Shadowman's Ideal 420 Soil Grow 2014


Well-Known Member
I'm starting my second grow journal with Ideal 420 Soil. I will have it up and running soon, I just need to gather my information and then I'll officially start the journal. Thanks to everyone that has made my time here at 420 Magazine so enjoyable and informative. I couldn't have gotten this far without you! Check back soon and often.
"Keep The Green Side Up" shadowman
I have been wanting to order me some of that soil. I will keep a close eye on this grow.
I'm in boys. I've never heard of that soil, is it supposed to be the bees knees?

Their claim to fame is that you only need to add water(RO or Distilled) if you feel the need to add nutes, they also sell Rhizostym(growth stimulant). That's all you should add and the soil is supposed to have enough nutes in it for entire grow seed to harvest.
Their claim to fame is that you only need to add water(RO or Distilled) if you feel the need to add nutes, they also sell Rhizostym(growth stimulant). That's all you should add and the soil is supposed to have enough nutes in it for entire grow seed to harvest.

Interesting and thanks for that.I'd be very interested to see how it works out. I also use an "all-in-one fertilizer" for my entire grow. Hydro, Soil, Cloning.
What strain is it? Medijuana
Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? What percentages? Hybrid - 70% Indica, 30% Sativa
Is it in Veg or Flower stage? Veg
If in Veg... For how long? 39 Days
If in Flower stage... For how long? N/A
Indoor or outdoor? Indoor
Soil or Hydro? Soil
If soil... what is in your mix? Blood meal, Dolomotic limestone, Fish meal, Gypsum, Rock Phosphate, Sodium nitrate, Rock Phosphate, Sodium nitrate, Sulfate of Potash.
•30% Coco Pith
Purpose: Water retention & drainage
•30% Perlite
Purpose: Air porosity
•5% Peat moss
Purpose: Bulking agent & carbon source
•3% Horticultural Sand
Purpose: Drainage
•3% Worm Castings
Purpose: Soil conditioner
•3% Bio Char (charcoal)
Purpose: Carbon source & soil amendment
•3% Vermiculite
Purpose: Water retention & drainage
•1% Humic acids from: Coal
Purpose: May increase micronutrient uptake

If soil... What size pot? 3 gallon
Size of light? 225w, CFL
Is it aircooled? no
Temp of Room/cab? 77 degrees
RH of Room/cab? 51%
PH of media or res? 7.0
Any Pests ? Had a slight issue with gnats, now under control
How often are you watering? Every 4-5 days
Type and strength of ferts used? Rhizostym 10ml per 1 quart (1 quart=4 cups=32oz) Feeding 1 cup per week.
:welcome: All that enter. This journal is focusing on one of 420 Magazines sponsors: Ideal 420 Soil
I'm hoping to share with the community this sponsors product abilities so that others can see it in action without spending money on something they aren't sure about. I have complete confidence in this product and hope it can live up to it's claims. I will be using it according to their directions and the only additive I will use is part of their product line. Rhizostym growth stimulant. No matter how this grow is going, I will not add any nutrients other than the Rhizostym as prescribed by Ideal 420 Soil. Even if I may lose the 2 plants used in this grow. This product will stand on it's own merits, good, bad or indifferent. So let's get this party started shall we.

Day 39 from sprout



Rhizostym mixing and feeding chart

When I germinated the seeds I used the Rhizostym germination instructions. You will see them on the mixing and feeding chart above.
I've topped Medi2(Medijuana strain) 2 times and have applied lst and tying. She is a fast grower and needed to slow her roll. I have her vegging in a 24" x 21" x 48" box that I made in a DIY project. I also topped Medi3 one time as she is on a more normal growth rate and when she grows out a little more I will apply lst and tying to her as well. Any questions or comments are always welcome, hope you enjoy the ride.

subbed buddy!!!
Sub'd. I've been trying to use this soil for a month now

1st try
No germination, just put 2 auto big bud seeds 1/4 inch in a 3 gallon pot filled with Ideal 420 soil, watered w/ distilled water, put under 24hr light, waited for over 10 days-- nothing so I dug up the seeds & they were dead

2nd try
Germ'd an autoberry seed in a paper towel (small taproot showing), watered the soil w/ distilled water, put the seed 1/4 inch in the dirt in a 3 gallon pot with Ideal 420 Soil, put under 24hr light, 7 days later-- Nothing, dug up the seed and it was dead.

I don't know what is going on. Anyone?
How to Grow Cannabis - Everything You Need to Know!

I'm not good at germinating seeds yet.

Have you read the FAQ for growing.
Germination links are about halfway down the list.

_ personality I would start with a much smaller pot, less than 2" / 5mm across.
I find it much easier and less wasteful to start in a small pot.

thx for the reply Rado,

I've read all those links & many more, I don't normally have any problem germinating however with the 420 soil I'm 0-3.

Auto's you are only suppose to plant once, no transplanting that's why I chose the 3 gallon to start.
thx for the reply Rado,

I've read all those links & many more, I don't normally have any problem germinating however with the 420 soil I'm 0-3.

Auto's you are only suppose to plant once, no transplanting that's why I chose the 3 gallon to start.

You are correct, sir Vapper.
I skimmed right past the word auto.

If you can't grow an autoflower in the 420 soil, that's a big "gotcha" in growing with 420 soil.
Sub'd. I've been trying to use this soil for a month now

1st try
No germination, just put 2 auto big bud seeds 1/4 inch in a 3 gallon pot filled with Ideal 420 soil, watered w/ distilled water, put under 24hr light, waited for over 10 days-- nothing so I dug up the seeds & they were dead

2nd try
Germ'd an autoberry seed in a paper towel (small taproot showing), watered the soil w/ distilled water, put the seed 1/4 inch in the dirt in a 3 gallon pot with Ideal 420 Soil, put under 24hr light, 7 days later-- Nothing, dug up the seed and it was dead.

I don't know what is going on. Anyone?

When I germinate seeds I use a matchbox lined with about 320 sandpaper to shake the seeds in for a minute, it scrapes the sides of the seeds to aid in moisture penetrating the seeds shell.



After having germination issue with Jiffy peat moss pucks and soil I switched to Rapid Rooters and have had much higher germination rates. Rapid Rooters seem to provide the seed with the perfect amount of air and moisture. I soak my seeds in pH adjusted water for 30-36 hours or until i see tap roots. I cut the Rapid Rooter mat into individual squares then I soak the Rapid Rooter squares in pH adjusted water for 15 minutes before use. Then I place the seeds tap root down into the Rapid Rooter square then place them underneath a light with 18/6 18 hours of light and 6 hours of darkness. I do not use a humidity dome. I hand water with a syringe each day to keep the Rapid Rooter square moist. when I see roots emerge from the Rapid Rooter square I transplant to 5" pots in a mixture of peat moss, perlite, vermiculite and mycorrhizae. Rapid Rooter gh rapid rooter mat 98
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