Second Grow, Still Need Lots Of Help!

Re: Second Grow, Still Need Lots Of Help!!!

Well earlyer it was wilting and then when we felt soil it was super dry so we watered and then it perked up so are we underwatering or overwatering.

Just do this.

Next time you want to water, apply it foilar, with a spray, the smaller and more misty the better.

You can apply your nutes to the leaf's but if this is your feeding without nutes, just make sure your PH is of decent content.

This should apply the h20 and any nutes you apply much faster to the entire system than root feeding.

:yummy: :Rasta:
Re: Second Grow, Still Need Lots Of Help!!!

I'm jumping in late here but I'm lovin the simple fan setup. I never would have thought to do something like that but its almost what most do with computer fans. My only worry would be light leaks. Can you get a vent from a local hardware store or is that thing in the side of the pic one?
Re: Second Grow, Still Need Lots Of Help!!!

Thanks for the short end moose, great news to hear.

Horable thank you also for your info, i will try this next time? But will it affect our buds if we spray them or do we spray just the fan leaves? Ill Try and look up some info on foilar feeding.

POTential we had to think on the fly at first it was in the box but that doesnt give enough fresh air, so we need to get a vent for it then, what about the top vent, soon there will be a fan on the botton side how do we stop that light from leaking?

Thanks all, smoke on!!
Re: Second Grow, Still Need Lots Of Help!!!

Ive never foilar fed with nutes during Buds, I would say not to, but some CO2 water wont hurt, if you dont want to use regular h20.

I would just use water on foilar feeding myself, :rollit:
Re: Second Grow, Still Need Lots Of Help!!!

It was underwatering, after overwatering :)

You are good to go now though. As Moose said before, 1/4 str sea tea or liquid kelp top and bottom sides of the leaves every 5 days. I do not reccomend hitting the buds, so be careful. Keep the N low if not completely gone from your nute routine from here on out.
Re: Second Grow, Still Need Lots Of Help!!!

Oh, you have to keep most of those lights up top, and on the top edges, 2-3" off the leaves. The leaves are much more effective with light overhead on this type of plant, and they tend to not follow the sun (I call them christmas trees ;-)
Re: Second Grow, Still Need Lots Of Help!!!

Alright well this weekend i will see what i can do, thanks boss. You Guys are saviors. Hopefully next grow will be the best but with it not in my control i can only hope for the best.
Re: Second Grow, Still Need Lots Of Help!!!









Alright boss I was looking at the box and with how tall the plant is we cant really add the lights to the top, so for now we tied it down to pull it away and the lights on the sides are moved as far up as possible.

Moose im not able to find sea tea, is there anything else i can use. I dont want to order anything off the net.

What you guys think of that top cola?
Re: Second Grow, Still Need Lots Of Help!!!

dont know about humidity, should prob get something for that. But the temp with the lights gets to about 99.
Re: Second Grow, Still Need Lots Of Help!!!

Yeah, get those temps down so you don't lose that pretty lady you got going.
Re: Second Grow, Still Need Lots Of Help!!!

Fuck, we might have to throw in the towel on this one then. the room its in stays at 85, and the closet has to be like 90 with it self, we cant pull any cold air in and the house dont have air. Whats your guys opinion.
Re: Second Grow, Still Need Lots Of Help!!!

I'm fighting the same issue right now, F'ing summer temps. are screwing with my flowering room keeping the temps at almost 90f. My personal plan is to try an upgrade the intake/exhaust on my box and I hope this helps. For now I have a fan on them constantly moving the warm air around, and up towards the exhaust, never letting it settle. Once it starts to get really warm around here the central air will go on and I hope this will help with my problem. Even still I live on the top floor so I get little a/c and all the heat in the house.

Can you get either a more powerful fan in the side or somehow rig one to the exhaust in the top? It's just as important to remove the hot, stale air as it is to bring it in. Do some research to upgrade your ventilation.

Get a third fan to keep airflow on the plant itself. Can you get an a/c for the room the box is in?
Re: Second Grow, Still Need Lots Of Help!!!

We want to try, but we broke as hell. My buddy just had a baby so thats cutting on our budget. We have two fans in there now but we might just try and save what we can and take our time and save for the next grown, the last place we were growing at we didnt have this problem so this is new to us.
Re: Second Grow, Still Need Lots Of Help!!!

Can you wait for cooler temps? Try giving an exhaust fan a shot, even if you duck-tape it up for a night or some ghetto shit.
Re: Second Grow, Still Need Lots Of Help!!!

Lol thats what im thinking of doing, We got that little white fan replaced witha bigger one so im going to have my buddy try and rig it up for an exhaust fan. Thanks for all the help and the boost in moral potential.
Re: Second Grow, Still Need Lots Of Help!!!

No problem, thats what were here for. Set it up, if it works then you can maybe work on something more permanent.
Re: Second Grow, Still Need Lots Of Help!!!

I found a local grow shop today and i bought some some age old kelp to foliar feed with, the ratio is .30-.25-.15 . It says "supplies your plants with natural fast acting source of major nutrients". Boss and moose is the same stuff you were talking about before, i only have five days to return if not.

I forgot what you said the first time (g wonder why, i wasnt that stoned, or was i :)
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