Second year of hydroponic planting

Hydroponic Man

420 Member
Good day! This is my second year of a hydroponic gardening. I started out my first year just to see if I could actually grow something from a single seed. Well, to my surprise, I grew two separate White Widow plants from the original hydroponic planter (Amazon purchased) , transferred them to special dirt air pots (Amazon purchased), placed them in a grow tent also purchased from Amazon, and when they outgrew the tent, I placed them outside on my back porch until I harvested them. I started my seeds in mid May. I believe that I had to harvest them a little to early (October) due to the cold weather and was wondering if I should have started the seeds earlier. I did get several nice buds but was wondering if an earlier planting would make for a better harvest. Since I am new to this sort of agriculture, I would like any information that I can get on hydroponic planting to transfer of plants to potting soil and processing the final harvest. Oh, and I live in a non cannabis state of Arkansa.
Previous years plants:


Ah great you posted some pics..

I'm not sure what you mean with hydro to soil? as that's not a great idea that probably stalls the plants for quite some time.
Or do you start them off in like a hydroponic seedling thingy with a couple of small netpots and a light attached to it? and then put them in airpots with soil?
If those pots are with soil they are too small for a plant doing May till October.
White Widow is an Indica-dominant hybrid cannabis strain at least that is what I had thought. I wanted the effects of an indica to clam my self down from a stressful day. My wife who has cancer also needs the indica strain to help her with her chemo side effects. Is there a better type strain besides White Widow? From what I have read, WW is a great plant for what I am looking for. By the way, my wife has a medical marijuana card but the prices are still expensive at the infirmary which dispenses her gummies and chocolates.
This is my hydroponic planter.

Ah great you posted some pics..

I'm not sure what you mean with hydro to soil? as that's not a great idea that probably stalls the plants for quite some time.
Or do you start them off in like a hydroponic seedling thingy with a couple of small netpots and a light attached to it? and then put them in airpots with soil?
If those pots are with soil they are too small for a plant doing May till October.


Sorry for the duplicate photo. The air pots shown are only three gallon pots. I do have five gallon air pots available. Since that was my first grow, I didn’t know any better, sorry. I removed my two plants from the hydroponic planter shown here in the pics and placed them into the three gallon air pots which were filled with a special mixture of soils (Fox Farms Ocean, Happy Frog, and Strawberry Fields). I then placed them in my growing tent until they outgrew it. I then placed them out side for their final growth. I hope that clears up your questions.
Aye! the hydro incubator is as I expected, plant looks great in it, although you already let it go pretty long, I like to keep things more stocky and bulky.
Well it obviously works what you did as you got it from hydro to soil and got some buds, but I think you need some larger sized pots, although I'm guessing you still want something you can easily move and also have manageable plants, not like 10' plants sticking out of the pots.
On the other hand 3 & 5 gallon pots that's more for inside growing.. was the plan to finish outside? or only because they outgrew the tent? as you can also grow and flower them in the tent in a time period of 3-4 months.
Welcome to 420mag hydroponic man :welcome:
I really didn’t know what to expect on the overall growth. I knew I had to transfer the plants to soil at sometime during their growth but when I wasn’t sure. They did outgrow their tent so I knew I had to take them outside to complete the growing cycle. I would have let them continue to grow before harvesting but the weather turned cold. So I cut off the stock at the soil level and hung the two plants upside down in the growing tent until they were dry and ready to be trimmed. Before the next harvest, I will use my five gallon pots to Finnish the growing cycle instead of the three gallon pots. At least that is my plans.
Definitely use the bigger pots! the plants will be bigger and happier, I kinda think you did great for a first unorthodox grow and with the small pots.
The plants look healthy, but a bit constricted, as they wanted to grow bigger than they could... And they probably go through a bit of weird phase with the transplant to soil into the tent as they need to adapt to a different root environment coming from hydro (generally people don't do that, you start in hydro if you finish in hydro and start in soil if you finish in soil) and then adapting again to the outside and then not being able to expand the roots anymore.

I'd look into optimising that process so you get a consistent grow throughout.

Maybe someone can chime in how long they do the seedling uppotting process as I skip that part, I go straight into the final medium and pot size.
I think it's fine doing it how your doing it but I definitely wouldn't let the plants get that big as it means your plant will struggle supporting itself and you'll have more chance of transplant shock. You'd want to treat it like a clone so just two or three nodes small then get it in a pot under better lights.

In this instance you could bury some of the stem which should eventually root and maybe give it some support.
Welcome Hydroponic Man! Nice plants! I have the end of September as a comfortable grow end of season so I try to pick fast finishers like mentioned. Those last couple of weeks to ripen really help the thc building! Best to you and your wife in this. Start a grow journal and get to visiting others, there's a lot of like minded folks here.
White Widow is an Indica-dominant hybrid cannabis strain at least that is what I had thought. I wanted the effects of an indica to clam my self down from a stressful day. My wife who has cancer also needs the indica strain to help her with her chemo side effects. Is there a better type strain besides White Widow? From what I have read, WW is a great plant for what I am looking for. By the way, my wife has a medical marijuana card but the prices are still expensive at the infirmary which dispenses her gummies and chocolates.
Sorry to hear about your wife I hope she is doing OK. Stay strong.
Welcome to 420 Magazine @Hydroponic Man

Nice garden you have started there.
Have you thought about doing a grow journal so you can track your progress?

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Stay safe, and grow well my friend,

Tok.. :bong:
Welcome to 420 @Hydroponic Man
I grow exclusively sterile hydro. I am curious about the size of your tent and the lighting. If you grow indoors, you can determine the timing of harvest and growth.

This plant was 22" tall, 24" deep, and 30" wide. It yielded 10.5 ounces of dried and cured bud.

J22 Final - 3.JPG

J22 Manicured and dried - 1.JPG

Once again, welcome
Good day! This is my second year of a hydroponic gardening. I started out my first year just to see if I could actually grow something from a single seed. Well, to my surprise, I grew two separate White Widow plants from the original hydroponic planter (Amazon purchased) , transferred them to special dirt air pots (Amazon purchased), placed them in a grow tent also purchased from Amazon, and when they outgrew the tent, I placed them outside on my back porch until I harvested them. I started my seeds in mid May. I believe that I had to harvest them a little to early (October) due to the cold weather and was wondering if I should have started the seeds earlier. I did get several nice buds but was wondering if an earlier planting would make for a better harvest. Since I am new to this sort of agriculture, I would like any information that I can get on hydroponic planting to transfer of plants to potting soil and processing the final harvest. Oh, and I live in a non cannabis state of Arkansa.
Welcome to 420Magazine my friend. :welcome:
Sorry I'm late.
I'm a coco fan, not big into hydro but I might be some help.
Hope you have a great weekend.
Take care.

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