end. Frustrating as can be. I can just imagine how you are feeling about now.

I probably missed it, but are you (can you) going to make any changes after this grow finishes? You've got the equipment, so that helps. If I can come up with anything, you'll be the first to know. Hang in there Buddy. :hug:
Hey Quix ! :ganjamon:

Well, phooey......heat, heat and more heat. You don't know how badly I want to help you with it. xlr8 has been trying for you too, but to no end. Frustrating as can be. I can just imagine how you are feeling about now.

I probably missed it, but are you (can you) going to make any changes after this grow finishes? You've got the equipment, so that helps. If I can come up with anything, you'll be the first to know. Hang in there Buddy. :hug:

Ditto - I'm pondering away to no avail, but... I'll keep pondering. Can't remember, but I'm assuming (correct me if I'm wrong):

  • you can't cut any holes
  • there isn't another room/place/basement to do this

I know budget is an issue too, but if you had a way to get a fan pulling air out of there and a way to bring fresh air in passively you could do about anything. What you want is a fan at the top of the closet blowing air out of the room through ducting into another part of the house or outside, ultimately. Cool air could then be sucked in from under closet door, which could stay closed. 200 cfm would be a good size fan for your needs, I'd think...
Hey Quix ! :ganjamon:

Well, phooey......heat, heat and more heat. You don't know how badly I want to help you with it. xlr8 has been trying for you too, but to no end. Frustrating as can be. I can just imagine how you are feeling about now.

I probably missed it, but are you (can you) going to make any changes after this grow finishes? You've got the equipment, so that helps. If I can come up with anything, you'll be the first to know. Hang in there Buddy. :hug:

Ditto - I'm pondering away to no avail, but... I'll keep pondering. Can't remember, but I'm assuming (correct me if I'm wrong):

  • you can't cut any holes
  • there isn't another room/place/basement to do this

I know budget is an issue too, but if you had a way to get a fan pulling air out of there and a way to bring fresh air in passively you could do about anything. What you want is a fan at the top of the closet blowing air out of the room through ducting into another part of the house or outside, ultimately. Cool air could then be sucked in from under closet door, which could stay closed. 200 cfm would be a good size fan for your needs, I'd think...

Ah man you guys are the best! I can tell you guys reall do care, and I appreciate your concern! Sorry if I sounded like a poor sport, or sounded negatively the last few days. Wile I AM slightly frustrated with "The Heat Battle of 2011" lol, I'ts not a losing battle I dont think, and I think I'll still do ok. I've actually been more frustrated with my job, and the actual heat outside than with the grow lol.
I'm kinda resigned to the fact that only so much magic can be worked in a small closet (It's actually a good sized walk-in, but Mrs Quix gets the walk-in side, you know how it goes lol)
I'll do what I can, for now, until I can find a place with the right space. Today I came home and the closet was 77!:yahoo: I think my window unit ac is a little abused, and also think I've been pushing it too hard, inturn causing it to freeze up or something.
Either way, all these obsticals are doing is teaching me, seasoning me and making me a better grower. How can I complain about that!?
I just have to take on a better attitude, instead of fostering the "I know enough, I want to grow it all right now" attitude....
Thanks again for all your help guys, Quix will grow, and eventually grow well!!!:thanks:
Ah man you guys are the best! I can tell you guys reall do care, and I appreciate your concern! Sorry if I sounded like a poor sport, or sounded negatively the last few days. Wile I AM slightly frustrated with "The Heat Battle of 2011" lol, I'ts not a losing battle I dont think, and I think I'll still do ok. I've actually been more frustrated with my job, and the actual heat outside than with the grow lol.
I'm kinda resigned to the fact that only so much magic can be worked in a small closet (It's actually a good sized walk-in, but Mrs Quix gets the walk-in side, you know how it goes lol)
I'll do what I can, for now, until I can find a place with the right space. Today I came home and the closet was 77!:yahoo: I think my window unit ac is a little abused, and also think I've been pushing it too hard, inturn causing it to freeze up or something.
Either way, all these obsticals are doing is teaching me, seasoning me and making me a better grower. How can I complain about that!?
I just have to take on a better attitude, instead of fostering the "I know enough, I want to grow it all right now" attitude....
Thanks again for all your help guys, Quix will grow, and eventually grow well!!!:thanks:

Hey Quix! Just a few thoughts on your heat issues. I see a mention earlier of CO2. Your plants would do well with an infusion of CO2 when temps are high. The plants well best absorb and use CO2 when temps are between 85-95 deg f. Keep air moving above and below the canopy for best circulation. Boost Buckets come to mind as a reasonably inexpensive way to add CO2 in your space.

Another thought is to look at the top of your closet ceiling and see if there is an access panel to your attic. You may possibly vent some of the hotter rising air there.

P.S. I see nothing negative in your attitude. Seems to me you are trying to work through a difficult problem and save your grow. No need for explanation your doing fine because you are learning and sometimes learning isn't easy. Wish you the best my friend and keep up the good vibes!

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